Fixed Combat Result? AI Cheating?


Dec 3, 2002
How many times have you tried this scenario?:

You start a new game and founds a new city. With your first produced warrior you enter a goodie-hut just outside your city borders. Your worker is a little too close for comfort.. and tadaa! Babarians....

How come that a goodie-hut comes with barbarian infestation guarantee EVERYTIME if you have one of your workers within range of attack of the babarians that jumps out? Also your warrior faces certain death every time he is ambushed and the worker is nearby and the undefended city is right behind him.

Are the barbs on drugs or something when they smell easy prey?

I don't get it. :cry: :cry:
No bug. Life's just hard for a worker in ancient times...(put a city defender on worker's square and pray to random-number-generator that you win...)
It should be simple enough to test the theory that a nearby worker guarantees barbs, but not for expansionist, of course.

I suspect it is normal for your civ to get barbs most of the time from GH.

Why don't you simply interrupt the worker and move it out of the way?

Also, barbs won't destroy your city - just take gold, deplete build progress, or destroy an improvement. At the beginning it isn't very bad (spending all your money on tech, right?).
If the hut is just 1 tile away from your worker, have the worker grab it before you build a military unit. If you have absolutely no military units, you can't get barbarians from huts. When you have just a lone warrior, you take a huge gamble by popping a hut that close to your city. So it is often best to wait until you get another warrior for defense, or let your culture grab it. It is not guaranteed you will always get barbs. Difficulty level also plays a factor (higher levels will have more chances of getting barbs).
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