The Etruscans?

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Jul 10, 2012
So, I was playing with the idea the other day of an Etruscan civilization. The most obvious attribute would be the unique building, the Tumulus, as a replacement shrine (no maintenance, +1 happiness).

But nothing else really stands out. The only potential leaders that aren't legendary Roman kings are the brothers Caelius and Aulus Vibenna, about which almost nothing is known other than a few legends involving a battle with a 'Gnaeus Tarquinius of Rome.'

They don't have any distinct military tradition, since everyone was still using hoplites in phalanx formation when they were absorbed by the Republic.

Their writing is famous now for being extremely difficult to translate, but that wouldn't have been the case then, and all I could think of related to that would be a UA that reduced the espionage potential of your cities. Pretty terrible.

A solution for the military unit could be a replacement Spearman that costs the same in gold and hammers as a warrior. Maybe lift the name and graphic from the Sumerian Phalanx unit. I dunno.

Still stumped on a leader and UA. Maybe Piety's old opener of half construction time on culture buildings? Or a Great Artist equivalent to the Babylonian ability, unlocking with Drama and Poetry? I'm stumped.
Why in the world would you add an Etruscan civ? Some type of Rome scenario? They seem like a bad choice, given the difficulty you've had in adding any type of distinctive units or leaders...
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