Half of the map is grey with eyefinite.


Oct 25, 2014
So I've been trying to play Civ5 at 3840x1024 after I got a new video card, and when I do, the right half of the screen shows up as grey, but markers for stuff (like city names), will still appear.

Here's some screenshots (downscaled from 3840x1024):
Spoiler Click here to view screenshots :

Does anybody know how to fix this? Is there a mod or some kind that optimizes civ5 for three monitor eyefinity?

I should mention that the game crashed whenever I try to use dX10/11, so I have been using directX 9. It worked fine on a single monitor.
From the screenshot it looks like the scale is off. 3840x1024 scales to 16.4 instead of 16.9. The 1024 should be more like 2160. If you stretched the game it would not look right. Instead of stretching, the game just filled in the proper portion to resemble 16.9. That is my guess on what is going on.
I have been having this same exact issue, except my resolution is 5040 x 1050. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
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