Refusing the King

What speed are you playing on Gilese? Supposedly the max rate increase is 5% and I would guess that the actual amount is random. I do recall noticing higher amounts also, and as I've been playing on Epic I am thinking maybe the max change is scaled as well (I guess this makes sense IF the frequency is scaled as well).
What speed are you playing on Gilese? Supposedly the max rate increase is 5% and I would guess that the actual amount is random. I do recall noticing higher amounts also, and as I've been playing on Epic I am thinking maybe the max change is scaled as well (I guess this makes sense IF the frequency is scaled as well).

To be fair I can't remember the king ever asking for more than 5%. I play on epic. I know you could get more than 5% raise in col1 though at least unless you played on the lowest difficulties, that's what I had in mind I guess.
Global Defines:

It appears that TAX_TRADE_THRESHOLD (200 GOLD) determines when a tax rate could occur. TAX_INCREASE_CHANCE (20 %) is a random factor determining whether the tax rate is actually increase. There is a TAX_TRADE_THRESHOLD_TAX_RATE_PERCENT (1000) that I have no idea and a TAX_TRADE_THRESHOLD_ATTITUDE_PERCENT (100) that I have no idea about, though I assume they factor into an inflation type model where the base 200 GOLD increases based upon various factors interacting with those values.

TAX_TRADE_THRESHOLD_TAX_RATE_PERCENT - determinies value of current taxrate for delaying you next tax raise. The more is current tax rate - the more goods you can sell without tax raise. Default is 100%

TAX_TRADE_THRESHOLD_ATTITUDE_PERCENT - determinies value of Kings attitude for for delaying you next tax raise.Default is 100%

Actual treshold is calculated as:

(there also different factors such as your Traits, skip it now to simplify formula)

if both are 100% it's something like:

TAX_TRADE_THRESHOLD * (CurrentTax + KingAttitude)

this means the King Attitude is most vital while you have low tax.

For example: If you have 5% tax and King Attitude +1 you can sell double amount of goods then if you have attitude -2. And if you have Attitude -5 you'll recieve tax rate next turn, no matter how many goods you sell.

Then you have tax about 40% and higher the King's Attitude become really minor value for calculation your tax raises..
Last game i didnt give the king any money, since i wasnt able to trade much and didnt have an income. Almost whole game he didnt bother me, at all (this was explorer difficulty). I just sat on my capitol with lots of lumber and metal making tools and weapons, so i didnt have a need to trade with europe. If i needed money for specialists, i sold weapons to the natives.

On some other games, where i constantly trade the goods, king demands money every 5-10 turns. And the tax increase is faster aswell.

About the buying price of troops. It goes higher after every troop bought. First cannon 300, second 500, 3rd 900 etc. Had the same relation on all 3 times. (not a fact, just what ive noticed :p)
Global Defines:
It appears that TAX_TRADE_THRESHOLD (200 GOLD) determines when a tax rate could occur.

A little incorrect - time to raise tax calculated based on total COUNT of items (in tons) sold to Europe, not based on gold.

So selling high-priced finished goods have double benefit - it costs more and tax raises slower.

A little strange for me - I expected tax-rate-raise calculations based on revenued gold...
¥akuza;7290104 said:
Last game i didnt give the king any money, since i wasnt able to trade much and didnt have an income. Almost whole game he didnt bother me, at all (this was explorer difficulty). I just sat on my capitol with lots of lumber and metal making tools and weapons, so i didnt have a need to trade with europe. If i needed money for specialists, i sold weapons to the natives.

On some other games, where i constantly trade the goods, king demands money every 5-10 turns. And the tax increase is faster aswell.

Wait... Does this mean that you really shouldn't make almost any goods at all (Except to sell to the natives) and rather concentrate on mining for ore, then make tools out of it and then converting them to guns?

Then you'd only need an army of Expert Fishermen and Farmers to raise an army consisting of free colonists (and some statesmen to raise your Liberty Bell rating).

...I have to try this one out when I get home.

By the way, is there a way to get better relations with the king than just +1? At least I haven't been able to... I think you should be able to get better ratings (and thus fewer tax raises and so forth) by doing nice things for the king (e.g. having a bigger power rating than the other factions; transferring treasures to Europe, and so forth) :/ Maybe you could even get some rewards from him?

Is it a total tons of goods per trade turn or cumulative trade and how much is the ton allowance?

Is it a total tons of goods per trade turn or cumulative trade and how much is the ton allowance?

Threshold can be modified in XML configs.

I didn't remember exact formula (need to see sources again), but it:
1. depends on TOTAL amount of this goods sold
2. counter drops to zero at each tax rise.
3. allowed amount multiplied by sum of your current tax rate, King attitude, traits bonuses (for Holland)

by the way - prices also depend on how many tons of particular goods sold to Europe, but there also are random fluctuations.
So, I can make frequent small trips of High Quality goods and not be forced into huge cargo trips, then...?
hmm.A little correction to my previous post - for tax raise game count the TOTAL amount of all goods you have sold.

So little of high priced goods is more preferable then many of low-priced.

No matter will you sell it in small quantities or in big.

Except one exploit - prices and taxes counted only once at start of turn. So, you can stor incredible amounts in your ships and then sell in all at once. For example you can store 10 galleons full of silver and sell it all in single turn. You will recieve full price for it.

But at next few turns (even without trading at all) price of silver will drop to floor and you will recieve tax raise (but only one raise)

So selling goods in great numbers can be more profitable (but it only counts in really big quantities)
The highest tax rate I have ever had to pay was 28%. After that I said skrew you to the king. I wasnt going to pay that much.

Something else I have noticed. If you refuse the king, he will not give you military units at a cheaper price. I played a game where I gave into him every time and was able to get military whenever I asked for it. Then just after that, I defied him most of the time and was only able to get one cannon and one soldier.
For each unit you get from him at a discount he will add 5 to the REF, so dont bother keeping him happy just for that.
How does playing on Epic or Marathon affect this?

Example on Marathon a cargo hold slot is 300 tons. So, I was wondering early on if I should stick to cargos of 50 or 100 tons per trip or wait for the full 300 ton load?
I would just wait for the 300 of cargo. The Marathon games get really high tax rates which kinda sucks. I've gotten like 68 per cent taxes by 1700 thats usually when I declare independence. I wish the tax rates weren't tied to the amount of goods you sell because on the marathon game its just gets plain ridiculous..
That's what I thought.
When you sell goods to Indians or other European colonies, does that also add to the count that triggers tax hikes?
When you sell goods to Indians or other European colonies, does that also add to the count that triggers tax hikes?


But with current rules they have little of gold and it's runs out fast, so it's not too profitable to trade with them except the beginning of game.
does selling ancient burial treasure at europe increase the rate of tax increase?
Not that i am aware of. Tax rate goes with amount of stuff sold, not with gold earned.
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