Weird issue with bases not growing... can anyone help?

Ziggy Pop

Jul 12, 2013
Hey guys, I've been playing Alien Crossfire today and some of my bases will not grow past level 1. They have more than enough nutrients to grow (some even have an 8+ square) and each of them says Growth in 1 turn. They've been saying "growth in 1 turn" for like 10 turns now and will not grow! I've tried all kinds of stuff like building children's creches, even hab complexes and I can't get them to grow. I'm running a Green/ Police State/ Knowledge (Consciousness faction) on Transcend difficulty. It's not all of my bases, just 5 or 6 of them.

I've been playing smac for about 13 years and I don't remember ever having this issue before. :confused: I hope someone has advice.
Hey Ziggy Pop,

Welcome to CFC and the Alpha Centauri forum!

Running Green with Aki-Zeta 5 results in -3 Growth. That's what's causing your bases not to grow. You have to either switch out of Green, or adopt Democracy to avoid this situation.
Doh, you're right. I usually use democratic and I guess that's why. For some reason I was thinking -3 would just slow down my growth rate not prevent my bases from leveling up. Thanks for the help!
Does the +2 Growth from Creches not cancel out the growth penalty in it's base?
Does the +2 Growth from Creches not cancel out the growth penalty in it's base?

Yes, a Creche in a base allows it to grow, despite a -3 GROWTH rating. I tested this in the Scenario Editor. Playing as Aki Zeta-5, running Green and crawling lots of nutrients to a base. Without a Creche, the base wouldn't grow, with a Creche it would.

@Ziggy Pop - Is your version of SMAX fully patched? What version do you see if from within the game if you press Ctrl-F4?
Good stuff, that's what I would have expected.

Also, you do far too good of a job of running this forum sir. A tip o' the hat to you.
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