Things the Civilopedia say that make you cringe


Jul 26, 2013
The Civilopedia begins Brazil's entry calling Paulo Coelho the country's greatest novelist. In case you've never read anything he wrote, that'd be kinda like saying Dan Brown is the best novelist in the United States. What makes you guys cringe?
That civilisation is desirable and that leaders are 'great' ;)
GDR's description.

When these mechs come into service, all of the world's other weaponry will become obsolete, and humanity's fate will be decided by a climactic battle between armies of good and evil mechs in the streets of downtown Tokyo. (Assuming that the giant radioactive monsters don't get us first.)
Civilopedia is useful. I've helped out so many civilizations. Its too bad you can't help everyone.
Giant mechs battling in Tokyo? Isn't that a Code Geass reference?

Or Gundam, or any other of a large number of anime/manga (mechs are their own genre!).

The ones piloted by school girls are, of course, the strongest giant robots you can possibly construct. There are only two ways to counter them.
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