Napoléon le lâche! (Napoleon the Coward!)


Sep 26, 2012
Hi guys,

I'm pretty new to the game, but I'm assuming like most of us here have become totally consumed. Actually, I'm honestly considering getting rid of it at some point after I've had my fill because I just can't deal with the 3AM weeknights, or the putting off working out and practicing guitar.


Bought GOTY and G+K just over three weeks ago. After the initial immense learning and understanding period, I've moved to Prince and am focusing on playing America (even though I'm Canadian - ha).

I've found that I ALWAYS spawn in proximity to England, France and Greece.

Napoleon has become very predictable (in an awesome way) - he's going to early-rush or double-cross me. That's a given. I'm going to fiercely defend and push on him. And he's going to offer me a king's ransom for a peace treaty. This has seriously happened in four consecutive games. Last time I was sitting on about 200g, and was completely taken aback when he offered me all his resources, and ALL his gold, which was over 2000!

So yeah, anyone else rely on Napoleon for the early game predictable aggression followed by quick cowardly surrender, which gives you a huge boost?
Any leader given the right circumstances is able to decide to early rush the player. This is possible because every leader's base personality is slightly randomized in each game. Even some of the peaceful leaders like Selassie and Gandhi (I don't understand how everyone sees him as a constant warmonger as he has rushed me only once in the over 500 hours I've played).
So I wouldn't be so sure about Napoleon. His personality tells that he is more likely to make war than peace, but with RNG you can never know.
He's going to attack, and if you can manage to drive him back you'll get rich. Pretty standard over all civs.
Hi guys,

I'm pretty new to the game, but I'm assuming like most of us here have become totally consumed. Actually, I'm honestly considering getting rid of it at some point after I've had my fill because I just can't deal with the 3AM weeknights, or the putting off working out and practicing guitar.

Bought the game about the same time and totally know what you mean. One hour turns into 4 hours too easily.

Bought GOTY and G+K just over three weeks ago. After the initial immense learning and understanding period, I've moved to Prince and am focusing on playing America (even though I'm Canadian - ha).

I've found that I ALWAYS spawn in proximity to England, France and Greece.

Napoleon has become very predictable (in an awesome way) - he's going to early-rush or double-cross me. That's a given. I'm going to fiercely defend and push on him. And he's going to offer me a king's ransom for a peace treaty. This has seriously happened in four consecutive games. Last time I was sitting on about 200g, and was completely taken aback when he offered me all his resources, and ALL his gold, which was over 2000!

So yeah, anyone else rely on Napoleon for the early game predictable aggression followed by quick cowardly surrender, which gives you a huge boost?

I found this on Warlord. At one point a Civ attacked me, then surrendered and to my surprise offered half its cities for peace (as well as gold etc). This was about 10 cities! It instantly was an `I win!` for the whole campiagn. After that I went up to Prince which stops the AI giving away a ludicrous amount of things to me so easily which don`t seem realistic.

They`re less prone to give everything away on later levels.
Bought the game about the same time and totally know what you mean. One hour turns into 4 hours too easily.

I found this on Warlord. At one point a Civ attacked me, then surrendered and to my surprise offered half its cities for peace (as well as gold etc). This was about 10 cities! It instantly was an `I win!` for the whole campiagn. After that I went up to Prince which stops the AI giving away a ludicrous amount of things to me so easily which don`t seem realistic.

They`re less prone to give everything away on later levels.

I remember a war, where I thought they were offering me alot, I happily accepted, but soon found out that he wasnt offering them to me. He was demanding it from me! So 20 turns later, I wiped him from the map.
I remember a war, where I thought they were offering me alot, I happily accepted, but soon found out that he wasnt offering them to me. He was demanding it from me! So 20 turns later, I wiped him from the map.

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