Does a garrisoned unit's health matter when defending a city?

Gary King

Dec 24, 2005
Does a garrisoned unit's health matter when it is defending a city from attacks?

For instance, when I take an enemy's city, I'll usually try to wipe out as many enemy units nearby as possible, so that they cannot re-take the city immediately. When I do this, does it make sense to swap the garrisoned unit with one at full strength, to better defend the city immediately? Or does it not matter?
Yes, it matters. Healthy units offers higher city combat bonus. You can observer it by garrisoning a damaged unit in one of your cities. It's combat value will increase when the unit heals. The change is not very big, though smaller things sometimes decide victory and defeat.
Okay thanks. Also, does the unit's ability to fortify also come into play? For instance, is it better to garrison a Modern Armor or a Bazooka? The latter gains defense from fortification. I'm guessing it DOES matter? Because I usually take a city with a Modern Armor (after blasting it to pieces with Rocket Artillery), but I guess immediately afterward I should swap it with a Bazooka.
Okay thanks. Also, does the unit's ability to fortify also come into play? For instance, is it better to garrison a Modern Armor or a Bazooka? The latter gains defense from fortification. I'm guessing it DOES matter? Because I usually take a city with a Modern Armor (after blasting it to pieces with Rocket Artillery), but I guess immediately afterward I should swap it with a Bazooka.

I was under the impression that garrisoning with a melee unit increases a city's strength more than garrisoning with a ranged unit would, while garrisoning with a ranged unit allows both the city and the garrison to fire. At least, that's how the advisor makes it sound. I haven't actually tested it.

In my opinion garrisoning with a Bazooka would be preferable in the above example, if only because a Bazooka would be able to use its ranged attack from within the city.
The modern armor can move after attacking tho, so it would depend on promotions and what the defending unit is.
It is quite straightforward to note the increased city strength, but I am not sure if it is using ranged or straight combat strength. As others have noted, healthier units means a stronger city, and modern armors help quite a bit more than a scout!

Also, does the unit's ability to fortify also come into play?

I would like to confidently know the answer to this. I like to garrison with SAMs, so fortify versus alert could make a difference. Anything with a ranged attack would loose the fortification bonus.
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