What do you name your Custom Religion?

Mine is usually a playful joke with one of my friends and if not that then it's The Swarm!
Most recently, "Pythagarism" with the Star of David Sign, which was as close to a Pentagram as I could get, as the Greeks, and "Faythe" with the Celts before that.
Christianity -> Raocowism
Christianity -> Rastafarianism (When playing as Ethiopia)
Christianity -> Nine Divines (When playing as Denmark)
Shinto -> Ferarroism (When playing as Polynesia)
Sikhism -> Doomsday (When playing as the Maya)
Sikhism -> Deer Worship (When playing as the Iroquois)
Taoism -> Disco Fever (When playing as the Songhai)
I'm always tempted to wait for better/more units before DOW'ing so I call mine

If Iroquois - Tengirism - Totemism
If Maya - Shikism - The Itzamna

I had a name for Pachacuti but forgot (rarely play him)

I try to pick religions that are named historically.
Hellenism - Greece
Latinism - Rome(unless going for domination)
Most civs I leave it for but sometimes I change it to fit. If I am going for a military based religion (Holy Warriors, Just War) I send in a missionary before attacking to spread (insert-denonym-of-civ-here)-ization.
E.g. Latinization, Angloization, Germanoization
It depends on which Civ I'm playing as and (to a lesser extent) which religions are still available.

Though as Elizabeth, it's always Imperialism (using the Buddhist symbol as it looks like the SOTL symbol) :D
"Heil Woogolf!" with the Skihism sign.

A friend twisted my nickname "Woogi" a while into "Woogolf, unser Führer" the great leader of the people. Now all my Civ citizens have to hail their godking and führer of the empire!

Note: I'm, in no way involved with the Third Reich or the Nazi party, I just like to use their symbols in a twisted way that suits me. Those guys had quite strong symbols and I dislike the fact that those symbols are stigmated with being "nazi stuff" (Swastika being an ancient symbol of fertility and strength, Hitler greeting first used to greet the Emporers of Rome, blood being one of the oldest mystic symbols, and so on)
My nickname is Boo, so Booism.
I always try to mix it up, some times I'll keep the actual name or I'll change it to something else, never like keeping the same one.

how ever, If I'm doing the United States; I always pick the symbol that kind of looks like an eagle/bird and name it "God Emperor".

My most recent game with Rome used the Buddhism symbol and just called it 'Justice'
I try to be historically accurate, or at least as close as possible with a quick Wikipedia check.

Carthage got Tanit Worship.
England got Wodenism.
Mayans got Mayan Ritualism,
And yes, Ethiopia got Rasta.
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