Tone down AI Settler spam

This is my experience with the new patch. All the spots close-by were gobbled up by the AI early. Don't think I'll have room for a third city.
It depends a lot on the ai. I have played some games where I carefully choose my opponents not to be expantionists and those have maybe been the most fun. Some will spam some will not. Its allways the same like with the russian she'll spam everywhere.

You prolly know it allready. :)
It seems realistic. People used to say the same thing about the European scramble for territory in Africa. People complained it wasn't worth they money, but they still did it, anyway.
Maybe the AI actually takes notice of the city site recommendations that it offers to me.

I'm rarely tempted to found a new city just behind and to the right of a neighbour's capital rather than next to my existing cities. But that's generally where the little yellow icons appear.
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