End of Empires - N3S III

A Shadowed Mien

Part One

"You are a good ruler if nobody can defeat you. You are a great ruler if nobody who wants to defeat you is left."

-Redeemer Petraxes

Part Two:


The pheasants called softly to each other in the bushes of the garden as Elikas lay in his bed in the Tepecci nuccion. It had been a hard ride. He was far distant from his wife and his new seat in Alusille, and he quickly nodded off…

The man had a mask the color of water and uncertainty. He stood in the sunset forest of dusk, where floating, glowing creatures hummed and wisped through the fading golden light, the lengthening shadows.

“Do you know?”

“I am not the man I was. I am not the man…”


“What am I?”

The sun set behind him. And he was pierced by the light of the sun. And Elikas saw his beating heart, and the pulsing of his blood, and a thousand other mysterious fluids and shapes at work inside him.

“You are, that you are.”

“I have done what you asked! I have made my exatas! I am free!”



“And the Kaphaiavai said, ‘New names he gave them, aspects he gave them.’ This passage is repeated both when referring to Taleldil’s sons and daughters and his first followers. But what exactly are the aspects? Wise men have debated this for centuries.

It can be agreed, however, that certain aspects are greater and certain are lesser. Talan the Elder said that there were only two great aspects, Wisdom and Power. All other aspects, he claimed, were just lesser permutations of these.

But many, most notably Xalshex-ta-Nikros, were fiercely critical of Talan’s assertion. In doing so they hypothesized alternatively an evil spirit rich in power and knowledge but willing to make all men slaves to serve its purpose, or a cunning and powerful but entirely heartless king, like the legendary Mutah of the Bharani.

In their criticisms, new aspects were defined to support the core duality of Wisdom and Power. Justice came first, proposed by Xalshex to counterbalance Power. Piety was added as well, because a wise, just man could still refuse to acknowledge Taleldil, and many have so refused. This was done when one iconoclastic chronicler of the Kothari proposed that Gaci, High Prince of the Moti, was more Aspected than Third Redeemer Xetares.

One final addition came from the writings of the Redeemer Petraxes: The aspect of Tactics. ‘A man may possess every appearance of greatness,’ he said, ‘but if he folds like a slender reed on the battlefield, he is nothing.’ Following Petraxes’ tumultuous reign, a consensus among theologians and philosophers alike emerged. Wisdom, Power, Justice, Piety, and Tactics: These are the Five Great Aspects.”

The philosopher stared up from his writings for a moment, as if the light in the room had changed. And it had, for a tall man had entered and was blocking the doorway, flanked by armored and plumed guards and accompanied by a shorter, slenderer man with an Accan goatee protruding from under his garish purple mask.

“Oh!” And he prostrated himself. As did his students.

“No need, Axilias. We must speak.”

“My prince.”


The three men walked through the twisted stone streets of Acca. In this part of the city, low-slung rooves covered ancient palaces of the Autocritiate, now occupied by squatting low families, too small and poor to consider a nuccion, and too proud to enter the one of a greater clan. Walkways and arches crossed over the road, some of them broken, some repaired in a medley of brick and stone and wood, and a chaos of falling ivy and painted clay storage jars covering the walls. A trickling fountain sprung from a wall, surrounded by splashing, laughing children.

They fled into their houses at the sight of the great men. For a time they walked in silence. Vecco Tepecci spoke first.

“Axilias-ta-Alma, the Satar call you. How interesting.”

The Accan stared back at him, puzzled. “Why does my name interest you? I am Satar.”

Tepecci cocked his head. “But you were born in Alma.”

“Yes, that is correct.”

Elikas spoke as Tepecci continued to cock his head slightly. “You have been a good friend to me, Axilias. I see your school has gained many students.”

“The, ah…warlike arts, have achieved more than any other school of late.” He nodded in the direction of the Letoriate looming in the distance over the harbor, the only outwardly imposing building in Acca. “In such times little thought is given to men like myself.”

“Not many scholars are brave enough to ride with a Satar company at war,” said Tepecci wryly.

Axilias pondered this. “A warrior is a scholar. He is a student of motions practiced to kill. A commander is a scholar. He is a student of motions practiced to break and rally the proper men at the proper times. A prince is a scholar. He is a student of the motions that compose the aspects of exatas. All men, in the motions they learn and memorize, are scholars. In the different motions we perform, we are tradesmen of different trades…but we are all scholars.”

The other two men stared at each other, their eyes behind their masks bright with amusement. “Yes, I think he’ll work just fine,” laughed Vecco.

Axilias stared. “I did not think I would receive a visit from a patriarch and a Prince, was I not called upon for some great task.” A cat darted out silently across one of the walkways above them.

Elikas spoke. “The Redeemer’s father Nephrax held the repository of many of the greatest chronicles of the Ardavai. Following the…Feast, all of this was lost, or it fell into the hands of the enemy.”

Axilias muttered sadly. “Magha and Seis held still more. What great works survived are guarded tightly by the Nuccia, or are locked in the great monasteries, which none but Princes and their tarkan can enter without fear of death. Our knowledge dies slowly, I fear. But it dies nonetheless.” He made a sound close to a sob, and the two other men stared at each other incredulously.

“Axilias.” Elikas put an arm on his shoulder. “Have you seen Avetas?”

The scholar blinked away his sorrow. “H..he is more golden than Xetares. And as intelligent as Atraxes, if not yet as wise.”

“And,” added Tepecci, “He is the Prince of the Scroll.”

Axilias’ eyes widened. “He is reconstituting the libraries of the Ardavai! And he would have me be its curator. I…I would…”

“Do you think we would come in person if the Redeemer were building a library?” sniffed Tepecci. “The Redeemer wants to create something…well…more.”

Elikas said slowly, “He has spoken of it, but we do not understand it well. We know how much stone it will require, how much gold will be spent, and how much labor will be used, but…”

“What is it, then?”

The Prince of the Shield struggled with the words. “It is…a…new knowing.”

“Sefashim,” repeated Axilias. “A Sefashim?”

Tepecci said, “I shall provide workers, and funding when the treasury of the Exatai is…otherwise engaged. Stonemasons and glaziers from as far as Treha and Athas are already travelling. This work will consume your life, Axilias. It will take decades to accomplish.”

“But I am not an architect, or a builder! What does the Redeemer want me to do?”

Tepecci laughed at his discomfort. “You’re the scholar, you tell me.”

Elikas looked Axilias in the eyes with the disconcerting, pale-eyed stare the scholar had come to fear.

From: Avetas the Redeemer, High Prince of the Satar, Lawgiver of Evyni
To: Zys

Come, friend. Let us speak of your reward for aiding my predecessor, Jahan. You are wise and gracious, and I will be gracious in return. Nothing you have will be taken away from you, and many things will be given to you.

Your neighbors the Xieni and the Taudo have accepted my gift. Speak kindly, and I shall give you too a silver mask.

To: Avetas, Reedeemer of the Karapeshai, High Prince of the Satar
From: Zys, Emperor of the Ming, Lawgiver of the Evyni, Protector of the Einan

Ah! So this is the blood of Jahan! Truly, I hope that your people and ours shall forever be bosom friends -- together we brought down that old, decayed dynasty at Anyais, together we fought the oppression of that trickster who would call himself Thorsrdyn, together we have stepped forward into a new era in the north. So much history together, and we still have yet to meet!

Perhaps you should visit. I would throw you a royal feast, and long would you eat and drink in my hall. Indeed, I have heard tell of the brave men of the Satar -- long have I wanted to meet one. Long has my lovely daughter dreamt of one. Perhaps we could conclude an alliance?

In any case, your graciousness becomes you. I would gladly accept a gift of silver, should you wish to send it; the plundering of the Evyni has left my hall rather bare of ornamentation, and a delightfully worked mask would bring me joy... I would gladly reciprocate with some fine-carved jade statuettes -- lions which I'm sure would guard your throne long and well...
From: Avetas, Redeemer of the Karapeshai, High Prince of the Satar, Lawgiver of the Evyni
To: Zys, Protector of the Einan

I wear Jahan's mask. We are blood in that the blood of our god runs through my veins as it ran through his, but his birth-son, the young Karhan, Prince of the Moon, rides at my side as my friend and companion. I have many such friends and companions, among the peoples of this world. It would please me to count you as one of them. And indeed, I would make your court a rich one, second only to mine.

We are both proud men, and your pride is deserved. I would be pleased to marry your daughter to a Prince with great territories of his own.

We must, of course, conclude the matter of precedence. You are a powerful king, and this I respect, but I am a ruler of nations. Would it not do you credit to acknowledge me as your new Lawgiver? You will rule no fewer souls for kneeling to me. And a Ming, perhaps one of your own line, might one day rule the whole Exatai.
From: Arto Rutarri
To: The League of Gallasa, Tarena

I'd like to propose a peace agreement between your states. Tarena will return to the Maninist fold, and the Aitahist minority will be given the opportunity to peacefully reconvert or leave for an Aitahist land. Then both peoples will withdraw to their natural borders.

Tarena must consider that the Savirai already have many wars of their own ongoing, so their support will be limited, and that if Tarena continues to fight, her northern neighbors may join the growing holy war. An honorable peace is better for all.

You speak of honor, Letoratta? You speak of peace? Know that we know of the crimes of your kin, and we will not suffer your lies as easily as those who have become lost from the Faith in pride and jealousy…

Take heed, interloper, for you have no place here. The land of sunrise is not virginal; that is true, we have witnessed over the centuries the blood and sweat and tears that the mockery of distortion impinges on the faith. But the vileness of your corruption – you who are so thoroughly devoid of the Light that you mask your face in darkness in fear of the Truth – has never been here, and will never take seed while we still stand. We will endure for the love of our Light and all its gifts, and serve the Truth to purify its glory of all the lies and distortions. The day of glory that you fear will soon come; those who rejected Her in their overweening pride will come to love our Red Savior, shimmering with truth so pure that the blind may yet come to see...

But Her will is yet kind, even to one so demented as you. Thus we suffice it to give you Her warning.

Lord of Masks, corrupt my brothers and sisters no more with your words of poison
Lord of Masks, corrupt my brothers and sisters no more with your words of violence
Lord of Masks, corrupt my brothers and sisters no more with your words of darkness

Return, Lord of Masks, return across the sea, to your dark land that is still stained black with the blood of your treachery…

hey look, a people who don't identify satar and company primarily by horses. i wonder why...
I've made my peace with the update and events, and so I'm choosing not to comment (much) on the ridiculous nature of all these submissions. Rather, all I ask is a response to my pm NK. Thanks.
You speak of honor, Letoratta? You speak of peace? Know that we know of the crimes of your kin, and we will not suffer your lies as easily as those who have become lost from the Faith in pride and jealousy…

Take heed, interloper, for you have no place here. The land of sunrise is not virginal; that is true, we have witnessed over the centuries the blood and sweat and tears that the mockery of distortion impinges on the faith. But the vileness of your corruption – you who are so thoroughly devoid of the Light that you mask your face in darkness in fear of the Truth – has never been here, and will never take seed while we still stand. We will endure for the love of our Light and all its gifts, and serve the Truth to purify its glory of all the lies and distortions. The day of glory that you fear will soon come; those who rejected Her in their overweening pride will come to love our Red Savior, shimmering with truth so pure that the blind may yet come to see...

But Her will is yet kind, even to one so demented as you. Thus we suffice it to give you Her warning.

Lord of Masks, corrupt my brothers and sisters no more with your words of poison
Lord of Masks, corrupt my brothers and sisters no more with your words of violence
Lord of Masks, corrupt my brothers and sisters no more with your words of darkness

Return, Lord of Masks, return across the sea, to your dark land that is still stained black with the blood of your treachery…

hey look, a people who don't identify satar and company primarily by horses. i wonder why...

One thing I never understood about the barbarians across the sea was their obsession with light. What makes the day better than the night? Lions hunt during the day. Wolves hunt during the night. The day is too hot. The night is too cold. Such is the world.

My young children were afraid of the darkness once, until I taught them there was nothing to fear.

But you fear what the bítch goddess tells you to fear and love what she tells you to love. That makes you children in my eyes.

Disobedient children are punished.
One thing I never understood about the barbarians across the sea was their obsession with light. What makes the day better than the night? Lions hunt during the day. Wolves hunt during the night. The day is too hot. The night is too cold. Such is the world.

My young children were afraid of the darkness once, until I taught them there was nothing to fear.

But you fear what the bítch goddess tells you to fear and love what she tells you to love. That makes you children in my eyes.

Disobedient children are punished.

It is not below our expectation that you would be so incapable of understanding the nature of the Light, but your condescension toward your supposed allies is happily noted.

Thank you for your visit.
From: Avetas, Redeemer of the Karapeshai, High Prince of the Satar, Lawgiver of the Evyni
To: Zys, Protector of the Einan

I wear Jahan's mask. We are blood in that the blood of our god runs through my veins as it ran through his, but his birth-son, the young Karhan, Prince of the Moon, rides at my side as my friend and companion. I have many such friends and companions, among the peoples of this world. It would please me to count you as one of them. And indeed, I would make your court a rich one, second only to mine.

We are both proud men, and your pride is deserved. I would be pleased to marry your daughter to a Prince with great territories of his own.

We must, of course, conclude the matter of precedence. You are a powerful king, and this I respect, but I am a ruler of nations. Would it not do you credit to acknowledge me as your new Lawgiver? You will rule no fewer souls for kneeling to me. And a Ming, perhaps one of your own line, might one day rule the whole Exatai.

To: Avetas, Reedeemer of the Karapeshai, High Prince of the Satar
From: Zys, Emperor of the Ming, Lawgiver of the Evyni, Protector of the Einan

Oh, my sincerest apologies! I had referred to your rituals -- do you not spill one another's blood to name a new Redeemer? Many more misconceptions I'm sure I have -- hence why your visit would be so welcome! Do let me know when you will arrive.

As for myself, I do not think I harbor any such grand ambitions. I will remain emperor of the Ming only; I have no desire to rule an Exatai as well!

I've made my peace with the update and events, and so I'm choosing not to comment (much) on the ridiculous nature of all these submissions. Rather, all I ask is a response to my pm NK. Thanks.

Much like with Masada's earlier comment, vaguely worded dissatisfaction is extremely unhelpful. Reply sent, though.
It is not below our expectation that you would be so incapable of understanding the nature of the Light, but your condescension toward your supposed allies is happily noted.

Thank you for your visit.

Manin is not a flame. Nor a fire, nor a sun. "Manin," say the Khivani, "is an empty throne."

To: Avetas, Reedeemer of the Karapeshai, High Prince of the Satar
From: Zys, Emperor of the Ming, Lawgiver of the Evyni, Protector of the Einan

Oh, my sincerest apologies! I had referred to your rituals -- do you not spill one another's blood to name a new Redeemer? Many more misconceptions I'm sure I have -- hence why your visit would be so welcome! Do let me know when you will arrive.

As for myself, I do not think I harbor any such grand ambitions. I will remain emperor of the Ming only; I have no desire to rule an Exatai as well!

Your invitation is graciously accepted. Do not worry; you will know when I arrive.
From: Arto Rutarri
To: The League of Gallasa, Tarena

I'd like to propose a peace agreement between your states. Tarena will return to the Maninist fold, and the Aitahist minority will be given the opportunity to peacefully reconvert or leave for an Aitahist land. Then both peoples will withdraw to their natural borders.

Tarena must consider that the Savirai already have many wars of their own ongoing, so their support will be limited, and that if Tarena continues to fight, her northern neighbors may join the growing holy war. An honorable peace is better for all.

Your reach is grown long indeed, sealord, to grasp at this side of the Kern. We alone shall dictate our domestics.
Haefi Risilui scratched at his stubble with a yawn. The other diplomats were crowded into the room, their lengthy discussion at last winding down to its conclusion. Candles and flickering lamplight illuminated the room with a dull tawny glow. Pulling out the great sheet of parchment, the Helsian began to scribe the treaty.

The Peace of Pisos

The Farubaida o Caroha, Empire of Leun, Savirai Empire, Farea and the Opulensi Empire shall all immediately halt hostilities.

Amongst the aforesigned, the willful and knowing harbouring of pirates or privateers shall be considered an act of war.
The Farubaida o Caroha will accept the return of Island of Sivao and the Peninsula of Hulinui, to the extent as was once ruled by the Trilui, including the city of Pilos, from the Opulensi Empire.

To facilitate Opulensi recovery and a return to prosperous relations, the Farubaida o Caroha will grant 800 000 Haoui (8000 Economy) to the Opulensi, to aid in reconstruction.

Much space remained for writing. Haefi nodded, and passed the parchment on to his Savirai counterpart.
We agree on all counts regarding the harboring of privateers and prize courts. In addition, the entities aforementioned in the treaty will agree to universal toleration of the faiths of Aitahism and Indagahor within their collective terms.

The Dual Empire and the Opulensi Empire agree to uti possedetis, with the exception of the city of Zirais, which will be ceded to the Dual Empire, and the island of Tesach, which will be ceded to the Opulensi.
The Opulensi gladly agree to this end to the unsightly hostilities.
The Peace of Pisos

The Farubaida o Caroha, Empire of Leun, Dual Empire, Farea and the Opulensi Empire shall all immediately halt hostilities.

Amongst the aforesigned, the willful and knowing harbouring of pirates or privateers shall be considered an act of war.

The aforesigned agree to universal toleration of the faiths of Aitahism and Indagahor within their collective terms.

The Farubaida o Caroha will accept the return of Island of Sivao and the Peninsula of Hulinui, to the extent as was once ruled by the Trilui, including the city of Pilos, from the Opulensi Empire.

To facilitate Opulensi recovery and a return to prosperous relations, the Farubaida o Caroha will grant 800 000 Haoui (8000 Economy) to the Opulensi, to aid in reconstruction.

The Dual Empire and the Opulensi Empire agree to
uti possedetis, with the exception of the city of Zirais, which will be ceded to the Dual Empire, and the island of Tesach, which will be ceded to the Opulensi.

The matters of Gadia, Leun and Farea still must be discussed before this war can be brought to an end. While Leun did attempt to slip out of its obligations by signing a peace independently, we will stand by our agreement, as promised.

The Farubaida maintains specific interest in the nation of Farea. Their foolishness in making use of privateers to antagonize far greater powers is noted, but the Farubaida will protest any attempts to annex or otherwise harm the territorial integrity of the Fareans. We may be more amenable to trading or military concessions to make amends for Farea's actions, but ultimately this is a matter to be decided between Farea and the Opulensi themselves, with the observation of the other involved parties. They are our distant brothers, but we are not our brothers' keepers.

Now, to the matter of Leun. Why do we continue to stand by those who attempted to sell us out such a brief while ago? Because of a concept we have in Caroha. When we form compacts with one another, we maintain them to their conclusion. We are bound by honour and duty to our allies, and even if that ally errs, we are bound by our code to stand by them.
Tragically, this peace is wildly unacceptable. The Opulensi must declare a state of war continues.
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