Shooting the Moon tips

It's cheap, for example 2 pop whip + using 1 or 2 mines = 2 missios.
Controlling religions is worth much much more than 2 population (remember, in reality you only spent some growth you might not need).

Problem.. it's much easier on Marathon where movement time is almost irrelevant. On normal Deity, you often won't have time.
Still, i've done it and still do sometines, there is no reason for thinking it's an abandoned tactic ~~
That's what I also wanted to say, it's 80 :hammers: on Marathon, on normal, Missionaries are 40 :hammers: iirc, so they pay for themselves VERY fast and are better than producing wealth in all cases where one doesn't have an urgent need for instant-benefit. And converting Civs to a certain Religion really is no problem, I've done that many times, never noticed that AI prioritizes their own Religion over another one. By what I observed, it's just the number of pop that is under the influence of a certain religion, and that is often the whole pop with self founded religions, but if one also spreads the competing Religion to every of the AIs cities, one can convert it forever for 200-300g or simply with the next text-trade, or ask friendly for it. I must actually still have some of that games where I converted MM, who researched at least 2 Religions himself, sometimes also took espionage for that, I cannot remember him switching back, if really ALL of his cities had the Religion.

Btw.: In Mylenes post, you have an argument for normal being easier than Marathon. On Marathon, a whip is 90 :hammers: so one can actually only 1-pop-whip Missionaries and don't get them in double-packs like on normal where they're 40 (and a whip is 30, right?) . HAHA :D
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