Varica: Children of the Sky

Welcome, nutranurse. The Bexian are yours.

I also want to announce the return of Vert as the Nakar and the addition of foolish icarus as the Romadi.

Now that my job is over, I have two spare days until my mother arrives and we go on vacation. I really hope to get the update out in these two days. Wish me luck.
Alright, should I send in orders or wait till next turn to do so?
I am currently processing the orders, so please wait until the next update. Hopefully I will have the update out this weekend, but I lost today due to visa issues.
Ahhh, no worries. I know what you're experiencing- travelling is a :):):):):) :\

Doubly so for a Jamaican citizen who America is dead-set against letting you back in despite the fact that you were only 15 years old *Shakes fist at customs*

That was a bad, bad summer.
Ok, so I lost all of yesterday due to the visa problems. I had to leave the country and head to Fukuoka for the day. I'll be returning to Seoul tonight then going on vaca with my mom. Ugh... it might be a while guys, but I'm gonna work all day today if I can find a cafe with a power outlet for me to use.
So my two days of free updating time at friend's house in Seoul turned into 4 hours at a cafe in Fukuoka. I still managed to get everything about half-done. I have the Manische War, half the stats and economic stuff, the map, and an important story that I migth put off until later.

On the bright side, we've just surpassed the length of Varica: In Haeka's Name (3.5 updates) and it only took about 2/5 of the time to get here. I will do what I can to finish this update while travelling, but it's a packed schedule and my mom comes first and I still ned to line up a job for next school year. This visa issue has really, really screwed with my plans.
I am currently in Banff National Park right now with my mom. We've got four days left of our vacation. I will begin on the second half of the update a day or two after we arrive in my spare time between visits to friends and family I haven't seen in upwards of a year. HunterG24 will be in punching distance of me, so he'll keep me in line as far as updating goes.
Ah Fulton... punching is the least of your worries.

We haven't been feeding the beast who's name begins with R. He's very hungry... so hungry that duck feet won't save you. :p
I've been back in my hometown less than 24 hours and I'm already balls deep in the update. The Manische war is going to be HUGE. There are over 14,000 combatants involved this year. I apologize in advance for the stuff I will miss. There is a bit of a disconnect since there was a month between the first and second half of the update, so there are bound to be things I miss.
I'm trying my best to focus but having a bit of trouble. I've got 2,000 words done of the Manische war covering 5 sections. I've got at least two major clashes to write still for it, then the second half of the economic stuff, the map and a few odds and ends.
The Manische war mod is finished, it was shorter than I thought it would be, but still long. I had a lot of trouble with it due to the massive numbers and large number of armies in the field. Still have the map, half the economic side, and a few odds and ends to go. My brother's bacholer party is tonight, so I'm calling it a day.

Oh, and I had a job interview today. I got the job, part-time teaching at a local college.
OOC: I fully approve of your progress on the update!
I'm glad you do Alex. Tomorrow I should be able to put everything together and post the update. Sunday at the latest. Eastern Standard time btw, since I'm back home now.
Update 4: AF 147

Great Happenings

The Regency
Regent Taka’s funeral was timed to follow the longest night of winter (such as it is for a nation whose southern provinces straddle the equator) so that Haeka himself was seen to mourn the passing of such a beloved man. Matteo spoke at length about the regent’s commitment to his nation and its rightful kings. He forced back his tears as he gave such a moving eulogy that few in the crowd could contain theirs. If any stain remained on the honour of Taka, it was removed by the words of his supposed victim.

His words so moved the people that were ready to acclaim him as the new regent by popular will, but he declared that he couldn’t hope to live up to the legacy of his friend, and would instead use his wisdom to seek the true successor. He retired to thought while the two candidates prepared for their campaign.

In contrast to Matteo’s reserve and wisdom, Cul arrived in the capital with bombast and fanfare. Cul’s wild, debauched parties echoed through the streets of Varica for weeks on end much to the enjoyment of the more rakish side of Varican society. Cul openly campaigned in the name of General Hroak and showed his generosity to any who came to his table. Cul’s emphasis on the strength needed to rule the land in this time of crisis gained support from many in the military, although Coil, Commander of the Varican Tiaka, was heard to openly denounce the idea of a general with such ambitions.

Cul’s largesse was seen well beyond the walls of Varica. The lords of the western reaches of the Empire received massive gifts including strange animals from the southlands, elegant jewelry for their ladies and even strange black skinned slaves. Those who were unsure which wise men to listen to chose to heed their greed instead.

Vallari began to campaign among the minor tribes. His keenest allies were the Ropp and Rokina whom he promised a holy war against the Fulanti that troubled them. Hroak, on the other hand, applied pressure on the Oerdan he was soon to accompany, warning that their past indiscretions would be remembered if they supported his opponent.

The support of Jyanna and Haecadem for Vallari earned him much prestige in the capital and beyond. The northern states supported him with vigour, but with their most prestigious leaders in the field, their effect wasn't as great as the kings and former kings present in Varica.

Rumours began to spread in the capital about the loyalty of Vallari and the men who supported him. These rumours sought to discredit, Helgiverðr , the Hrafn priest posted in Varica, and through him Vallari and indirectly the Hrafn regent herself. The wildest of these rumours spoke of a plot to overthrow the Emperor and replace him with his Vigvitr, who can draw a line of inheritance to the Imperial throne through Jyanna's stepfather, Hroth IV. Few admitted to believing in the rumours, but Vallari found his reception in certain parts of the city to be less friendly than they once were.

Meanwhile, the kings of the south were present in Varica exerting their influence on all they passed by. The armies of the Huroto, Teral, and Validira all marched in turn through the capital on their way north to fight the Manische.

When Naxis arrived in the capital with the his army, the largest and last to arrive, the Validiran revealed his kingdom’s allegiance: he would vote for Hroak. His voice was joined by his father, Matteo’s. Their recent squabble of the direction of Validira added weight to their support, as despite their differences they were united on the regency. Matteo leaned on his old allies among the Darians, Bexian and Dolu to sway them towards Hroak.

The election too place in the same amphitheatre that played host to Callista’s trial. One by one, the electors stood and declared their support. The atmosphere was tense, as both candidates had gained nearly enough support to carry the day. The election was close. When last kingdom was called, the Bexian, the numbers stood at 38 for Vallari and 37 for Hroak. King Ban stood tall above the throng of thanes and kingly ambassadors. With one word, he decided the next regent “Hroak.” With political pressure, family ties, and Huroto gold all coming together to guide him towards the general, the regency was won.

Word was carried to the new regent on the fastest boat. He was quick to assert his authority. He sent a message making peace with Vallari, asking for his support in the future for the good of the realm. He invited Hroth V to join him on campaign to prove his mettle as a warrior. He enforced Callista’s exile, but declared that it only applied to the lands of the Hrothnani and their vassals. He gave her a chance to redeem herself on her father’s advice, inviting her to take up arms as a shieldmaiden in the service of her son the Emperor. The court has moved from Varica to Hroak’s camp. More importantly, away from Tomakin, Coil, and many of Hroak’s opponents. The fate of their expedition is detailed elsewhere in this record.

The votes as recorded for the Imperial Library:

Assfell – 6 votes
Werhold – 6
Romadi – 3
Gibraly – 4
Rheni – 4
Magistrate of Varica – 1
Hrothnani and vassals (Maiahia and Araman) – 3
Minor Tribes (Varth, Isok, Indal, Trossa, Hrothanic, Lombek, Kamala, Raia, Aral, Yamar, Ropp, Rokina)– 12
Total Votes: 38

Huroto – 8 votes (including Lokvar vassals)
Validira – 5
Bexian – 4
Dolu – 2
Teraldur – 5
Oerdan – 3
Darians – 5
Hrothnani Vassals (Varathu and Vocci) – 2
Minor Tribes (Oovam, Linara, Rundat, Cadilliarn, Vomer, Valarma, Linai)– 7
Total Votes: 41
(any minor tribes I missed abstained)

The Wild War
The three separate wars that have become collectively known as the wild war continue to consume the northern thune states.

The Manische campaign has ceased for the most part. Only periodic raids reach into Tikeecee-held lands to keep them off balance. The Drisili continue to war with the Tikeecee, holding most of the countryside, but Tikeecee diehards maintain their hold on the fortress-towns of Tikee and Esre. Haecadem has contacted these towns, who are eager to reclaim their homelands against the Drisili and Manische, but can do little more than hold on to what they have for the time being.

With their final defeat, the Tarnee have surrendered much of their land to the Tikeecee and the Drisili tribes who have allied with them. Everything more than twenty kilometers north of the city has been surrendered to the previously homeless. Now the Tikeecee aim north and west, ready to repel their own invaders.

The Tessil have moved against the Tikeecee this year. Unwilling to repeat the mistakes of the Tarnee and Karskians, they have moved in overwhelming strength but with extreme caution. Along with their Haecomus allies, they have surrounded Ikili and are on the verge of starving it out as AF 147 comes to an end. They have created their own walls facing both inward and outward, to defend against a sortie and a hoped for attack by the rest of the Tikeecee.

The Cirici March Again
The Cirici, despite the danger they faced last year, have marched against the Karskians again. For a second time, they’ve marched on the Sbsisians. With the aid of the Sbsisian rival, Riccikl, the Cirici awaited the arrival of the Karskians.

General Rii was ready for a trap this time. His superior Iyikitch swept the land all around the battlefield but found no hidden Yumin. He drew up his forces in a long line, ready to envelop the Cirici. The Karskians advanced with the Riccikl on their right flank.

The Karskians closed, colliding with the Cirici. As planned, their disciplined center began to buckle and fall back, pretending to be beaten. The Cirici advanced against their, bunching up and weakening their flanks.

But the Cirici general recognized the tactic as the famous Kaois encirclement used by the Nimosans against Risano in a failed expedition a century ago. He was ready for just such a plan from an ancient book-learned commander like Rii. As the Iyikitch charged the Cirici from the rear, their lead riders fell into pits cut into the earth. Their skirmishers likewise faced Cirici dug into trenches, covering their heads with shields. Left with the choice of bypassing them and leaving strong units behind them or pepper the Cirici ineffectually, the skirmishers chose the latter. The Karskians wavered at the sight of their flanker’s failures, but the Cirici were still greatly outnumbered and prepared to withdraw. They withdrew in good order with their Riccikl allies, leaving Rii with another pyrrhic ‘victory’.

Rii prepared to press on to Riccikl, where he could trap his enemy in the coastal city and starve it out, but news from home called him home. Yumin forces had slunk towards the city at night. In a daring escalade, their warriors had taken a section of the wall and burned much of the city before the skeleton garrison could throw them out of the city. The Karskian morale collapsed. Rii returned home where he was removed from command.

It appears to many that the mighty Karskian giant is waning. The question the Cirici ask is how long their twilight will be before a new sun, theirs, climbs high above the skies of the thune cities.

Duel of the Prophets
The regent was chosen as Haeka willed it, his work was complete. Phridia should have slept soundly, but he did not. He writhed in pain as he lay in a pool of his own sweat, screaming into the night. It was as it had been so many years ago when Haeka first spoke to him, yet there was no message, no divine light, only two weeks of pain.

Then suddenly, there it was. He saw two men, great men, divided by a colour, language, space, and time. They bore the word of peace, but their people twisted it to violence. Alone, each man could bring the peace of Haeka, but together they brought the end of days. He saw towers that spiraled thrice the height of the palace of Varica crumble in balls of fire and clouds of dust. He saw monsters made of metal spitting fiery death at huddled women and children. He saw men with the power of sargothi in their hands, eyes cold as death and empty as a fulanti’s soul. He saw landscapes no haecomus had ever looked upon, now scorched with the fires of war.

A time long from now, but part of the same cycle. The cycle of death and rebirth, of day and night, of Haeka’s progression through the sky and his daughter’s turning away from Valdis and towards him. Is it the cycle of men and monsters that the fulanti follow? Greatness followed by the fall and a long night?

Another glimpse. The same cycle, but a different time. He stands on the tallest spire of Varica, looking down on the city. It is nighttime, but there are no stars and Haeka’s daughters are hiding. A triple new moon? Something so rare and beautiful? It can’t be, not for another fifteen years at least, but the night sky is still empty and the people below do not rejoice as they should. The night is so painfully dark.


Except there, on the river Dhun towards the city of Juki, there are sunbursts. Haeka’s light touches down on the river.

He looks further, towards the Rheni. On the horizon the blackness fades. Through the streaks of black, the orange glow of Haeka’s form pierces through the darkness. The horrible truth dawns on him. It is day, but the sky is choked with smoke. He can feel it now, filling his lungs. He starts to cough. He looks north. The smoke is thickest there. So much smoke, but he cannot see the fire. As far as his eyes can see, that inky blackness reigns, blocking his god and strangling him.

He collapses, coughing, as the blackness consumes him.

He wakes from his delirium and calls for his servants. They urge him to return to bed, but they don’t understand. It is not disease or poison, it is divine will that forced him to bed. But it is the same divine will that urged him to fight through it. It is a test, to see if he truly is the prophet that Haeka needs. He knows what he must do. Haeka’s will must be fulfilled. The cycle must be broken.

Inspired by a new round of visions, the Prophet Phridia has journeyed north to the lands of the Gibraly. The Voice of Hroth has gathered a following of hundreds of peasants who wander the Gibraly lands on their eternal pilgrimage, spreading the word of the Voice. The Voice is often wracked with contortions and speaks with a different voice, he claims the voice of Hroth himself.

Phridia has led his own followers north to fulfill Haeka’s will: the Voice must die. Phridia led his people north to the city of Adrit, following the direction of the smoke in his vision. Like two magnets, the Voice was drawn to him as well. They met in the lands of the Purgal.

Each denounced the other for their corruption of Haeka’s will. Phridia declared the power of the church as the great unifier of Varica. He pointed to the men and women of all nations who walked with him. The Voice attacked him for his false belief, accusing him of worshipping churches and priests rather than Haeka and his greatest creation, Varica itself.

No one knows who struck the first blow, but the two sides fell to fighting more brutal than any fought against the Manische. In the end, Phridia’s followers were forced from the field. The Voice’s body was found with his neck snapped and his mouth opened with a knife from ear to ear.

Phridia’s body was not found.
The Manische War

Forces Involved:
The Allied Varican Army - Rohefna
- Commanded by Haecadem II of Werhold, Thane Kaleden serves as his second
- Other notables: Earl Beriar
- Army of King Haecadem II: 450 Archers, 355 Spearmen, 275 Tiaka, 75 Raeka, 1 Light Weapon
- Werar Warband: 530 Warriors, 175 Skirmishers, 100 Aikings
- Kaldar Warband: 130 Warriors, 45 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings
- Bealdar Warband: 175 Warriors, 60 Skirmishers, 35 Aikings
- Torica Warband: 215 Warriors, 75 Skirmishers, 45 Aikings
- Validiran Contingent: 45 Raeka led by Prince Miaeus
- Gibraly Contingent: 50 Archers, led by Captain Berg
- Sisiric Auxiliaries: 110 Thune Skirmishers, 30 Scorpions, 12 Heavy Ballistae, 2 Siege Towers, 1 Battering Ram
- Boheort’s relief column: 150 Spearmen, 150 Archers, 80 Tiaka, 10 Raeka
Rissik Garrison
- Commanded by Chief Riciki of the western Sisiric, seconded by Earl Beriar of Werhold
- Werar: 50 Archers, 50 Spearmen
- Sisiric: 250 Thune Skirmishers
The Black Army - Rohefna
- Commanded by King Vigvitr, seconded by Queen Jyanna (de facto commander)
- Hrafn: 320 Spearmen, 170 Archers, 280 Tiaka, 200 Raeka, 1 Light Weapon (Dalrir)
- Hrafn Volunteers: 30 Warriors, 10 Skirmishers, 5 Aikings
- Romadi: 170 Tiaka, 150 Warriors, 15 Aikings, 2 Seers led by King Goros
- Imperial Varican Army: 125 Archers, 120 Spearmen, 300 Tiaka led by Hronu, seconded by Coil
- Sisiric: 180 Thune Skirmishers
Rohefna Garrison (formerly Jozioc):
- Hrafn: 150 Archers, 150 Spearmen, 100 Raeka
- Tessil: 20 Engineers, 12 Heavy Ballistae
The Imperial Army – gathering at Oerdan
- Commanded by Emperor Hroth V, seconded by Regent Hroak
- Other Notables: Vallari, Matteo, Callista
- Hrothnani Contingent: 400 Warriors, 100 Skirmishers, 100 Aikings, 300 Spearmen, 300 Archers, 235 Raeka
- Oerdan Contingent: 400 Warriors, 100 Skirmishers, 100 Aikings, 500 Crossbowmen, 150 Raeka led by Prince Haraenicar
- Teral Contingent: 300 Spearmen, 100 Archers under Prince Teclia
- Valdiran Contingent: 400 Spearmen, 300 Archers, 100 Tiaka, 20 boats led by King Naxis
- Huroto Contingent: 200 Archers, 200 Spearmen, 75 Tiaka, 60 Raeka led by Thane Rutor Lassa.
- Isok half levy: 200 Warriors, 50 Skirmishers, 30 Aikings
- Bendor half levy: 200 Warriors, 50 Skirmishers, 30 Aikings
Tikeecee Remnant at Eesre
- Tikeecee: 200 Pikemen, 100 Skirmishers, 50 Crossbowmen
- Zostor refugees: 100 Zostor Skirmishers
- Drisili refugees: 100 Warriors

The Army of Duke Zio - Zioc
- Commanded by Duke Zio, seconded by Lady Rian the Hyren
- Ducal Oathmen of Zio: 1300 Manische Spearmen, 300 Manni Blood Brothers, 160 Thune Skirmishers, 1 Star Warrior (Duke Zio)
- Princely Contingent: 180 Imperial Guardsmen, 40 Yomba Cavalry
The Army of Duke Locia - Eicain
- Commanded by Lord Ucae, seconded by Lord Hysos
- Ducal Oathmen of Locia: 1000 Manische Spearmen, 250 Manni Blood Brothers, 100 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Lord Ucae, Hijon)
The Army of Prince Hymbae - Eicain
- Commanded by Prince Hymbae, seconded by Lord Ubjion
- 400 Imperial Guard, 200 Yomba Cavalry, 2 Star Warriors (Lord Ubjion, Logun)
- 4 Mangonels
The Army of Duke Jorrae – Somewhere in Drisili or Tikeecee territory
- Commanded by Duke Jorrae, seconded by chief Sillage of the Drissili
- Ducal Oathmen of Jorrae: 1500 Manische Spearmen, 400 Manni Blood Brothers, 300 Thune Skirmishers, 3 Star Warriors (Jorrae, Valon, Krai)
- Drissili: 1000 Warriors
The Army of Prince Frulin - Frulion
- Commanded by Prince Frulin, seconded by princess Frula
- Ducal Oathmen of Frulin: 800 Manische Spearmen, 200 Manni Blood Brothers, 100 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Frula, Hyral the Hyren)
- 500 Imperial Guard, 300 Yomba Cavalry
Drisili of Silisre
- 600 Warriors at Eesre
- 200 Warriors at Silisre
- Zion Ducal Oathmen: 200 Manische Spearmen, 40 Manni Blood Brothers

Despite their setbacks, the Varicans under King Haecadem have managed to seize and hold a huge amount of land over the last three years of campaigning and inflict huge casualties on the Manische. Even in their least successful year, the Varicans captured a great citadel and ended up with their forces in better condition than their opponents.

His men were in high spirits, but still Haecadem and his commanders were worried. Their warbands wouldn’t hold together much longer, their supply lines, while strong and well supplied, were growing ever longer compared to the Manische. Haecadem predicted that the loss of Jozioc would be the signal to the Manische to rally. Expecting a much larger force next year, he and Jyanna set about careful preparations to ensure victory in his own offensive to blunt the expected counter-attack while the he waited for the arrival of reinforcements from the south. Meanwhile, Boheort was sent back to Werhold to recover his health and organize reinforcements. They would not arrive until late in the summer.

Jozioc, renamed Rohefna by its new Hrafn lords, became the new center for the campaign. The Hrafn have paraded the prisoners to around their prize before distributing them to the families of those slain with Adalbrandr. Lochi, the Manische commander, was given as a prize to Rodull’s Romadi wife. The Romadi princess hadn’t the heart to order his death. Instead, Lochi has been sent back to Black Army to serve her father Goros as a bonded bodyguard.

Local notables were rounded up by the Werar and asked to pledge an oath to the Emperor. Half of them complied, but the remainder refused to submit, no matter how they were persuaded or threatened. It seems that the element of duty and solidarity with the Manische Emperor holds strong. Those who submitted were much more likely to identify with their former Zoster tribes. The remainder have remained in prison until they become more pliant. Many are happy to let the two emperors fight their battles, now that their duty is done, but they refuse to renounce their rightful Emperor.

The most talented of those who submitted have become a part of a large network of spies that have joined many Varicans scouts in collecting information on the enemy. They would prove instrumental in the coming months. The others were used to form a Varican administration for the castle town and it’s hinterlands, organizing the collection of grain for the army and the repair of the fortress.

In the south, the forces of the south gathered in Oerdan. Valdirans, Huroto, Tera, and Hrothnani gathered together with the Oerdan and even a few minor tribes to join the Emperor’s army. They were joined by the Imperial Raeka, ordered back to protect the Emperor as he marched. In their place, Coil led his Tiaka to join the army in the field through Werhold and Rissik. Hroak’s army could only march late in the spring as they waited for the Imperial procession and the southern contingents.

A Bold Plan
Haecadem knew that timing would be essential this year. If he waited too long for a decisive strike, his warbands would melt away to nothing. If he didn’t wait long enough, he would be acting without the aid of Hroak’s Imperial Army. Still, he was confident in Varican steel to see his ambitious plan of capturing both Zioc and Eicain.

Haecadem led his army into fields wetted by melting snow towards Zioc, camping at Red Valley in defiance of the defenders of Zioc. A few of his Hrafn scouts openly jeered at the Manische behind their walls, taunting them to come down and face them like men.

What Haecadem could not know is that the Duke had left at the Emperor’s call. His army was duty bound to stay behind their walls and wait for his return. After a short time waiting at Red Valley, the Varicans turned south in hopes of finding better opponents in Eicain.

Haecadem met up with his siege train on the road to Eicain, enlarged with more thune devices. They laid siege to the fortress, hoping the wounded Hymbae would be too weak to stand and fight. While the bulk of the army sat camped a day away, the Black Army advanced to the castle, hoping to draw out the Manische within. But Hymbae saw through the plot and refused to leave his castle. Haecadem joined the Black Army as soon as the ruse failed and an artillery duel began. The Varicans prepared their siege lines and waited, hoping that Hroak’s army would appear before the forces at Frulion and Zioc sallied forth.

Among the Thune
Following the groundwork laid by Haecadem, Hroak set off to the city of Eesre to relieve from its siege in order to gain new allies before joining the hoping to join the northern army at Zioc.

The exhausted allies bottled up in Eesre were at their breaking point. A constant assault by Drisili had worn them away to nothing. With their victory so close at hand, the appearance of a massive army of Varicans would not deter the wild thune from finishing the Tikeecee of Eesre. They beat a fighting withdrawal towards the tall grass plains outside of the cultivated region surrounding the town.

The Oerdan and Huroto led the charge against the Drisili, but as soon as they entered the tall grasses, more Drisili struck from ambush. The Drisili used their size and familiarity with the terrain to their advantage, striking out with spear, javelin, and poisonous spine-covered clubs. The Varicans suffered greatly in the confusion. The Huroto commander saved the vanguard from defeat by rallying his Huroto and ordering the grasses be burned to deprive the Drisili of their cover. The fire, and superior numbers, eventually drove the Drisili from the field at a high cost. But this cost was outweighed by the support of the thune and Zostor, and a new supply base for the southern army

Siege of Silisre
Joined by his new allies, Hroak marched north to the town of Silisre. While Eesre could have been bypassed, Eesre, as a Manische stronghold, could not.

Lacking the northern army’s siege expertise and without time to waste, Hroak decided on a direct assault. Crafting ladders and preparing manlets for some his archers, he launched his assault two weeks before midsummer. The Validirans won the honour of leading the assault. The Isok attempted a second, smaller escalade in the rear of the fortress while the defenders were distracted.

Despite the lesser nature of the fortress of Silisre, the defenders were quite competent at siegecraft. Though King Naxis’ warriors fought hard and were supported by a large number of Oerdan crossbowmen, the Drsili and Manische somehow managed to hold on. The Isok had some success at first, capturing a section of the walls, but were eventually driven back. They managed to burn much of the town near their section of the wall as they tossed torches onto thatched roofs before they were forced to retreat.

The Validirans were forced from the walls at dusk. Though they could not take the fort, they had inflicted grievous damage on the garrison. Hroak estimated half of the garrison, engorged by the warriors who fled from Eesre, had been slain in the assault.

Rather than waste more time and men in a second assault, Hroak left the Tikeecee to continue the siege while the main body continued towards Haecadem’s army.

There was one more opponent blocking the path from Oerdan to Eicain. Just as Haecadem feared, the neighbouring provinces were readying to march against the Varicans Duke Jorrae, eager for blood and flushed with success over his campaigns against the Drisili and northern Tikeecee, had iordered his army to prepare to march while he attended the Emperor’s Council. He rode hard on his Yomba to reach his army to make up for lost time. As such, he was able to march against the Varicans much quickly than the Prince and Duke of Frulin who had a much shorter path to take.

Jorrae knew he had to act fast to prevent the two armies from combining. He hurried his army to a middle point between the two cities and waited. His scouts alerted him to the size of force set against him and their preponderance of ranged weaponry. He ordered that the Drisili be taught the use of the large wooden shields his spearmen used and ordered a large quantity of the poorly made shields be built.

Haecadem’s scouts penetrated far enough to discover this army as well. It was too late for Haecadem to join in the coming battle, but as his scouts had just established contact with the Imperial Army, more than enough time to alert them and remove the advantage of surprise from the Manische.

Hroak drew up his men in a long line with the Tera and Huroto his right and the Validirans on his left to prevent the erstwhile enemies from disrupting his army’s integrity. He arranged the Raeka in his center. Haecadem’s scouts informed him that a large number of Drisili marched with the Manische. He prepared to stay on the defensive and envelope the smaller army, knowing the Drisili would be impatient to fight.

Jorrae knew this too and prepared his thune to smash through the thinner Varican line. His Drisili would act as shock troops, ready to break through the Oerdan that separated the Hrothnani from the Validirans on the left and the minor tribes that separated the Hrothnani from the southerners on the right. His heavy Manni would follow them with star warriors ready to break any weak points in the Varican line.

The Drisili were eager for blood and leapt into action quickly. They raced towards the Varican lines as arrows and bolts fell all around them. Their hastily prepared shields took the brunt of these missiles, but their poor quality and the Drisili’s unfamiliarity ensured that the overwhelming number of Varican missile troops took a heavy toll on the thune.

The survivors threw their heavy javelins into the Varican line as the ran, ruining many shields and slaying a fair few Varicans. With the line weakened, the thune pressed the attack. The warriors of the Bendar and Isok were shaken badly by the attack, but the Oerdan closed ranks and held their own. The Drisili gained the advantage on the left, cutting through the lesser tribes. The Huroto thane ordered his Tiaka into the gap to prevent a collapse and barely succeeded.

Now the Manni hit the Varican lines. Jorrae himself, armed with a gauntlet like that wielded by Ubjion at Red Valley broke threw three man aside with one swing of his hand. His two star warriors cut apart the men on either side, forcing a hole for his Manni to strike through. The Oerdan recoiled to either side, desperately trying to salvage their line while the Manni poured through to the vulnerable crossbowmen beyond.

The Manni spearmen closed in behind them, but already the right and left wings were wheeling in to strike the levies in their flanks. As the Oerdan Crossbowmen fled from the slaughter, the Manni turned on the central Raeka who rallied around their Emperor and Regent. The Emperor was reported to have faced the situation bravely, inspiring his bodyguard not to lose hope, but a few Oerdan and Bendar have spread rumours that he hid in his mother’s skirts while Hroak directed the battle.

The Raeka held firm, refusing the break. Eventually, with the wings closing in and his army nearing exhaustion, Jorrae called a retreat. The Imperial Army would live to join Haecadem and Vigvitr’s veterans at Eicain. However, the three ‘victories’ won by the Imperial army have been somewhat pyrrchic. The Imperial Army has taken heavy losses in the field and many wonder if the Manische will eventually wear both away to nothing.

The Siege of Eicain
The Varicans camp was well thought out. They were camped outside of the range of the enemy’s light weapons in a spread out manner using many ingenious defensive works and camouflage. Attempts to draw the Manische saw no more success the Imperial Army arrived. The thune engineers, with their growing siege train, and a few new Haecomus apprentices, set their siege weapons on wheels. This enabled them to wheel the engines in at night to rain terror on the fortress, then wheel them back away when the Manische fired back with their longest-range light weapons.

The Manishce have been busy reinforcing their siege works as well. Strange devices called mangonels, copies of the ones used in the armies of Hroth III to reduce the fortresses of Yumin rebels, have appeared on the towers of Eicain. In order to reduce the effectiveness of Varicans arrows, wooden roofs have been built on top of the stone battlements of the fortress. While the fortress may be well defended, it is smaller than the capital fortress of Zioc and Locioc. The large forces inside were quickly eating through their rations.

The artillery duels tended to go better for the Varicans due to the sheer weight of guns doing substantial damage to the fortress, but the accuracy of the Manische light weapons took their toll on the gun crews.

Eventually, the Imperial Army joined Haecadem’s veterans at Eicain. 8000 Varicans were assembled in front of the walls of the city, the largest force in Varican history. 2000 Manische were dug in at Eicain. The two commander face a tough decision: what promised to be a bloody assault, or a long siege. The strength of the Eicain garrison and the presumed limited stores convinced the commanders to attempt to wait out the defenders.

With the siege of Eicain secured, Haecadem shared the final part of his plan with Hroak. A third of the Werar veterans would join the black army and head to Zioc to initiate a siege there.

The ‘Siege’ of Zioc
Now freed to do so by the Emperor’s declaration, the Prince of Frulion arrived at Zioc to rally the ducal forces there. He found the garrison half-starved, disorganized, and poorly led. He brought with him tons and tons of food to relive their hunger. By the time the time the Black army were in sight of the city, the Prince was ready to march south.

Nearly four thousand Manische prepared themselves inside the walls of Zioc, ready to sally fourth once the Hrafn drew close, but Haecadem’s spies in the alerted Jyanna of the danger. Faced with an army half again larger than hers, Jyanna retreated to the safety of Rohefna, laying small ambushes along the way as the Manische followed her. Runners sent messages to the south to alert Haecadem and Hroak of the advancing Manische, but just as Jyanna prepared the town for siege, the Manische withdrew to Zioc.

The confused Varicans remained at Eicain. The Manische remained behind their walls until the first snows arrived. Haecadem and Hroak are now left with a difficult choice: They can either abandon the siege and return to Rohefna for winter, assault the weakened garrison, or remain besieging the fortress through the winter. (though this choice will cover the end of AF 147, I decided the choice was too important to deprive the players of a chance to decide. The assault will likely succeed but be very costly. If you remain in the field hoping to starve them out, there is a 30% of succeeding before the heavy mid-winter snows, and a 70% chance they will submit by the end of the winter. Regardless, they will be severely weakened in AF 148. The advisors attached to the army estimate that at least 20% of the Manische inside Eicain would be unable to fight at this moment. Winter attrition will be applied after the decision is made.

The Manische have refused battle all year except for Jorrae in the south. They had the potential to gather an army of 8,000 men at Eicain to face the equally sized Varican army. Instead, they risked the loss of Eicain, a prince, and a several light weapons. Some hope this is a sign of poor co-ordination and leadership or cowardice among the Manische. The more pessimistic commanders fear that the Manische are biding their time waiting for reinforcements from deep with their empire. Hroak is taking no chances. He has ordered the minor tribes of the north and east to commit a half-levy of troops instead of tribute and the tribes of the south and west to send their tribute in grain sent directly to the front rather the through Varica. He has also ordered the Darian March, Dolu, Bexian, and Rheni to support the war effort and encouraging the Gibraly to enlarge their contribution.

- Drisili defeated at Eesre, some Tikeecee ally with Varica
- Drisili repel Varicans as Silisre, Tikeecee remain to besiege it
- Duke Jorrae defeated in a costly victory near Silisre
- Varicans strengthen hold on conquered territory and improve supply lines further
- Haecadem besieges Eicain
- Eicain holds, barely
- Black Army driven from Zioc
- Manische refuse battle in second half of the year

Forces Remaining:
The Allied Varican Army – Besieging Eicain
- Commanded by Haecadem II of Werhold, Thane Kaleden serves as his second
- Other notables: Earl Beriar
- Army of King Haecadem II: 430 Archers, 345 Spearmen, 275 Tiaka, 75 Raeka
- Validiran Contingent: 45 Raeka led by Prince Miaeus
- Gibraly Contingent: 45 Archers, led by Captain Berg
- Sisiric Auxiliaries: 100 Thune Skirmishers, 25 Scorpions, 10 Heavy Ballistae, 2 Siege Towers, 1 Battering Ram
- Boheort’s relief column: 150 Spearmen, 150 Archers, 80 Tiaka, 10 Raeka
Rissik Garrison
- Commanded by Chief Riciki of the western Sisiric, seconded by Earl Beriar of Werhold
- Werar: 50 Archers, 50 Spearmen
- Sisiric: 250 Thune Skirmishers
The Black Army – at Rohefna
- Commanded by King Vigvitr, seconded by Queen Jyanna (de facto commander)
- Hrafn: 290 Spearmen, 155 Archers, 270 Tiaka, 200 Raeka, 1 Light Weapon (Dalrir)
- Hrafn Volunteers: 15 Warriors, 5 Skirmishers, 2 Aikings
- Romadi: 160 Tiaka, 100 Warriors, 10 Aikings, 2 Seers led by King Goros
- Imperial Varican Detachment: 105 Archers, 110 Spearmen, 290 Tiaka led by Hronu, seconded by Coil
- Sisiric: 180 Thune Skirmishers
Rohefna Garrison (formerly Jozioc):
- Hrafn: 150 Archers, 150 Spearmen, 100 Raeka
- Tessil: 20 Engineers, 12 Heavy Ballistae
The Imperial Army – Besieging Eicain
- Commanded by Emperor Hroth V, seconded by Regent Hroak
- Other Notables: Vallari, Matteo, Callista
- Hrothnani Contingent: 270 Warriors, 75 Skirmishers, 85 Aikings, 230 Spearmen, 215 Archers, 210 Raeka
- Oerdan Contingent: 270 Warriors, 75 Skirmishers, 85 Aikings, 210 Crossbowmen, 100 Raeka led by Prince Haraenicar
- Teral Contingent: 235 Spearmen, 95 Archers under Prince Teclia
- Valdiran Contingent: 200 Spearmen, 225 Archers, 75 Tiaka, 20 boats led by King Naxis
- Huroto Contingent: 175 Archers, 145 Spearmen, 50 Tiaka, 55 Raeka led by Thane Rutor Lassa.
- Isok half levy: 80 Warriors, 20 Skirmishers, 10 Aikings
- Bendor half levy: 140 Warriors, 30 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings
Tikeecee Remnant - Besieging Silisre
- Tikeecee: 200 Pikemen, 100 Skirmishers, 50 Crossbowmen
- Zostor refugees: 100 Zostor Skirmishers
- Drisili refugees: 100 Warriors

The Army of Duke Zio – At Zioc
- Commanded by Duke Zio, seconded by Lady Rian the Hyren
- Ducal Oathmen of Zio: 1200 Manische Spearmen, 280 Manni Blood Brothers, 140 Thune Skirmishers, 1 Star Warrior (Duke Zio)
- Princely Contingent: 170 Imperial Guardsmen, 35 Yomba Cavalry
The Army of Prince Frulin – at Zioc
- Commanded by Prince Frulin, seconded by princess Frula
- Ducal Oathmen of Frulin: 780 Manische Spearmen, 195 Manni Blood Brothers, 90 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Frula, Hyral the Hyren)
- 480 Imperial Guard, 290 Yomba Cavalry
The Army of Duke Locia – Besieged at Eicain
- Commanded by Lord Ucae, seconded by Lord Hysos
- Ducal Oathmen of Locia: 1000 Manische Spearmen, 250 Manni Blood Brothers, 100 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Lord Ucae, Hijon)
The Army of Prince Hymbae – Besieged at Eicain
- Commanded by Prince Hymbae, seconded by Lord Ubjion
- 400 Imperial Guard, 200 Yomba Cavalry, 2 Star Warriors (Lord Ubjion, Logun)
- 4 Mangonels
The Army of Duke Jorrae – at Locioc
- Commanded by Duke Jorrae, seconded by chief Sillage of the Drissili
- Ducal Oathmen of Jorrae: 1200 Manische Spearmen, 250 Manni Blood Brothers, 220 Thune Skirmishers, 3 Star Warriors (Jorrae, Valon, Krai)
- Drissili: 500 Warriors
Drisili of Silisre – Besieged in Silisre
- 340 Warriors
- Zion Ducal Oathmen: 120 Manische Spearmen, 20 Manni Blood Brothers
Trouble on the Border?
Hrafn border guards have reported seeing strange shapes in the night on the border. So far, no one has been seen clearly and no violence has taken place. The Hrafn’s Hyren vassals have begun to act strangely. A few loyal to the house of Adalbrandr have told their Varicans lords to watch the borders. The Sisiric have reported similar events on their northern and western borders.

Huroto on the Hunt

Forces involved:
- Huroto Nobility: 100 Archers + 120 Warriors, 60 Skirmishers, 60 Aikings from various tribes commanded by Prince Rulf
- Teral Hunting Party: 20 Warriors, 10 Skirmishers, 12 Aikings led by King Tyrion
- The Death Heads: 50 Raeka commanded by Cul

The Sargothi’s Eye
- No leadership
- ? Fulanti

Sargothi (?)
- 1 ‘Sargothi’

A Pleasant Excursion
In the absence of his father and still confident from his victory over Acacio, Prince Rulf called for the nobility of the realm to join him in a hunt. Such hunts are common among the nobility and differ greatly from actual campaigns into the dead jungle heart. Often using Wildman guides to find small fulanti villages, the hunters chase them wildly with no goal but killing Fulanti and having fun, rather than killing warriors or clearing new territory as actual campaigns entail.

The Fulanti reaction is the most important factor in these hunts. The fulanti after Hroth III (73AF-99AF) often hide, preferring to let a few of their number die rather than risk a larger war. Other times, the Fulanti will attempt to ambush the party and slay many young aikings and other nobles. The most famous instance happened in 53AF when the Teral King Teclion was killed along with his entourage.

This time, Loka-Jaw of the Two Lines seems to have persuaded the tribal elders to use discretion. Few of Rulf’s men were killed in the hunt and more than 60 Fulanti pelts were brought back to Skav.

The Sargothi Awaken?
A force of two hundred Huroto ventured into the Sargothi ruins in Angaladan territory. They came back with stories of a strange beast who spat fire and whose armoured body couldn’t be penetrated by sword or arrow. After nearly twenty Huroto died from this implacable enemy, they returned home, bringing with them rumours that they had faced a living Sargothi.

When word reached Cul in Varica, he decided to return, eager to hunt the thing. He gathered his elite bodyguards, the Deathheads, and ventured down into the ruins, pledging to return to Skav only when he or the beast was dead.

When he emerged a week later, fewer than half of his Deathheads emerged with him. But he dragged the corpse of the beast behind him. The thing was a terrifying sight to behold. It body wasn’t just covered in metal armour, it was made of metal! One of the thing’s hands ended in a metal tube that the Deathhead’s claimed spat fire for the first four days of the hunt, and then mysteriously stopped. The other hand ended in three long, razor-sharp claws. One of these claws sliced Cul’s hand in half, shearing off the ring and pinky fingers of his left hand. The thing’s head was crushed by Cul’s hand on the sixth day, say his bodyguards.

Cul risks infection and death this year and requires significant rest and medical help, but this has done nothing to dim his arrogance as he shouts his victory over the legendary monster to the sky. He has had the thing mounted on a throne which he wheels out some nights for dinner so he might ask its advice on affairs of state to the amusement of the court.

Forces Remaining:
- Huroto Nobility: 95 Archers + 112 Warriors, 56 Skirmishers, 58 Aikings from various tribes commanded by Prince Rulf
- Teral Hunting Party: 18 Warriors, 10 Skirmishers, 11 Aikings led by King Tyrion
- The Death Heads: 21 Raeka commanded by Cul

The Sargothi’s Eye
- No leadership
- 63 less Fulanti, including 20 adult males

Sargothi (?)
- None known

Shadows in the Boreol
The minor fulanti tribes of the Boreol have launched a fierce attack on the Ropp. A village was sacked and many people were dragged away into the night. If the reports of the survivors are to be believed, then the Fulanti numbered two hundred. No Boreol tribe has been able to spare that many warriors for a raid on the Haecomus since the time of Emperor Valnir (59 AF-71 AF). Later in the year, two Rokina patrols went missing on the edge of the Boreol. A third repelled an attack by more than sixty Fulanti warriors. A Ropp patrol found the corpses of several wildmen mulilated and strung up from the canopy.

Growth and Trade

The disruption caused by the Voice of Hroth and Phridia in Gibraly territory has seriously harmed the Gibraly economy as peasants flee bad situations to join the Voice’s growing followers. With the Voice’s death, will they return to their homes, or will they become brigands? Only time will tell. Somehow, the word of the Voice is spreading despite his death.

Nimosa and the Rheni continue to look outward this year. It is rumoured that the two are competing to expand their influence in the land of wheat and fish. The Rheni have ignored the difficulties of Varica and are instead expanding trade with Risano, the only major thune city not at war.

The Four-Claw Fulanti have done what was once impossible: founded the first fulanti town. After three years of building in secret, Furilani, meaning the ‘home of the people’, is ready for its first occupants. The Fulanti city is rather primitive for Haecomus standards, but it serves as a testament to Five-Arrow’s abilities. Defense was the primary concern of the builders. A large stone wall encircles the town with room inside for large herds to feed the city. The Nakar are said to have helped with the city’s construction as well as the quarrying of stone for its construction. The Nakar have been allowed to build a school here and a temple.

The Huroto continue to recover from their wars. Skav has finally been rebuilt, though it remain a shadow of its former self. Sunta, now named, Lokad is being rebuilt as a Lokvar city and Skad is filling its abandoned houses with new Huroto owners. However, morale remains high as the Huroto enjoy the fruits of the victories and their king shows his skill by choosing the winning regent and slaying the sargothi. However, the higher taxed being levied on the stronger vassals has caused some grumbling. They claim that they shouldn’t be punished for their success with higher tribute. The Lokvar aren’t complaining about the higher tribute, but have asked Cul to support their planned petition to be recognized as a provincial kingdom once more.

King Naxis continues to reward his faithful vassals, binding them closely to his regime and ensuring their loyalty to him. In the spring he concluded a marriage with the thaness of the Valarma, though their sons will never inherit, the royal throne, her issue will continue to rule the Valarma. With his powerbase secured, Naxis left his kingdom in the hands of his mother Elissa and his son Accacio. They have taken no action on the Phridians who continue to squabble among themselves.

The Validirans have maintained their close contact with the Tessil. The Validiran forces in Tessilki have been used mainly to guard the southern reaches against Cirici aggression have suffered no more than two or three deaths due to disease. Prince Adonis is a regular visitor to the city’s cultural and scholarly centers. He is not the only Validiran learning from the thune; the school in Telius continues to receive royal patronage. Rich merchants have begun sending high level clerks or younger sons there so they might more easily take advantage of opportunities among the thune. These merchant sponsored students will soon outnumber the less enthusiastic noble sons.

Despite the shadows on the borders, morale remains high in Assfell. A triumph was held in honour of the victory at Rohefna. The prisoners were led through the streets to the cheering of the crowds. Wounded warriors were treated as kings by the populace before the spoils of war were distributed among the families of those who died with Adalbrandr. The triumph, songs of victory filtering back from the royal bards, the low tributes, the large sacrifices honouring Haeka and his daughters, the slaves distributed to the families of the dead, and the continued development of the country have improved the lot of Hrafn people and the loyalty of the tribes. The Hrafn army fares well too, as does the entire Varican force in the field due to provisions from Assfell, Werar, Validira, and Varica, many of which flow down the Royal Road that now connects Assfell, Brandhaus, and Rissik. Besides the road, land clearance has been a key development program this year, increasing the grain yield for next year (another increase will require a larger investment however).

Beneath the surface, Hrafn explorers continue to map the Sargothi ruins. They have returned safely to the surface with one unit of metal (half of the regular roll, since they were focused on the map). One more year will be required to complete the map.

In Werhold, the thanes and merchants continue to gain power while the King is away. They all remain fiercely loyal to their young, good king, but still, Werhold continues to develop in a different direction than many other Kingdoms. With so many of their tribal warriors and professional soldiers away, the Werar have had to resort to non-traditional sources of manpower to defend their borders from possible Manische raids. The Kingsmen of Werhold, Riheort, has organized able bodied men of the city into an urban militia, which has helped to provide world for the unemployed of the city as well as bolster the confidence of the people. The merchant guilds and urban nobility have been generous in hiring mercenaries from throughout the Empire. Some are coming from as far away as the Darian March to find work. Luckily, with the Manische’s best led and fastest troops either bottled up in Eicain or checked by Hroak’s army, the Manische were unable to launch raids on Werhold this year. These defenses will do much to protect the city in the future.

Thane Boheort returned to Werhold to lead a reinforcement column but also to ensure the kingsmen, thanes, and aikings were behaving according to the King’s wishes. He met with many notables for renewed oaths of support bearing assurances that the tribal levies would return by the end of the year. That they did. Slowly from the middle summer, the tribal levies were sent home in small groups until eventually all were allowed to return home. The Werar economy was still strained this year, but with losses among the warbands relatively light and their recent return, growth will return to Varica’s second largest economy soon.

Several guilds have used their mercenaries to hunt for metals beneath Werhold under the patronage of Riheort. They have returned successfully with 1 unit of metal. For his patronage, Riheort is entitled to 0.5 of this metal.

The foreign quarters of both Werar cities continue to grow. Most notably that of Thanesburch. (Werhold can now raise Thune Skirmishers at the cost of 1/10 with 1/40 upkeep, but may maintain no more than 40. This number will grow as the thune community does).


A Hyren woman appeared in front of the gates of Rissik in the dead of winter. She was naked and carried nothing but a spear. She thrust the spear into the earth in front of the gates, screamed for a moment, then left. Hyren of the Reyli and Kaku tribes working on the road to Rissik who heard of this tale were visibly shaken. This is one of the feared ‘White Ladies’; legendary witches of considerable power who rule a tribe on the far northern edge of Hyren territory.

Lord Damarkes may be losing control over the Darians. Twice now his Hrothnani settlers have had their villages sacked by raiders. Damarkes has inflicted punitive raids twice as harsh on the Darians, but many feel than without outside help, he may end up facing a rebellion he doesn’t have a manpower to put down. On the bright side, there have been no raids on the Gamars.

The Four-Claw fulanti have found the shaman they were hunting. They have returned with his head and many magical trinkets. On the night of their return, a fierce storm lashed the lands of the clan who slew the shaman.

The earth has shaken many times along the mountains of the Gamars, Romadi, and Hrafn. It is unknown what is happening there, but some have guessed that something has angered Haeka or that the Sargothi have awoken from some underground tomb.

The Risanan thune have left Fynnica in a ship repaired with the help of Condotta shipwrights.

A device has arrived by ship in Risano from its sister city of Karano. This massive device made of lacquered wooden gears, metal wiring, and glass globes can be used to accurately predict the positions of the three sister moon and calculate its effect on the tides. Previously, only skilled navigators and mathematicians have been able to do this and fatal errors are common. The machine can make the calculations accurately and in a tenth of the time.


To: The Varican Generals
From: The Tikeecee Remnant

Thank you for aiding us in our struggle. Please, help us to free our brothers occupied by the Drisili and Manische. We will fight beside you so long as you war with them if you can restore to us our homeland.

To: The Varessan Emperor, Hroth IV, his princes and dukes
From: His Majesty Emperor Lojaz the living star, hammer of the Ficon, bringing of unity, father of the Manische

This war has gone on long enough. We do not know why you fight us. We know not why you destroyed our armies who came to the aid of the Hyren, or who came to bring the light of civilization to the Sisiric. You have even seized our very homes themselves. You do these things without provocation, without reason, yet I am a generous lord. I offer you one final chance for peace. Leave our lands now and never return. I do not enjoy bloodshed, but I will do my duty to my people if you persist in this pointless war. You will not survive another year if you do not withdraw.

The Map

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OOC stuff

Since it took me so long to do this update, and since there was a three week gap between writing the two halves of the update, there are bound to be many mistakes. Please let me know if I’ve done something wrong. I have a feeling I’ve forgotten a couple of things too, but no idea exactly what. So let me know what I’ve forgotten. Especially for the players who talk to me in MSN, I’ve probably missed something

Orders for Update 5 are due August 7th at 11am Eastern Standard Time. I will begin updating that morning. I will be on a trip August 2-5 and have a wedding on the 6th. This is why we have a three week rather than two week player orders cycle.
Ooooh, an update. I had almost forgotten about this NES. I'm still in by the way!
To: All the kingdoms of the Varican Empire
From: King Cul Funkard, Greatest Warrior of the Lands

I, Cul Funkard, have destroyed with my own hands one of the most vile and evil things in all creation. Deep in the ruins in the far south my men found a living Sargothi. This terrible thing set upon them with fire and claws. I took my bravest warriors into these ruins and fought with the evil being for 7 days and 7 nights and I have emerged victorious!

I am the greatest warrior ever to walk the lands! Come to my castle and look upon the ruins of the ancient evil and you will see the truth!

(OOC Cul as ever showing off his true humble self :p)
Great to see this is still alive.

His words so moved the people that were ready to acclaim him as the new Emperor by popular will

I think you meant Regent. ;)

The northern states supported him with vigour, but with their most prestigious leaders in the field, their effect.

I think that sentence isn't entirely.
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