What's 20K?

20 000 culture points in a single city. It's a victory condition: whichever civilisation has the first city to 20 000 culture points wins.
I still think Québec City would have more culture, it being older and all...of cource I have never spent more than 30 minutes in Montréal (getting stares from motorists because I am only going 140kph in a 100kph zone!).

Vive le Québec!
Dark Russell said:
I still think Québec City would have more culture, it being older and all...of cource I have never spent more than 30 minutes in Montréal (getting stares from motorists because I am only going 140kph in a 100kph zone!).

Vive le Québec!
Not necessarly, FLQ HQ is in Montreal (did I say that out loud???) it produces culture. And we have the best hockey stadium all over the world, it's a great wonder. But Quebec's palace is still 1 culture per turn, as Montreal FP (?) is more. This would be a funny debate : is Montreal highest culture than Quebec city.

Vive le Quebec!!! Vive Rénée Lesvesque!!! Vive jean Brault :ar15: !!!
Pentium said:
Come on you Quebecans, Ljubljana beats you all.
Isn't it Quebecers?
I always thought that it was Quebecois... or something like that...
Tomoyo said:
I always thought that it was Quebecois... or something like that...
That's in french, in english it is quebecer.

Vive le Québec!! Longue vie au Bloc!!! Votez Marxiste-Léniniste!!!! :confused:
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