Civ 3, Civ Gold, PTW, Conquests??????


Nov 16, 2003
Dunedin, New Zealand
Whats the difference between all the games. I have recentl;y bought Civ Gold and thats multiplayer. How different to PTW is it and what is conquests? I'ver heard one of them is crap and the other one is good but can't remember which.

Cheers Guys.
Civ3 is the original game.

Play the World is the expansion of Civ3.

Gold is both civ3 and PTW combined and conquests is Civ3 and PTW combined as well as conquests, the newest expansion.

EDIT: muwhaha I beat Padma.
Wildfire beat you Padma, even though you both posted in the same minute.
Sweet. I don't have to buy PTW then.Can you run Conquests by itself though?
Originally posted by Zardnaar
I don't have to buy PTW then.Can you run Conquests by itself though?

Both PTW and Conquests need Civ3 to run! Since PTW is included with Conquests, your question is irrelevant.;) Of course, you don't need to buy PTW to run Conquests.
Bought Conquests today. Started a new game as the Greeks.
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