The lamest jokes you can think of....... II

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Yeah, overly obvious jokes are annoying.
If your chair is haunted, is that an upholsterygheist?
While I was carpooling to work this morning, I saw a snail driving on the a car with a giant 'S' painted on the doors and trunk. He must have been going over 100 miles an hour. When he flew past me, one of the people riding with me said "Look at that ‘S’ car go!"
"Recently, the President and Michelle Obama were caught off-guard by the kiss-cam at a basketball game. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney was caught off-guard by the "show us your tax return" cam. -Conan
Ending spoilers for The Dark Knight Rises

Spoiler :
When Batman hauls the bomb over the bay, everyone thinks he's on board of The Bat. However, it is revealed that the auto-pilot was working just fine and he's still alive. This means that when no one was looking, he had to Bale out.
A recent study shows that smoking marijuana can help eliminate diarrhea. The finding was called significant by doctors, and a win-win by Taco Bell.
I don't get that at all. Is it something to do with Taco Bell's presumed clientèle?
Nerd jokes:
Wanna hear a joke about potassium?
Wanna hear a joke about sodium?
Wanna here a joke about oxygen?
What did one part of the cell say to the other during telophase?
I'm breaking up with you.

There was this horse that was really smart because he could do calculus and knew all about quantum mechanics. However, no matter how much he was taught, he could never understand Cartesian coordinates. The person teaching the horse asked a mathematician what he was doing wrong, and the mathematician said, "You can't put Descartes before the horse".
Last night ... Nasa broadcast live footage of their Rover making it's dramatic landing on Mars. Then 8 hours later, NBC showed it.
so... there were like.. these buncha guys... who ate babies... THE ARISTOCRATS!!!!
so... there were like.. these buncha guys... who ate babies... THE ARISTOCRATS!!!!

... isn't even a joke...why...
Reese Witherspoon? I'm not seeing the slightest humour in your statement.
You're in the right thread, at least.
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