Turning city governors off?

Sell all food/growth buildings, build trading posts everywhere you can, especially over farms. Your cities can't grow past a certain point. You can also set every citizen as unemployed or work 0 food yield such as mines and your city is guaranteed to starve since the city tile yield can't support large cities.
There is an avoid growth box in your city management which should prevent your city from gaining population.
Yeah, it's not hard. Go into the City screen, open the Citizen Manager and tick the Avoid Growth check box. Done.
The governors are still occasionally acting like morons but atm I'd be happy just to be able to lock every tile I want to.
So far I haven't been interested enough to find out a logic, if any, behind the problem but there are cases when

a) one specific tile can't be locked no matter what
b) one random tile can't be locked - by switching the order of locking the least important tile is unlocked but selected
c) more than one tile will be unlocked when selected

It's one of those highly annoying things while not a gamebreaker makes vanilla look quite ok after all.


When I have seen this happen it is because you tried to lock a tile that was already locked by another city. All you need to do is click the reset tiles button on the city management page and that problem will be fixed.
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