Clarification needed for Sejong's UA


Apr 25, 2010
"Receive a tech boost each time a scientific building/Wonder is built in the Korean capital."

Is this for any wonder or only for scientific wonders (ie those that give GS points)? The wording of the unique ability is a little awkward

I think it's awkward, too. I noticed a couple times I didn't get the tech boost building porc tower, figured I misunderstood it and was like "meh". Sejong's UA is very powerful in slingshots, though, if you can do the math well to anticipate your big jumps well.

I'm thinking "maybe it just means great library" for wonders, but that's redundant, because it's probably being built in your capitol, and grants a free library. I don't know.
The boost only applies to wonders (national wonders and world wonders) that provide science in the Korean capital. There's a thread somewhere that itemized them definitively, but I believe the list consists of library, university, public school, research lab, National College, Great Library, and Oxford.

Wonders that give great scientist points but no science, like Oracle, Hubble and PT, don't count.
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