Best Beliefs for a War Relegion?

Like many old civs the vikings had a warmongering religion, if a man didn`t die in a fight he risked ending up in a bad place called Hel. Even a warrior who didn`t show enough currage risked to go that way.
This belief was one of many pagan beliefs that was adopted by the Romans when they made up their revisted version of Christianity, known as the Roman Catolic church.
I don't play with Raging Barbs, so it may be more worth it then. But still, think of it this way; compare it to Stone Circles. If you have only one quarry in your entire empire, that's the same as killing a Brute close to one of your cities every other turn. If you have even a single Natural Wonder in your empire, One With Nature is the same as killing a brute every turn. It just seems unrealistic that God of War would ever provide enough faith to beat the "every single turn" bonuses.

You make good points. Part of my thinking was that at immortal/deity, I expect an early DoW, sometimes multiple early DoWs. This usually gives me plenty of opportunity for faith generation- Oda, Catherine, and Alexander are all regular visitors.
In contrast, my current game (deity, pangaea, 8 civs, raging barbs) has me at one end of Gondwanaland with the ocean, Pachacuti, and city-states as my borders. It's been peaceful all game, and God of War has been next to useless. Time to re-evaluate.
I was thinking of using GOW to gain faith aggressively. Once you religion has spread, you get faith attacking enemy units near enemy cities (under your religion, then the 20% against the city itself with Just War)
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