A question for the owners


Jun 6, 2008
Hi there,

i got a short question to the lucky owners, as i have one big fear about CivRev, and even after reading the reviews i still feel unsure about it:

Does CivRev feel more like, lets say, Command&Conquer, Warcraft, Starcraft than Civ4?

After spending some time with the demo, i've noticed that it is really important to do the right thing in the first 10-15 rounds, just like in games like Warcraft. One BIG strategy is rushing the enemy in the first 10 rounds if available.
And it always looks like war is the only thing that makes a quick success possible.

For me the best thing about Civ4 was, that you have 2 areas to succeed in:

1) Building up and improving your own kingdom (with sending out the workers, planning the best places for cities, exploring the world and trading with others

2) Competing against the other players in different ways. For me war was always the last thing to choose.

I got the feeling that CivRev will be more like the Warcraft-Type, where i'm just planning how to rush the best way, everything else is just a mean to an end.

How do you feel about this?

Thanks in advance,
so far out of the 4 games I have got around to play (2 domination, 1 space race, 1 cultural)(3 of them 'game of the week', 1 domination normal play) cultural victory have been the fastest, then again I am properly a bit slow.
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