Random Start Location for Custom Maps


Nov 1, 2005
Westchester, NY
I have been playing recently with Rhye's 18 Civ Earth map and loving it :D

Figured out the following edit work to fit my taste for it:
- ONLY Conquest & Domination Victory
- Replaced Mountain tile blocking South America from Central America to a Jungle/Hill Tile.
- Replaced Franklin Roosevlt to Washington.​

But now there is just 1 option I want to be able to do.

That option is:
18 Civs to start at RANDOM Locations instead of the PRESET Locations​

Does anyone know how to do this?
Would love to do this last option for Rhye's 18 Civ Earth Map if at all possible.
I have been digging and digging in the forums here and no luck for me so far :(

Greatly Appreciated if anyone can help out on this :D
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