Civilization will follow your idealogy


Jun 26, 2012
Hey guys,

I just want to share some insight on a game.

I just played as India, and literally went one base.

My neighbors were England and Russia.

I allied Russia early on, and always enacted Russia for world congress which she would thank me for.

Because of this Russia, followed my IDEALOGOY (Freedom). From there, I kept re-enacting her because I have been playing diplo and find it to easy. She kept putting policies into place that benefited me. Well until the Science one which cut growth of culture.
I disagree -- civ leaders will not always choose same ideology even if they are "friends". I have played 15+ games, and each leaders, according to their "characteristics", chose their own ideology. China and Rome are more likely to choose order (since they have sprawling cities) and religious civilizations (such as Ethiopia/Austria) would rather more likely to choose freedom.

Maybe the cultural influence may affect choosing ideology, but so far I haven't seen correlation between following same ideology because "you and I are friends".
I've had a similar experience. When the vote for world leader came around - I wasnt gonna win on votes alone so I just voted one of the weakers AIs (Babylon) to vote. Next turn they chose Freedom (my ideology.)
I think there could some merit here. The AI expects it's friends to behave like it. You may notice your friends denounce/go to war with your enemies for not other reason than that they like you more than them.
I think this largely depends on whether they would be the first to pick a different ideology than yours. If they would (especially when the "free" ideology is Order or Freedom, it seems to me), they will often do despite your relations. If each ideology has already been picked, they will often choose yours.
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