Science Advisor is truly overpaid!!

I agree! The advisors from civilization revolution were the best of the series and looked gorgeous on a hi-def screen. I would never look for stunning graphics in a strategy game normally but i was truly blown away by the attention paid to detail in that game. If you havent played it is a fun yet basic version of civ. And in case you didnt know i believe it is free for IOS (STILL WAITING FOR MY ANDROID VERSION!!!!)
I find the military advisor very useful. He's basically psychic. Maybe not as much now, but for sure in G&K, the threshold where another Civ would DoW you was right about where he'd mention the civ "could wipe us off the planet" or one level before. He seems to be linked closely to the AIs perception of its chances of winning a war.

It's similar to how you can often predict where the AI will send settlers because the settlement advice ring points out places the AI considers strong possibilities.
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