Removing Holy Cities?

This is awesome though and i was not aware one could do this. Now i can finally get rid of boudicca pesky buddhism in my latest game. This certainly makes the inquisitor a more powerful unit
This is awesome though and i was not aware one could do this. Now i can finally get rid of boudicca pesky buddhism in my latest game. This certainly makes the inquisitor a more powerful unit

Well its more precise role is to prevent the spreading of other religions through missionaries and prophets. If you have enough faith generation and you dont have many faith dumpers it might be a good idea to buy some inquisitors early to prevent that from happening. If your faith is strong enough (pressure) you need not worry about a couple of followers appearing by passive spreading. In fact with religious tolerance it might be helpful too.
Holy cities have 30 pressure of their own religion on themselves, always. You can convert the city to a different religion with a prophet, and if you have converted enough nearby cities so that they have more pressure on the holy city that IT has on ITSELF, then it will stay converted. If not, it will slowly regain it's own religion.

Ok, after playing a few games I can confirm that you can completely destroy the 30 pressure of a holy city no matter what is left in the surrounding cities, with an Inquisitor (NOT a GP/Missionary). Once he did his dirty work the 30 never reappears, even if normal pressure immediately adds followers back in the the former Holy City.
Yes that is correct, but left to its own devises it might be converted into following its original faith, though indeed it will never attain holy city status again.

Question: If you lose the HC status of your religion but reclaim the capital do you still have the founder beliefs?
It can still come back, even after an Inquisitor. Although I'm not sure what'll happen if you leave a second one parked in the city.

I used to use Inquisitors in them and it prevented anything not of your religion from ever coming back. After you cleansed with a first one.
Probably it was reconverted, either through a prophet or due to pressure. However it would never regain the holy city status.
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