Funny Pictures XXV: Rehosted from somewhere else

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Same voice actor.

Good luck scraping your brains off the ceiling.
Never heard of either, but thanks for wishing me luck anyway.
If only I could hack into some accounting systems & have them round off the zeros into a bank account I owned, no one would even notice! :mischief:

You know Richard Prior did that in a movie something like 30 years ago, right?
edit: skipped a page. My bad.
I didn't remember what year Superman III came out, just remembered it was a long time ago. Turns out it was 1983, so my guess of 30 years was close enough. :p
All right, not knowing a single dragon from Skyrim I get. But not knowing Mario? The hell?
I've heard of Mario, but I didn't think he had a voice.
Really, you never heard "Itsa me, Mario!" or anything?

Kids these days... :shake:
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