4 teams - Vanilla 1.74


Jan 18, 2007
Name: 4 teams

-large map
-a 2v2v2v2 game (4 teams of 2 players)
-barbarians (makes sense to have units of higher level)
-one continent per team
-classical start

onclouds / Mighty Dwaarf
jbieksha / SpikeIt
Tim Ford / Dazz G
Klammi / Kailator

order of play...


onclouds - Gandhi (India)
jbieksha - George Washington (America)
Tim Ford - Napoleon (France)
Klammi - Alexander (Greece)
Mighty Dwaarf - Elizabeth (England)
SpikeIt - Qin Shi Huang (China)
Dazz G - Capac (Inca)
Kailator - Hatsheput (Egypt)
I am interested. I play on a mac though which is still on patch 1.61 REV C. So far I haven't had any problems playing with any PC users using 1.74.

I like Classical Start. I am a fan of Tech trading, but I can see how non tech trading would be interesting.

I would like to ask Dogboy to be my teammate, but he is out of town for a week so I don't know if he would even be interested in this.

I am also fine with the slow turn around this 8 player game would have. I feel the team aspect would definitely keep people involved.

What would be the victory conditions?
jbieksha asked me to be his teammate. I guess he's a glutton for punishment. Classical or ancient start is fine by me.
I don't have a preference regarding tech trading. Team mates share tech, no?
SpikeIt & I have chosen Qin of China and George of America as our leaders. We eagerly await the start of the game.
Dogboy can't play another game right now because he is deploying to Iraq. So my partner position is open.
On second thought, you might not want me to be in your game. I just found out that in the other games I am playing everyone else is keeping two copies of CIV on their computer. A 1.74 install (so they can play with normal unrestrained PC users) and a 1.61 install (so they can play with my "lame" 1.61 install).

I wrote aspry asking them when they would be done with the update and they said that they were working as hard as they could and refrained from giving me a date.

So if everyone else playing wants to have two versions of Civ4 on their computer, I am happy to play with you. If someone doesn't want to do that, I am happy to drop out.
I checked and I still have 1.61 sitting on my machine, so I could swing that if we have to. I'd hate to kick someone when we are still short players.
You really don't get out much, do you ... :D

Yeah, I guess that does sound kind of lame. I do get out, I'm just stuck home all weekend because I've got the flu real bad. So in a dreary weekend of being bed ridden it was some really good news.
welcome aboard Dazz_G

Mighty_Dwaarf ... will you care to team-up with me on this game?
I've been wondering if we should wait for 2 more players or maybe launch this with 2v2v2
speak your mind on this

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