Steam version of BtS displays no icons onscreen. BUGMod related?


Jul 2, 2007
Hi guys. Decided to make use of the Humble Bundle promotion to get the whole Civ4 on Steam and pawn off my retail copy to a friend.

Problem is, there are absolutely no icons. None. No religions in the scoreboard, no gold/research indicators. If we hover over the Charismatic trait in Civilopedia, it tells me that I get:
+1 from Monument, Broadcast Tower
-25% experience points needed blahblah

And so on, and so forth. (There should be ":)" after the +1, in case I wasn't clear)

It's somehow playable, but calling someone on the Diplomacy screen to check what religion they are is kinda cumbersome.

I reinstalled the game and applied Bugmod again (as in, completely from scratch), but the problem persists. Already fidgeted with Bugmod options. Installed the mod to CustomAssets too, btw.

I read something about similar issues and it boils down to registry entry issues. There is a solution posted in the caveman 2 Cosmos mod thread that adresses an issue like that, might be worth checking out.
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