Preview and Request Thread

I can join my post with Cimbri. Is ti possible to make Ptolemaic, Macedonian and Carthaginian war elephants but matching more less Sandris units? Later Iron Age Macedonians Ptolemaic Egypt: Army of Cleopatra Iron Age Carthaginians

I would also like to see Balam's skills for animating Elephants applied to some hellenistic ones, like Ptolemaic, Seleucid or Macedonian. This would really be awesome!
I love your Elephant units, and would love to see some elephant units the size of the War Elephant if possible.
I think adding the elephant next to the horse as a strategic resource opens up many possibilities in the game.
i would like to apologize to balam for posting so late some macedonian renaissance pictures. maybe he has some time to create some parade or guard soldiers for the macedonian dynasry times. also this seems to be the first renaissance...

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they should have pants, so late in time, for your reconstruction!
lionic glad you like some hints, and we are very fortunate to see what another history teacher will show us - balam aqab.
PS unfortunately i cannot show you, due to copyright issues, a history lesson for my fellow countrymen i am working on. i will decompose a ruined castle from the 19th century till i will get into iron age!
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