iPod Frozen. Need Help


Aptenodytes forsteri
Apr 4, 2002
Okay, so Im preparing something to eat and I have Scott Adams Dilbert Future running in my iPod. I get through the first track on it, and suddenly, its not playing. Ive read the book, so I ask myself "Where is the talk on In-duh-viduals?". I pull the iPod out of my pocket and I see that its stuck at the end of this track. I push play, but nothing happens. I push every button. Nothing happens. Suddenly, the screen splits, as if it were stuck between going to the track listings and the Now Playing. Its been this way for a couple min now.

Anyone have any idea on what to do?

Specs- 1st Gen Macintosh iPod, 5 gig. Holding 638 songs, 1.39 gigs worth.

Please help!
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