All Caps on continents are inland


GOTM Staff
Mar 19, 2004
Frederick, MD
So I am playing on Immortal standard everything, using the continents plus script. It turns out seven of eight civs spawned inland. Carthage was the exception, which makes sense since she has a costal bias, and the map has plenty of coasts. But it did make me wonder, how common is it that so so many caps would be land locked? Have folks noticed this. Pangea would not be a surprise, but this is continents. None of the other seven has a coastal bias.
Happens sometimes, I had a game where an infuriating number of cities were one tile from coast. I gave up on domination victory based on that
I have been working on my domination game, and having the only coastal cap should be a nice perk without being too OP. Plus maybe hard build Great Lighthouse and Colossus which (at Immortal) I almost never bother with. Denmark should have no problem taking inland cities, so then I just have to select my opponents so no other civ gets a coastal bias... Should be an interesting game this weekend!
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