NDNESVI(Reboot): Myths, Legends, and Gods

A Warm Welcome to Hell

Day 1

Hidden in some forgotten place at the borderlands of dreams and our world, the Impostor Church is hard at work creating a new world based on their visions, with the help of certain gods sympathetic to their goals. Clouds overhead burn brightly over the harbor as the ship sails to dock at its harbor. Ropes come to life like snakes and sailors beat them to death with an oar. The sky opens up and disgorge new set of experimental laws, lies, curses, and other assorted unpleasant but necessary bureaucratic works into the tiled streets of the harbor. Its denizens run for cover.

"Welcome to hell!" a bright eyed young twenty something said as he walked over with a parchment in one hand and a pen in the other, with a tough looking robe to shield himself from the deluge. "Do you have your passes?" A large goat went aboard my ship to grab my luggage. I concluded my business with the docking official as quickly as possible before I ran towards a trattoria where a vagrant and a priest was discussing the exact price of human kidneys. The rain of law had left me with a malformed constitution in my boots that I had to shake off, but nobody uttered a word. It was, after all, fashionable in hell to have disrespect for the law.

Day 8

The buildings and streets in Hell have been carved out of a bone like material, and decorated with blood red bricks. Not actual bones, I'm told. Perhaps these bones are what is left when a law is broken, and the Impostor Priests simply took them to build their new great experiment due to the abundance of the material.

Waking up today caused me great annoyance, as some hooligan had seen fit to vandalize all reflective surfaces in the city. This caused great concern among the denizens of Hell, for they had trouble remembering their own faces.

I myself could not resist investigating my own face with my fingertips, and quickly discounted the notion that I looked like a hippopotamus or Tai's brass balls. Nobody was running from me, so I also discounted the more strange possibilities.

Then again, the locals seemed much more interested in exploring what they themselves looked like. The vanity of some people are beyond belief.

Day 12

Streets were filled with some kind of ash and coal-like substance today, which caused great amount of displeasure to the ones walking upon the streets. I mention this only because I was forced to spend some time observing the local streets while hiding from a group of tradesmen who had, last night, formed something between a sporting team and a mad and apocalyptic death cult.

A woman shrieked as she flew by me at that moment, accidentally having jumped too high in the day that the Impostor Parliament denounced gravity as being too tyrannical and thus saw fit to scale back its influence upon Hell until an exact and better substitute could be found. I wished her all the good luck in her flight as she tumbled through the air towards the tower at the center of the town.

Day 10

Linear time has been deemed tyrannical, and thus today is two days ago.

Day 11

Revolutionary and inflammatory literature covered the walls, the streets, the skies, coins, statues, and our daily bread today. The Impostor Parliament apparently have read all of these literature, and thus have seen fit to raise awareness for increased literacy among its citizens--by literally pasting words onto every available surface that they can affect in the city.

I quickly found myself alone in the city, as every rat, henchmen, and orphans in the city retired to their rooms to read through the literature the city itself had disgorged upon the streets. Next few days were not uncomfortable, however, as I had not forgotten yet to dress myself.

A young lady down the street forgot how to tie her shoelaces and thus required the service of a physician. I offered my sympathies towards her while I attempted to find my errant underlings.

Day 20:

The Republic of Hell always has fountains in most prominent of places, such as in this civic forum. It sprouts something that is not completely unresembling of water, despite its purple coloration. Everytime it splashed, I would hear snide and sarcastic comments. "Oh yes, that hat suits you perfectly well." "Yes, you have achieved all that you can in your life" "No you've no concern with your weight."

My rats found the place charming but I had serious difficulty agreeing with them at the moment.

Day 34: A large executioner wearing a black hood and a large axe sought me out today and handed me a noose. He said I was the Republic's chief judge for the day.

Being a chief judge in Hell was truly an impossible task. Laws changed faster than I could read them. Trio of devils wearing some kind of fur hats relieved me of my post soon and told me that malefactors were lining up, and that I should've just sent the lot for abstraction.

Day 27

At the center of the city is the Market of Hunger, apparently carved as a joke to a certain place in the Empire to the east. It is, additionally, one of the most stable areas in the Republic. I believe the locals just appreciated the joke for some reason too much to let it suffer the worst of the inconsistancies of Hell.

Choice of day to visit the market was unfortunate, as today was the day when financial transaction became beautiful. Half of the market stood still and gaped in awe as a man bought a copper paperweight. They cried when the transaction was finished, and the market erupted into transactions. I could not stop myself from weeping with joy as I saw two impostor priests buy new silk for their robes.

Day 45

Despite all this suffering, despite all this deaths, despite all these horrors inflicted by the whims of mankind, the Republic of Hell grows ever stronger. Why? Do people desire this kind of freedom so much that they are willing to risk all?

The great experiment continues still. The Impostor Parliament still seeks the perfection that shall guide our lives. Perhaps it is impossible to find. Perhaps this eternal state of change is the perfection that the Impostors always sought.

Day 50

A gaggle of metal winged gulls, imps, and blood-drinking shadows demanded reparations for snuffing out their lamps. I, of course, dashed for the nearest open door.

I have now been here long enough to know that danger in this Republic is mostly limited to the politically incompetent and the slow-witted. Avoid angering the mobs or the Committee, and life here is mostly bearable. Even for those who cannot bear it any longer, the option of escaping into the Library or the Museum, where the realm is much more stable, exists. Lesser horrors must be endured, of course, but such was the nature of change, and they passed quickly. I wondered aloud why the Impostors deemed such an experiment as Hell necessary. He told me that the Curator will not be around forever, and that they must experiment while they can.

Day Censored

This passage has been censored.


This passage has been censored.

Day 68, but who's counting anymore?

Even the women in the work crew was surprised to discover a collection of revolutionary literature under the street excavations. Who felt the need to bury books in a city devoid of censorship? Custodians arrived with an annoyed expression in their face to recover the books for the Great Library.

Day it's too loud in here

It was too loud in the city. The roar of steam in the distance. The partying music from down the hall. The boiling of my own drink as they were squeezed out of the teats of large maggots. The laughter of the chattering humans and imps all around me. I could not bear it any longer, and I wished for all too just simply shut up for an instance.

In that moment, the city fell to silence. Nobody made a sound. Nobody and nothing was capable of making a sound. People continued their conversation in silent speech and sign language that they suddenly found themselves fluent in. Volcanic vents were muffled, and I found myself at peace.

But the moment passes quickly, and the city is back to normal, responding to the desires of its denizens according to the guidance of the Impostor Parliament. A moment of silence or two in a day, after all, is not bad.

The survivors huddled under the uncaring night sky, praying for dreamless sleep. Only a year ago, the valley was lit with bonfires and happiness. Now, their homes and hopes burn, and their happiness drowns in ashen dreams.

The camp was still, and silent, fearing unwanted attention. For many dangers, once left to myth and legend, have awoken to haunt them. Nital and his Onoqi. Spiders and wisps. Husks and zombies. Even one of their own can fall sleep, from fear or exhaustion, and awake a monster. Some tried to pray, while others silently questioned their faith in any god which would allow such atrocities to occur.

Suddenly, the forest shock. They were discovered.

Panic, at first. Ripping, tearing. A few snap at that instant, babbling, crawling away to hide, or attacking anyone, even themselves, in a frenzy, a desperate attempt to assert their life before their death. Others grasped at each other, frozen in fear, almost unwilling to continue a life consisting of nothing but fear before an inevitab...


The Chromatai Qorwen rumbled, his voice appearing at the entrance to each and every tent. His light grew, and for a moment, it was day again. With a flash his single eye opened, and a beam of orange light sliced through the air, toppling wood and rock alike as he carved an escape route through the underbrush. The behemoth rumbled again, and then the forest answered.

Dull lights, who had hid themselves amongst the trees, sparked to life. A Chorus of Chromarchs flew through the camp, rallying the survivors. They chimed “Flee! Flee!” as they led most towards safety. Others, seeing determination or desperation, called “Fight! Fight!” and led the brave and foolhardy in another direction.

“WARRIORS, TO ME!” rumbled the bright orange Chromatai, as spiders and Onoqi crawled over the ridge. Qorwen opened his eyes once more, and said ridge exploded in flames. Dark shapes, backlit by the burning bush, screamed in pain, or continued through.

It was a battle not like any other, and yet sadly, too much like most. Corrosive blood flew through the air, corrupting friends before their very eyes into the very beasts they fought. Spiders spit and spewed poison and web alike, drawing many into their doom. Many, resolve breaking on sight, collapsed or screamed or wept or died. But others stood and fought. They knew, by standing, they are already dead men. But every second they bought is a life, perhaps, saved. Shields rose, then flew together, forming impromptu walls. Spears jabbed and flew, keeping the monsters at bay. A bow twang, the arrow exploding in blood as the Onoqi cackled at the meek attempt at its life. But that distraction let another fly through it’s defenses, and the Onoqi cursed and spit as it dug the barbed arrow from a wound bleeding with blackened blood, before flinging the corrupted pus onto the struggling warriors. Spiders lept upon the men as well, but their blades sang in reply, removing limb after limb. Their deaths will not be easy this time, it seems.

And the chorus sang their song, of flight, of fight. The Chromatai conducting the symphony of light with deep vibrations as he too, fought desperately. He can feel his strength waning as he opened his eyes, and the sights he saw… not often would a Chromatai open eyes to a pretty sight. But he has fought before, oh yes, in another lifetime. Qorwen stood his ground, surrounded by light, and darkness, life, and much more death.

But our tale brings us back to the almost abandoned camp, where a girl dragged a struggling sword through the mud towards the fight. Her name was Kystra, and her sword was “Rat’s Tail”. Tears slid down her cheek as she struggled, more against herself than with her sword, towards the screaming of dying men. Behind her, her mother’s body laid headless, and her final gift refused her commands.

“No, I will not fight for you.” It told her, when she drew the blade from her mother’s lifeless arms. “I am protecting her honor” It claimed, as it removed the head of her mother. “My name is Radstyl, your name is Kystra, and this is not our fight.” It protested now, as she tried die like a woman. A proud warrior. Like her mother, before the spider’s poison paralyzed her.

“Crying girl?” asked a voice. Kystra looked up to see a green chromarch floating before her. “Time to Flee. Flee now.” it parroted helpfully, flying towards the razed trees.

Kysta sniffled, the sounds dying coming closer. She took another half step forward before the chromarch desperately flew before her again.

“No no cry star!” he cried desperately “Flee! Please!”

His voice sounded familiar. Her memories spoke of the happy, shy chromarchs who flittered by her mother’s side, before they were washed away by a tide of blood. Kystra tried to take another half step forward.

But this time, it wasn’t that chromarch which stopped her.

It was an Onoqi.

The monstrous, once-human blood mage was unhappy. Its brothers died to this handful of low life peasants, and a Chromatai’s precious lifeblood was wasted when he died by his own hand, giving up his soul as his piercing eyes removed his arm. It had grown another of course: with so much blood the ritual was simple. But with no innocents captured, paralyzed by the spider’s venom, there will be no great sacrifice tonight.

Or will there? Before it’s very eyes stood a price which brought bloody saliva to his fangs, which he gleefully removed with a haired tongue. An older chromarch, a lesser prize, perhaps, but still valuably delicious. A virgin girl, her eyes wide open with sadness and fear. And finally, perhaps the biggest prize of all, a Celestial Blade, ripe for unspeakable magics. It cackled, ignoring the arrows in its side and the spear that struck through his lungs. The blood that pooled in its throat was but a delicious prelude for what’s to come. Nital would surely favor him tonight.

Kystra finally met with the death she sought, but now she stood frozen, her arms limp, as the monster licked it’s bloody fangs. Her mind slowed and her skin tingled as it reached towards her, intent on a fate far worse than death.

Suddenly, the Onoqui yelped. The green chromarch flew before her, crying “Flee!” as it flung another pebble into the monster’s eyes. A clawed hand darted out, it’s arc seemingly leaving gashes in reality itself as it cut into the struggle chromarch.

As Rat’s Tail flew up, her arms pulling together into a practiced stance...

As a distinctive, glassy crunch was heard, followed by a now weak, tinny scream…

As Raiko rose, hours earlier, the light driving away spiders that crept up in the darkness..

Kystra realized she wanted to live.

“Then we shall.” spoke the blade.

Memories flashed through her. Her mother, and her mother before her, many years, endless years…

Many Swords rising…

One sword rising…

Her sword rising… rising... slicing…

And then, it was over. The Onoqi’s head flew in an arc, poisoned blood jetting backwards and the body slowly crumbled to the ground. A ruined chromarch fell from it’s claws, trailing soft, green mist as rainbow blood leaked onto the grass. Raiko’s soft red light, warning of greater pains, drove away the spiders into darker glens.

An Kystra knew his name. She knelt by it.

“Pormoy…” she whispered, gathering the shattered heart, and the last dregs of rainbow soul that still flowed within, the soft green mist that flickered gently…

“Kys...tra…” he whispered… “You are a warrior… Just like… your mother…”

Even without a face, he seemed to smile as his light went out, forever.
Something Unexpected


"For thee O Lord, are shed these hallowed drops, verily may they bring Vash unto his worshippers."


The priest chanted in the sacred cavern where some few of those votaries of Vash had taken refuge as he cast sacred substances on a crude stone altar. A cavern sacred, for here it was said the god himself had once abided, as he subdued the power of Patron and wrought the energies of the world to hold back the darkness. Darkness which now threatened to consume the world. The divine presence still infused this place, the potent energy of change oozed out from every stone, every speck of dust, and here and there strange signs could be seen inscribed into the walls. Signs filled with the power of the inscriber.

"My Lord"

A mage skilled in the divining arts, fearfully called out, His face dripping with sweat as he begged his masters wisdom. For he was one of the few who still had some power to discern the threads of fate, threads so chaotic since the fall of Vash'eth that perhaps none but the Lord of Fate himself could truly still read and understand the will of providence. And what he had seen was a fate worse than simple death.

"We have been found, Onoqi gather beyond the wards. They won't last for long"

The priest, after a moments pause, continued his chant.


"May He grant us lights of heaven, and bestow wisdom unto them who bear His gifts"


A howl came from the cavern. Bestial and hungering for the flesh of men, and blood for the blood god, to feed his insatiable appetite and fulfil his one and only purpose. The end of all things. The priest knew not how they had found this place, perhaps their god had sensed the lingering power of Vash emanating from the stone like a beacon in the night, calling him hither in pursuit of the only god to foresee his advent and take measures against his return. Or perhaps the Onoqi had simply scoured every crack and cranny lest any speck of life escape their demonic claws to beg the gods for mercy in this dark hour, and smelt the presence of living flesh to devour.

Putting aside their dread, the diviner and his fellow mages began their own chant, a low drone throbbing with power and rising in a strange harmony in a bid, which they knew in the depths of their souls was ultimately futile, to prevent the demons from breaking through to the women and children who had taken refuge with them.

The howls grew louder, and from beyond the wards the sound of knives cutting through mortal flesh could be heard. The screams of the slain rising up and echoing through the dark chambers, and burbling with the frothing of their flowing blood. Stillness descended, Blood magic, the fell power of Nital, that same power which corrupted the first city and earned the wrath of Vash, and damnation upon its empire, filled the cavern as the mage lights on the wall flickered, and the wards shuddered and threatened to be blown away like dust in the wind.

The priest continued to chant, droplets of sweat beading upon his forehead


"Wealth be upon His votary, all ye priests, praise ye Him"


The sound of wardrums, their membranes fashioned from the flayed skins of children offered unto the Lord of Ruin at one of his dread banquets, beat a third music, one entirely opposed to the chants of the magi and the prayers of the old priest. The temple-serfs who accompanied the priest, readied their spears as they wordlessly consigned themselves to Nyubars embrace, that those behind them, from the devotees of Vash to villagers devoted to Nyubar, Achandasha, Tai and the other gods popular amongst mortal kind who, in common terror of the infernal judgement that had descended upon them had gathered in this cavern hoping beyond hope that they would be spared, might live a little longer. For the drums of Nital heralded only death, for his foes and worshippers alike. Their sound spoke that the enemy knew their triumph was near at hand.

A howling chorus came from beyond the cavern door. The blood-magic came to its crescendo, and in an instant the feeble wards held up by the magic shattered. The mystic energies dissipating into the blackness of the void as if they never were. The mage lights too, like candles in the wind, were in an instant snuffed out as if they never were, plunging the sacred cavern into absolute darkness.

The old priest finished his chant and turning his gaze to heaven made a desperate plea. Against all hope, contrary to the dictates of the temple, contrary to wisdom and all mortal understand. Truly it was absurd the plea he made, for never in all the history of the world had the Lord of Change answered the prayers of those who petitioned Him for his aid, coming only unexpectedly by whatever incomprehensible whims governed the mind of a god to a rare few mortals, barely any of whom held the god of change in any high esteem.


"Vash.... save us"


The Onoqi bounded into the Changers Cavern maws dripping in hunger, and found...

From: Statute
To: Kross

I am willing to accept your request. I will travel to the pole and take your test and join my strength to yours, if three Obligations are accepted as magically binding.

The first Obligation: If I pass your test, and we form a pantheon, all its members must march on Nital together.

The second Obligation: The god who strikes the blow which defeats Nital, the greatest threat to our world, must be counted as our leader.

The third Obligation: Vash cannot be admitted to this pantheon until the matter of his punishment and atonement has been settled.

May Balance be served.
Lorens awoke with a start. Blades and impossible angles shattered like breaking glass before his eyes, scattering before him. Desperately, he held on. He held on to anything he could. In a frantic haze, he flopped out of his bed, propped himself on a wall, and half-staggered half-sprinted to his table. The book, festooned with diagrams and scribbled letters, lay before him. Hyperventilating, Lorens began to write.

Curve within curve. Holes aren't holes, but filled with themselves. A twisted temple, rolling backwards into infinite repetition. Edges visible, but no limits to outline.

His stylus came to a dragging halt. The dream was fading now, escaping his mind... all he could think of now was what he had already written: a weak imitation of a stupendous vision. It was almost an insultingly bad description, now that he re-read his words. Like a child's drawing of the First Sun, compared to the majesty of rising dawn. At this, Lorens despaired. The dream was so incredible, so total in its scope, so... sublime. Mighty and terrible, yet beautiful in its unfathomable, but clearly present, logic. Patterns within patterns, repeating forever. Yet it was locked away, in his own mind. In dreams, that alien colossus was comprehensible. But on waking, it crumpled and shattered, utterly failing to coalesce in the face of reason. Lorens knew that certain shapes could not fit together, no matter how he tried. But in his dream, they did, unfolding like blossoming, geometric flowers, with petals like a fan of blades, and stems like curling knots of rope. Oh, how he longed to be able to explore that world again, conscious in his dreams, to stand among the select few of the Curator.

Lorens' reverie was shaken by the sound of movement in another room, and the light padding of bare feet.

"Daddy, are you okay?"

The man turned around to look on his daughter. His eyes were red and damp with frustrated tears, but his mouth could not help but smile at the sight of the greatest treasure in his world. He put on a strong front.

"I'm alright, Mandas."

The little girl climbed up onto her father's lap.

"I think you're sad."

"Not sad. Just..." Lorens fumbled for a word to describe his emotions. The room fell quiet, except for the dull rush of water in the stream outside, and the growing chorus of morning insects.

"Just... frustrated, and disappointed. I'm so close to something, but I feel like I lose it every time I get closer."

Mandas nodded, and with her father looked out the window. Tai's light was now filtering into their house. In the distance, a floating mountain hovered serenely, a cloud of water gently falling off its side. After several moments, Mandas broke the silence.

"I had the dream too."
ooc: @thalyli, the third obligation you mentioned would be expedited if you got back to me with regards to that PM....
Hey everyone! In addition to asking for those sweet, sweet location names, I was wondering if I could bug each of you for pictures that you think suit your God, as well as potentially pictures that would work for any races that have been created? I'd prefer this stuff sent to my inbox, but in thread is technically fine I GUESS :p
The Curator:

Spoiler Old Orders Turn 2 :
Terrance888 said:
1 Major Point : The War on Vash’eth
Mobilization of the Chromarchs
Gathering of Heroes
Blasting Vash’eth as Coup de Grace

1 Minor Point: The Celestial Citadel
A great temple-workshop for the practice of Celestial Enchantment
Location: On the Onoqu and Rula continent, on the south side facing Andrachesa’s isle, but not on it, representing it’s slight separation from Andrachesa’s magic. Probably on or near a mountain. Maybe on the mountain ridge separating the continent from the Vash’eth subcontinent?
Tai grasps the seed of Celestial magic and casts it upon the world as a shooting star, where it lands a great citadel sprouts, and the chosen followers of Andrachesa and Tai are gathered there to be given the knowledge for the creation of magnificent enchantments and the study of other such magics

1 Minor Point: The Starmetal Blades
Three Starmetal Blades are forged, the last and greatest creations of the First Smiths.
Daybreaker, Nightbringer, Terminator
Each blade has at it’s core a stargem from Andrachesa, containing great knowledge, and which was given a soul similar to that of a Chromarch by Tai, one that can learn and give knowledge to wielders



After the judgement call, no more warnings come. Each God’s patients is measured by each others, and when the Cold North finished gathering his strength and marched, Tai and Harika also answer the call.

Each will contribute to this war in their own way. Tai, whose holy lands are relatively close, provides relative large contingent of mortal followers, lead by the Chromatai and the Chromakin. The ground forces have two focuses: preventing any Mage from escaping the destruction alive, and distracting the defenders of the city form maintaining their magical wards/defenses.

Tai especially empowers some Chromatai and Chromakin who have proven themselves, giving them great power to direct the searing power of the First Sun into the enemies, especially the Dragons.

I expect some Chromatai and Chromakin who don’t want to fight. I also expect there to be mages within our society. They will not be prosecuted. Only those who partook in the crimes of Vash’eth shall.

As the battle rages, when the time is right, I warn the other combatants to retreat. Then I will open my eyes upon the world, and unleash the unfettered power of my core upon this sore on this world. I expect Harika to have made things sufficiently damp: with Tai’s power unleashed he will heat the water until it steams, then explodes utterly destroying the city. Also, rift-fun time!

In the aftermath, I expect the Harika to return the subcontinent to the sea, with Kross receiving a surface-ice bridge to the South Pole. Any of my followers who survived would have made close cooperation with the Giants and Typhons and may settle any remaining land.

If Vash Resists, I will leave the mortals to continue the fight on the ground, and We Three Gods shall bring the fight to Vash. Hopefully Harika and Kross combined can pin Vash down for me to look upon his face myself. Aka Ark of the Covanent that sh!t!. If any pitiful ashes survive, we’ll throw it in Statute’s prison for one thousand years: we are not murderers. Merely avenging the theft of our divine po… I mean, divine brother’s life.


When Andrachea finishes writing the laws and empowering the heart of Celestial Magic, she shall cast it across the night sky. And I shall catch it and embrace it within my hands. And forge it, and empower it with my own might, and shape it. And then I shall cast it towards the earth. And this seed of Celestial Magic shall become a shooting star, streaking across the heavens to land into the earth. And once planted this seed shall grow into a living citadel, and this is the point where I realize this might be too OP for a minor action but fook it, we spent a major on the creation of this fooking magic. This citadel shall dig deep roots, and bring forth magma and ores from the heart of the earth for the use of the mortals. This citadel will raise towers to the sky, reaching for the heavens which has given this gift of magic. The living enchantments here will make any Celestial magic enchantments and enchanting greater, and help those chosen to learn it.

Oooh, maybe it will be cool if there is a white tree esque tree thing at the center of the Celestial Citadel. This tree isn’t literally the heart of the citadel, just figuratively. But it’s livliness, like the White Tree of Gondor, can showcase the life of the Citadel. Maybe it’s fruits can be the living gems forged into the greatest of the enchanted weapons and materials? Or are those living gems gifted separately? Forwarding to Southern King.

The chosen of both Andrachesa and Tai will converge upon the Celestial Citadel to become the legendary First Smiths. They will learn and master the first age of celestial magic, and before the First Smiths disbanded, they would have taught several generations of successors as well as created/forged the three legendary Starmetal Blades.

From now and for many centuries, the Celestial Citadel will be the heart of Celestial magic and Celestial enchantments.


After many years of practice, the First Smiths begin on their greatest work, on three Starmetal Blades which will become legend. All three Blades have these properties in common. They all have a heart gem, similar to the knowledge gem of Andrachesa or the rainbow heart of the Chromarchs. Within this heart lies the soul of the sword, as well as the knowledge of the blade. This soul judges new wielders and, if it finds them worthy, gives them great power and knowledge. Additionally, this soul learns from its wielders and this makes each soul blade more and more dangerous as the centuries pass and it gains more and more experience. These swords, based on Andradesha’s espionage, are incredibly resistant to other Gods Magic. From the Gift of Vash, the Blood Pacts of Nital, to even the invisibility of Fuku these swords serve as counters of varying degrees. For common Vashish spells, they can even slice through, deflect, or reflect spells/mental energy back at their casters! (i.e. a mage imagines a person combusting: the user “cuts” their concentration and the caster burns herself instead). Finally, all these swords can do anime-style slice cuts, launching arcs of energy into the distance. This is a rather advanced technique, but one much feared.

Daybreaker: This sword can burst into brilliant light, causing heavy burn damage and pushing back the darkness. It can cut through almost anything through sheer power, albeit rather slowly as it needs to burn through it. It’s almost basically a lightsaber. It can bring light into even the most oppressive darkness. Some have said that this sword can give hope and courage where there is none, or cause those who give fear to fear themselves, but that might be a placebo effect. Regardless, this sword is an extremely visible enemy of evil forces in this world.

Nightbringer: This shadowblade can be almost invisible and is incredibly sharp. It can cut through almost anything, except unlike Daybreaker, Nightbringer can do so at speed. Nightbringer’s cuts are so sharp it can prevent or limit regeneration and healing, leave wounds under armor, and even perform a close shave without a single hair sticking out. Some have said this blade has made it’s wielder almost impossible to find in the night, or that it sucks sound from around it when it kills for silent missions, but that might be a placebo effect. Regardless, this sword leaves a trail of enigmatic endings for various evil forces in this world.

Terminator: Last and the greatest of the Starmetal Blades. It’s blade is forged similar to Nightbringer, and it’s spine is forged similar to Daybreaker. It has the powers of both blades (yes, I suppose somewhat less so if you have to keep it balanced) and more. Terminator is the name of the line that divides day and night, and even wielders require a strong will to control this blade’s power.

Other magic armor, weapons, and magical artifacts of minor stature are also created. Whether they are lesser versions of the Starmetal Blades created as trials, doodads created for amusement, or others, these creations, joined by the once apprentices of the First Smiths, slowly spread out into the world, aiding the righteous in their fight against evil.

Sigh, and with the world that we live in, some of those weapons (in general, hopefully not the starmetal blades) would eventually be corrupted by evil wielders. But all in all, their soul gems and magic resistance makes them powerful counterbalance.


Takamu and Maryea are among the First Smiths. Takamu would wield Terminator during the War against Vash’eth.

I would get attacked and heavily wounded, my divine blood will spill and I will begin to limp across the sky, slowed and weakened. The day grows colder, the nights grow longer, and mortals and chromarchs everywhere begin to worry.

The Brightmen Tribes begin to spread out of the desert due to the God War, whether in recruitment or in avoiding joining. Despite my oracles promising no reprisals, men will fear, and men will hate as is their way.

Some of the Chromarchs begin to develop further in this time, mostly in attitude and intelligence. The Warrior Chromarchs, especially Chromatai and Chromakin, begin developing warlike techniques, hardlight weapons and armor, and hardlight wings which will allow them to carry heavier loads, such as another combatant. The Pacifist Chromarchs, on the other hand become smarter and more intelligent. Although not human and so can’t learn some classes of magic, they begin to pick up other kinds.

Spoiler Old Orders Turn Three :
Terrance888 said:

#1 Misc : The Seven Sunbearers
#2 Misc: “The Imprisoner” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budgerigar#/media/File:Detail_shot_of_budgerigars_head.jpg
#3 Misc: “The

The Seven Sunbearers

When Nyubar gives Tai the seven Amber Suns, Tai dares not touch them for fear of destroying them by accident. So, guiding the hammerstrokes of followers in the Citadel, he creates seven great tiaras, and had Chromarchs set the Amber Suns upon them, and he rewarded his longest, most loyal, most companionable Chromarchs with them, and empowered them so that they can walk across the sky with him, and shed renewed light upon the world.

Raiko - First to raise, Raiko is an eager, red Chromatai.
Dorvik - Second to raise, Dorvik is a proud Chomakin: Tai’s champion in the war against Vash’eth. Dorvik is a hot, blazing orange Chromakin.
Taigos - Before Tai, half guides half pulls him through the sky, and make sure there is nothing blocking the way. A Yellow Chromakin.
Solace - Behind Tai, comforts him and helps him keep moving. A Green Chromakin.
Ferona - Behind Solace, Ferona is a somber, blue Chromatai.
Usfton - A strange Chromatai from the far south, Ustfton is an indigo Chromatai.
Maryea - Last Sunbearer, brings in the night. She is a light blue (or faint violet) Chromakin, and often lingers at the edge of the horizon, long after sunset, to peek at the majesty of the night.

I know you had to do some research on additional sunshine. If nothing else, we’d get ALOT of Chromarch births in this age.



Even if they offer him a seat, he refuses completely. He believes himself to be unworthy. However, in exchange for services they provided or promised him, he creates great weapons for their leaders, Statute and Nyubar, as well for any Adamant who travels to the Citadel. Indeed, in one notable instance some Adamantine helped saved the Citadel from a renewed outpouring of evil from Onoqu. Maybe.

These weapons are as other weapons crafted by the Citadel. Made of powerful exotic alloys resistant to foreign magic, and powered/supported by a soul gem.

The Imprisoner

The Imprisoner is a great warhammer crafted for Statute.

The Imprisoner can sap the power of those deemed guilty and in needing of judgement. Additionally, it can make the victims feel the weight of their crimes, making it more difficult to move around or even unable to move from the ground (increases the weight of the victim for the victim to move himself)

If a truly sinless person is struck, then the hammer would do nothing: other than the person suffering from being struck by a warhammer.

The Leyloom (name pending?)

The Leyloom is a staff crafted for Nyubar.

The Leyloom allows worthy users to both see and change the weave of the Ley Lines that thread throughout the world. From as simple as slightly nudging the flow so it goes around your coffee mug, to as complex as snipping and repositioning entire sections. With Nyubar’s attempt to insinuate control over the Leylines, the Leyloom might have additional powers relating to such. It would also lead to side effects ™. :p

The Leyloom also helps accentuate the user’s ability to sense and use other magics, although not to the extent of seeing and weaving ley lines, which is what the Leyloom is focused on.

Other Famous Citadel Weapons ( to introduce sooner or later, made by the mortals?)

The Falling/Returning Star:
Throwing star(s) that return to the hands of the wielder. Although for the wielder they appear to leave a tracer which helps them adjust their aim, for the victim(s) the tracer seems to appear from random directions, displacing suspicion.

Heartshield : A powerful shield powered by love. The worthy are those who are willing to give themselves for the protection of another. And for this will, great power is given: speed, danger sense, and the ability to block almost anything targeting the user’s beloved.

Ki Rosary/Focus Beads : Designed for Yinsheng and Ki novices, these help novice Ki users to help control their Ki and emotions, and stretch it to to their limits. Sorta like Ki-training weights.

Some Famous Citadel Smiths


Potential City Names

If the Celestial Citadel spawns a city, several names are possible.
“The Citadel” potentially.
“Star City”
How about Istari?

For the Brightpeoples

Also, they may be named after the Sunbearers or Great Smiths/Heros.


If evil beings tries to corrupt the Citadel, don't forget the magic resistant properties of the Dream Star and stuffs.


The Celestial Citadel
Celestial Blades

The Choral Quorum
(Name Pending)
[stop staring at me]

Brightpeople Tribes

Rainbow Falls

Chromarch Naming "Conventions"
Chromarchs are generally named through three sources. Either they are named by themselves (in which case it is a sing songy collection of syllables, like Laraleo), by each other (in which case it is usually some kind of very direct description like Bright Blue or Always First), or by humans they live with (in which case they are usually given a normal human name, or perhaps a set of names culturally set aside for chromarchs.) Chromarchs live for quite a few years before maturing to the point of feeling that self-identification by name is necessary.

As the population of chromarchs increase, they usually adopt a series of "bonus names" such as...
Where they were named...
Who named them...
Cool things they saw...
Cool things they did...
Favorite animal...

i.e. two chromarchs known as "Big Blue" are traveling together. One might be "Big Blue from Dommel Creek" and the other might be "Big Blue who likes Camels."


Tai will not come to this assembly of "Good Gods" at the southern pole. Not only that he would likely melt half the ice before the great pole starts drawing away the heat, but also he doesn't think he's qualified.

Like ropes, like coiled ropes. I saw its face, eyes over eyes. Colour? I couldn't say what colour it was, orangey blue, blackish red. But the colours didn't mean anything.

It was just a shadow.
From: Statute
To: Vash

Your proposed contract of a thousand-year exile as atonement for the slaying of Patron is accepted, on these conditions: Tai will craft the portal that will exile you from the mortal realm into the celestial plane, and Vash will walk through it, at Amaranthinium, in full view of all the gods.

As you requested, no harm to Vash's person, temples, or followers will be assured. Tai and Nyubar lend their voices to this judgment.
To: Tai, Statute and Nyubar
From: Vash

We require Nyubar and Tai to be signatory to the magical contract (amend references to "Statute" to "Pantheon", with pantheon defined as those other gods apart from Vash signatory to the contract) before we formally consider accepting your proposal.

The matter of the 'ceremony" Statute requests we will defer discussing until this is accepted. Although in principle it is fine, it may be impossible due to the terms of the contract to fulfil*.

Spoiler :
* If Vash is not in the material plane, returning to it to undergo this "ceremony" would be problematic as should be obvious. That said in principle there is no issue, although Vash would certainly make sure that this portal isn't some deception of Tais (hence why he requires him to be signatory, since the contracts terms would prevent him doing such things to Vash by the power of the magical contract)

Anyways, here is the contract, edited to change references to Statute to Pantheon. If Tai and Nyubar are signatory let them say so on the thread.


Divine Contract

Obligation I: Vash is obliged to abide 1000 years in the beyond, and is forbidden in this time to bodily lay his feet upon the soil of the material plane, to shape its lands or to in any way lay claim to empire over any portion of aforesaid land whatsoever. Let this be his penance.

Obligation II: Vash is obliged for 1000 years to stay his hand against the gods, and is forbidden to seize their divine essences as his, or attack their divine beings as he didst attack the divine Patron, save in the event he himself is attacked or rendered subject to hostile action, or in the event that that which pertains to him is taken, attacked or harmed by another, be it/they living, material or immaterial.

Obligation III: The Pantheon* (*Defined as those gods apart from Vash signatory to this contract) is obliged for 1000 years to refrain from acting, or directing and/or abetting others to act, against the physical, spiritual or mental integrity, liberty, and well-being of the followers of Vash, aforesaid followers material and immaterial possessions, Vash himself, or anyone who pledges themselves unto the dominion and protection of Vash.

Obligation IV: The Pantheon is obliged to work unceasingly to ensure the imprisonment and/or destruction of Nital, who belongs not to this current world but to a world long perished, and maintain the integrity of the material plane for the duration of this contract from the dark powers* (*Rula, Nital and Curator, each one creators of abomination).

Obligation V: The Pantheon is obliged in those lands where their followers hold sway, to ensure the rightful worship owed to Vash is promoted and maintained by all under their dominion, and that those who devote themselves to Vash are accorded freedom from all persecutions or suppression for the duration of this contract.

Obligation VI: The Pantheon and Vash agree that all possessions that currently pertains to each party of this contract, rightfully pertains unto them, and shall be the inviolate property of each respective party, with each party being forbidden to claim that which pertains to the other party as his for the duration of this contract.

Obligation VII: The Pantheon and Vash agree that this contract is naturally void at the conclusion of 1000 years time from the time of agreement, or upon the mutual consent of both parties, and that any actions taken that might hinder Vash from setting foot upon the land of the material world will be rendered utterly null and void, and that Statute shall imprison any god who so defies this ordinance to ensure this act is taken into effect.

~ EDIT: added contract amended to refer to the pantheon to the spoiler for reference.
Nyubar will apply his seal to this contract, and looks forward to Vash retaking his place one thousand years hence.
ooc: Would like Terrance to more clearly indicate his assent/participation within the contract (approval of Statutes judgement /= participation in the contract) if Tai is going to play a part in its consummation. Thlayli should also reaffirm assent to the modified contract linked above. If these two conditions occur than Vash is fine with statutes "ceremony" condition and will give his assent.

PS: Any other god/s who may be relate to this event (kross perhaps with the pantheon idea, Harika and Yagna maybe) would also do well to consider giving their signature to the contract to provide certainty to all parties. It could serve well as an act of unity against nital given obligation 4, providing reassurance to the gods of their unity in the fight against him (enforced by binding contract).
I've been rather busy lately, but I have gotten at least some barebones stuff done on the wiki. Figured I'd finally share it with you guys so that you can check it out as it progresses, or even contribute if you want to. I currently have pages up for every God, but you can tinker with those pages to your heart's content.

I will post a link on the front page, and hopefully I will get a chance to really plug away at it this week :) .

Edit: Shoutout to Terrance for helping me figure stuff out. If anyone else is well versed with wikis, please halp. I have no idea what I'm doing half the time :p
Spoiler :
Divine Contract

Obligation I: Vash is obliged to abide 1000 years in the beyond, and is forbidden in this time to bodily lay his feet upon the soil of the material plane, to shape its lands or to in any way lay claim to empire over any portion of aforesaid land whatsoever. Let this be his penance.

Obligation II: Vash is obliged for 1000 years to stay his hand against the gods, and is forbidden to seize their divine essences as his, or attack their divine beings as he didst attack the divine Patron, save in the event he himself is attacked or rendered subject to hostile action, or in the event that that which pertains to him is taken, attacked or harmed by another, be it/they living, material or immaterial.

Obligation III: The Pantheon* (*Defined as those gods apart from Vash signatory to this contract) is obliged for 1000 years to refrain from acting, or directing and/or abetting others to act, against the physical, spiritual or mental integrity, liberty, and well-being of the followers of Vash, aforesaid followers material and immaterial possessions, Vash himself, or anyone who pledges themselves unto the dominion and protection of Vash.

Obligation IV: The Pantheon is obliged to work unceasingly to ensure the imprisonment and/or destruction of Nital, who belongs not to this current world but to a world long perished, and maintain the integrity of the material plane for the duration of this contract from the dark powers* (*Rula, Nital and Curator, each one creators of abomination).

Obligation V: The Pantheon is obliged in those lands where their followers hold sway, to ensure the rightful worship owed to Vash is promoted and maintained by all under their dominion, and that those who devote themselves to Vash are accorded freedom from all persecutions or suppression for the duration of this contract.

Obligation VI: The Pantheon and Vash agree that all possessions that currently pertains to each party of this contract, rightfully pertains unto them, and shall be the inviolate property of each respective party, with each party being forbidden to claim that which pertains to the other party as his for the duration of this contract.

Obligation VII: The Pantheon and Vash agree that this contract is naturally void at the conclusion of 1000 years time from the time of agreement, or upon the mutual consent of both parties, and that any actions taken that might hinder Vash from setting foot upon the land of the material world will be rendered utterly null and void, and that Statute shall imprison any god who so defies this ordinance to ensure this act is taken into effect.

Affixed with the mark of Vash, henceforth binding extant signatories by mutual contract. Vash also agrees to the ceremony Statute mentioned if Tai is also bound by the divine contract.



Spoiler :
Not sure if previous comments by Terrance indicate he's part of the contract (hence previous ooc comments requesting clarity), nonetheless since time is running short for the turn I'll affix Vash's mark anyway. I have certitude that this contract exists between at the very least Nyubar and Vash... and Statute probably since he did agree to it (and he is necessary actor for it to exist) and the contract is unchanged from that time save that it now takes into account other signatories.... our glorious moderator might like to check with Terrance about whether Tai is involved though for the sake of the portal ceremony.
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