Funniest Pictures Thread XXX ... +1.

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The window being down is a nice touch. I can just picture some jagoff climbing out and over the railing.
Took me far longer than it should have to realize what was wrong with that car picture.
Why would anyone be stupid enough to make plasma crossbars? Lightsabres are already stupidly dangerous, but you can't even swing the things around properly if the crossbars are also lethal.
That's really in the new Star Wars trailer? Good God...


New and revised for sensitive eyes.

No longer inappropriate content, but still seriously unfunny, and trolling the thread. You knew nobody else would be amused.
Step up your game.
asian genderbending = nothing happens
"Sir? Excuse me, sir? Could you please tell me where I can find the mall entrance?"

oh, and
I would gather up every cart in the parking lot and put them behind that car. Y'know, to help out the cart-gatherer guy... :mischief:

cart corral = srs bzns
I don't get it. We're clearly looking at a Noah's Ark picture, but I don't see the funny.

Both the lions are very clearly male. :)
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