AI chooses order?


Nov 28, 2007
In the 4-5 BNW games I have played until ideologies 2/3 of the AI always chooses order. Is it just a coincidence or do you have the same experience.
And you always choose Freedom? A lot of times AI won't adopt the same ideology as a player unless they're either on really good terms or afraid. And if you always choose Freedom, that leaves Order and Autocracy to AI and a lot more of them will choose Order rather than Autocracy, unless they're warmongers.
This hasn't been my experience. For my games (on Standard-sized maps), every ideology tends to get picked by at least one AI. Usually Autocracy AIs won't have a lot of culture and will eventually enter a revolution to Freedom/Order, but if everyone gets an ideology, it usually splits 3/3/2. (And sometimes 4/3/1 or 4/2/2, but I've never seen 5 players go for the same ideology unless I'm going for a hard cultural game and the unhappiness from choosing any other ideology would be too great)

Order sure can "feel" like it gets picked by the AI a lot, (partially because most human players go Freedom, which makes Freedom less tempting to the AI due to fewer free tenets) but definitely not to the point of 2/3 of the AI picking it.
I have it too. Strange thing is I had like five AI's pick order first while autocracy and freedom still had no followers. In a game of 16 players like three of them (including me) went Freedom and only one (India..) went Autocracy.
I find it really strange..
I did a test of that in my current Deity-game. I got the ideology first.
In the next 15 turns the AIs chose different ideologies - even if I reloaded and chose the same. Ie I go Order twice and the swedes go Freedom the first time and Autocracy the second.

I'm gearing up for the mother of all wars, and I'm still considering Freedom for the happy faces. A buffer of 10ish just won't cut it, and Freedom gives the the most faces right? Bloody derail. Or is it Order?
I did a test of that in my current Deity-game. I got the ideology first.
In the next 15 turns the AIs chose different ideologies - even if I reloaded and chose the same. Ie I go Order twice and the swedes go Freedom the first time and Autocracy the second.

I'm gearing up for the mother of all wars, and I'm still considering Freedom for the happy faces. A buffer of 10ish just won't cut it, and Freedom gives the the most faces right? Bloody derail. Or is it Order?

Autocracy gives by far the most happy faces. Usually when I take Autocracy, I end up with 30-80 happy faces by the time I get Prora. That's on Immortal, not Deity, but close enough IMO.
Existing tourism is a another large factor for what an AI will choose.

If someone got the sacred sites reformation belief with two buildings in their religion, chances are they have been making a lot of tourism. If they go order, there's a good chance all the AIs will.
'Order' seems to fit the KI's playstyle, yes. The seem to have a bias towards this ideology.

But you can't count on it!

In my current game as warmongering menace... erm... Venice, I adopted 'Freedom' and was the only civ in the game doing so. Two other civs did choose 'Order' already.

Persia, my neighbour, reached the modern era and had to choose his ideology. For hundreds of years I was prepared and eager to invade his country. I just waited for the proper moment... and I ecpected them to choose 'Order', adding to the ideological pressure and therefore creating *exactly* the proper moment to invade.

And he did choose.... 'Freedom'! :wallbash:
In most games I've played at least a few AIs chose Freedom and Autocracy. Only in one game did they all choose Order, because I had chosen it first and they were afraid of me. Some AIs consistently pick non-Order ideologies. Without other influencing factors, Venice usually chooses Freedom, and the Huns and Zulus usually choose Autocracy.
I made a poll a while back about this like a week after BNW's release. 90%+ of voters said the AI prefers to pick Order (5% said they pick all three ideologies evenly).

The AI doesn't have a hard coded preference for Order, but their playstyle and build-order in their cities usually pushes them toward order. If you go Order first, and have no friends, they will still consistently pick other ideologies.
Does the first civ to pick each tenet not get two free policies?

I've noticed whatever I pick the next two AI generally pick the other two tenets and the rest pick what they want. I thought Order is the "default" pick unless there's a reason for them to pick another..friends etc
I haven't noticed this that much.. To me it seems they just tend to pick something that I don't have. That makes sense to me as I very rarely go for tourism/culture, and instead like to warmonger or go for science vic.

In my current game Freedom was picked first by Germany, then I took Order, AI picks Auto, Freedom, Auto, then finally I get someone to pick Order with me :)
Would make sense on higher difficulties, seeing as they will have a lot of cities.
I was wondering if it was because the type of civ to usually reach those 3 factories. Generally that would be people focusing on the lower section of the science tree with good production and strong cities. If I'm not wrong, Order is best for those types of civs isn't it? Then, them being the ones to have a disproportionately higher number of early adopters, it would coax more AIs into taking it so they're not burdened with being a minority ideology, further compounding the bias.

I haven't tested it or anything, was just something that crossed my mind when I saw that poll.
I'm noticing a whole lot of Order as well. Maybe it's because I tend to get Ideology first and usually pick Freedom, who knows. Either way, the choice doesn't seem pre-determined. I've quick-saved and re-loaded to see if a civ will always pick the same Ideology and reloading often results in a different choice (though it seems to only alternate between two of the three ideologies).
I also have experienced that Order is most prefered ideology for AI. Zulus and Romans seem to prefer autocracy.
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