ROTQM10: Raging Over the Quarreling Mountains

Tentative in - want to see a bit more about it first.
Bah. I would definitely not miss a RNGod game ... my ex-DM membership demands it ;)


What strategic insight I could give in here ? "Settled cities in filler places to increase land area %" ? "Runned culture until first border pop in conquered and newly settled cities to get land faster" ? "Conquered cities to increase land%, even if by removing culture pressure of newly conquered cities" ? It was the advice i could give in this set and frankly, no one in here needs that low-level stuff .... Screenies ? I have 6 of them: 3 settled cities, 2 conquered cities and the tech spash screen of Steel. Definitely not enough to fill a report .. Witty one liners? Bah, who does those in SGs ? :p
keep an eye out for a new RNGod game in the next few'll probably start with some discussion of the old "missions" to update it a bit, give it more of a pholkhero, "impossible" challenge. i know Oz and Im are in; let me know if any one else wants a spot.

Confirming my inness and now officially keeping my eyes out :eek:
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