When enemy vassalizes your ally


Jan 16, 2007
Situation from my game: Tebryn's Sheiam (Player civ) and Ashen Veil Bannor led by Decius fight a war against Rhoanna/Basium, their vassal Arturus Thorne and Amelanchier. All goes well, jolly raiding and pillaging, until Hannah decides to join the fun. She declares on Decius and takes two of his cities. This appears to be just enough for Rhoanna/Basium to vassalize Decius. Of course he's in war with me now.

Decius will cease being the vassal if he fulfills three conditions (50% master's population, 50% master's land, 100% original land - I probably messed up the numbers, but that's the idea). He's only under required population and only by 2-3%.

What are the options available to me?

1. I could try to bring down Rhoanna/Basium population so Decius jumps over 50%. This may prove difficult, because I should call my troops home to deal with the new danger from my recent ally, with who I share a long and hard to defend border.

2. Retake a Bannor city and gift it to Decius, so his population will increase over 50%? - but I can't gift him a city when at war, and we won't be in peace with him being a vassal.

Any other ideas? Or should I welcome Decius as a new enemy?

Any help from those more experienced would be appreciated.
Take all his cities and make them your own. Allies are for the weak and you should have vassalized him first ;). Seriously though, if he's weak enough to be vassalized you don't want him as an ally. If he's near you take his cities (it shouldn't be too hard) and if he's far away forget about him because he won't be able to do anything against you.
Decius wasn't your ally, he was just someone fighting the same opponents as you. If you play with Permanent Alliances enabled then it is possible to actually form an alliance. Then no one will ever be able to vassalize your ally (or break the alliance in any other way).
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