SGOTM 20 - Fifth Element


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Welcome to your BtS SGOTM 20 Team Thread. Please use it for all internal team communication, turn logs and discussions. Subscribe to it to receive notifications, and do not visit the other team threads for this game until you have finished. Please also subscribe to the Maintenance Thread for this game, where teams and staff may post non-spoiler information of general interest.

You can find the Game Details in the first post of the Maintenance Thread. If any changes occur in the game settings or rules, I shall post them in that thread, and edit that post.

Please wait until your team leader/administrator/scribe has reserved a couple of top posts in this thread for game admin information. Then post here to let your team know you have arrived.

Good luck with the game. :)
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what a effort!

need to take a break
Well its about time el Captain. Lol. Checking in.
As I told BLubmuz in a pm, I'm still working 2 jobs and have 4 rug rats underfoot but I'm gonna try my best to be much more active for this game.
spammer :p
Looks like I've found the thread.
Hey guys!
I'll try to read all team threads and watch out for misunderstood rules at the start. Don't want to have the game decided by unclear wording. Still, if anything is unclear PM me, I'll try to respond as soon as possible!

Something else: I'd like to gather intresting facts during the game for comparisson later. Just like we did after the game for sgotm#19 in the lurker thread. I think it will be a fun read later, and way easier then reading 20k posts of all team threads :)
If one of you or all of you as a team dont want me to include you in that, please let me know. Not sure it it will work at all, depends on how much time I got and how much everyone spams.
Something else: I'd like to gather intresting facts during the game for comparisson later. Just like we did after the game for sgotm#19 in the lurker thread. I think it will be a fun read later, and way easier then reading 20k posts of all team threads :)
I think i got all clear, but in case i'll ask, thank you.

I'd like to suggest to open a lurkers' thread like in the past game.
It was very interesting and fun reading after finish and maybe it can attract some people.

I guess this can be a moment to say my welcome back to all the members. I think it's the first time ever - or at least in years - that FE have the same team for 2 games in a row.

Now off to play the final phase of my Seleucids campaign in Rome 2.
I'd like to suggest to open a lurkers' thread like in the past game.
It was very interesting and fun reading after finish and maybe it can attract some people.

Quite sure we will have such a thread. Thats where I plan to post the info I gather, somewhen later on.
More after friday :p
OK after Colombia is out, WorldCup is no more for me. :D

It is pretty the best time to start some discussion.

This time we have Mehmed. I have toi admit I have little or nearly none experience with Ottoman leaders. UB looks solid but I dont think it is gamebreaking. I am more interested about UU. What are your expierience with janissairies? They can be reached very early with a typical way of research (edu_> gunpowder). Are they really worth forcing quick gunpowder having in mind cuirs are so close after that? (just need to say janisseries are draftable and even without exp they have nice boosts against some types of units)

Exp - screams for heavy whip early strategies with chip granaries, but we have to make some adjustments comparing to previous game, when we probably whipped too many units too early, especcialy if we want to bulb to edu as quick as possible. At least Org trait will help us with money saving, what we failed last time.
Remember about worker stealing - how much it is worth having expansive trait? Have you encountered any writups confirming/declining it is worth of effort and risk?

If anyone can share his experience with Mehmed, is welcome.
Rooster: available probably most of the time except maybe the end of July
Well I'm back from a 4 day music festival with the family. Are saves up yet? Probably not. I'll try to take a look at the start to make some suggestions. I told BLubmuz before I signed up that I have a lot on my plate but I will try to be more active this time.
Janissaries dominate if you can get an early gunpowder. Mehmed is the weaker of the two leaders for early techs though.
I'm looking at the starting save.

SIP just seems odd. It would be one off coast. I like plains hills, but I don't see any nearby.

I see a couple grass hill sheep, a grass hill silver, a fish and a crab to the east. I also see a forested grass hill deer to the southwest.

I'd like to take the scout to the northeast and have a look. The archer can take the road to the south. I don't think the warrior will reveal anything, but we can take him to the northwest. I suspect that hill has iron or copper.
Another possibility is that we could put the archer on the forested hill to the northeast and take the warrior down the road to the south.

I'm not sure about our neighbors, but I would like to aim for maximum worker stealing early.
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