Patch 1.52 - Internet Civlization Password, Wrong Password Bug


Feb 7, 2006
So me and my friends have been playing online, But the game we had going tonight I went to reload to take a look at something in it only to find out I didnt know what my password was for my civilization. Granted, I know what I typed in, being as how I typed it in twice, so while fiddling around with other saved games I managed to reproduce it as a bug.

Whenever I change the name of my civilization in game on a passworded civilization, after you save your password no longer works.

1: Start a game online and password your civilization
2: When the game starts, save the game.
3. Press Esc. and go to Your Details, and change the name of your Empire(I changed all three boxes to something other then the default, IE, the French Empire, France, and French boxes).
4. Save the game again in a second save file.

What you should now have is two saved files, where your password works on the first file, and your password doesnt work on the second file. Ive managed to reproduce it a few times. It doesnt seem to affect Non-passworded civilizations, but any civilization that I passworded before changing the empire names, wont load with the original password.

Is there anyway around this? Or is my saved game from tonight a lost cause? It was going so well too... Is there any kind of default password its reseting them to that anyone knows of?
you can try to put this - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - as your password, (small chance of success =D ) and that doesnt work, you can email me the save file to *its an underline, not a space* and i could try to make it work (even smaller chance of success =D).
no, i just open them with an hex editor and use the hash code as the password =D. worked almost every time when there was no password originaly entered, and a couple of times when there was some password originaly entered. =D
Unfortunatly Ive already deleted said saved game, oh well... At least I know what not to do next time I play to keep my saved game from bugging up that way...
roadkill15 said:
no, i just open them with an hex editor and use the hash code as the password =D. worked almost every time when there was no password originaly entered, and a couple of times when there was some password originaly entered. =D

how to do that?
you download the hex editor from here
(its freewere). you open the save file. scroll down till you see many many unreadble characters (in the white part), then scroll up a bit till you see a number of character sets (each set is 32 characters). each character is next to a square, so dont count the squares as characters. each set of 32 characters is next to a blank space (thats how you know where the start and end are). write every set of characters on a piece of paper or something, and put them as the password in the civ password box.
it might work, but it might not work. depends on how lucky you are =D.
Yes, this is a serious issue.
Myself and my friend have had this on every 'ending' of our multiplayer game so far. My password is always ok, his always breaks.
Last time we reloaded he set no password, but still got asked for a password.

We emailed Firaxis but got no response.

This sucks and truly messes up the MP experience... :mad:
its not a big issue if you dont care about protecting your civ.
i personaly dont care about that cause i only play direct ip games with my friends and AIs.
and when this bug happends to me, i just put this password - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - and it works like a charm.
this password works perfectly for everyone that used it.
so take my advice, dont put a password on your civs, and if the game askes you for one, put this password and you can continue playing.
Nope, that didn't work.
We played again and he didn't set a password and once again we were asked for one. Put in that long hash and it still didn't work...

Annoying! :sad:
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