Angkor Wat

Technically, it's been buffed.

Given that culture yields are lower in BNW, but border expansion culture costs are the same, building Angkor Wat should be a pretty great wonder. I definitely try to grab it when I can.
Ironically, I'm building it right now in my Polynesia game.

With the lowered 'natural' cultural output of the culture buildings, claiming tiles is painfully slow IMO if you're not Tradition. (I went Liberty.)

So yes, it may have a slight purpose. Still a secondary Wonder.
I attempted to build it in a satellite city for the +33% culture for world wonder bonus, but was beat to it. Not sure if fluke or AI actually prioritizes it now (G&K it would take AI forever to build it)
what its effect is now?
online civilopedia says its 25% tile cost reduction


So if a tile cost 100 culture for you to claim it, Angkor Wat would make it only cost 75 culture.

Again, given that a) culture yields and gold yields are lower, and b) culture and gold costs for claiming tiles are NOT lower, this wonder has technically been significantly buffed. I'm sure if anyone grabbed that thing their lands would expand everywhere, and more territory is always nice.
Not sure if that logic holds. Building culture is reduced, yes, but you can basically play a "culture" game while still going for any victory you want, thus resulting in more overall culture than you would when playing a non-culture game in G&K.

I'd say it is still a weak wonder.
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