[RFC:DoC] The Great War

Ooh, can't wait to see the rest of this!
After the United European Coalitions success in the years of 1918-1920 the Coalitions nations were cautiously optimistic. They hoped that it would be the beginning of the end for the German Alliance but it was not to be. The Mughals secured their southern and northern border in a tenuous standoff. It would remain this way for a long while, with neither nations having enough strength or willpower to push forwards. Indeed another of the war's unofficial "peacetimes" begun in 1921 into 1934. The great nations of the world all resupplied, refortified and dug in even further. Collectively the nations of the world drew their breath, waiting for the plunge into eventual world war yet again.

The major events in this peace time are as follows:

In mid 1920 the United States of America expanded the territory they laid a claim to. These borders grew ever closer to Japan's North American colonies sparking tensions in the sparsely populated dividing lands. The Emperor of Japan and the President of the USA met in Washington to discuss future plans for the land of North America. Both mutually agreed to divide the land and to settle all matters peacefully with neither nation wishing war. UEC countries suspiciously muttered to each other at hearing the news of this with the French minister stating: "Les actes sont plus éloquents que les paroles, et dans le climat politique comme à chaque action reflète un puissant sens. Le monde est diviser en deux, je crois qu'il est temps pour les Etats-unis d'Amérique à choisir." ("Actions speak louder than words and in the political climate as it is every action conveys a powerful meaning. The world is splitting in two, I think it's time for the United States of America to choose.")

The years of 1920-1921 were disastrous for the Dominion of Portugal. Germany made a push in South Africa, seizing Sofala in a series of strikes with the aid of native warriors. This action completely removed Portuguese presence in Africa. Heartened by the apparent weakness of Portugal, the Incan Region allied itself to the German Alliance and attacked through Spanish territory into Portuguese territory surrounding Sao Paulo. Most military advisers scoffed at such a thought, even Germany quietly advising their new-found allies to reconsider. The Incan Region was still using riflemen in age when the Portuguese had machine guns. What happened shocked the world. News of how exactly the Incans achieved such an astounding victory against the technologically superior Portuguese. When news of this victory reached Wien - the German capital - the entirety of the parliament listened in hush breathe and abruptly stood up and applauded the Incan Region and its military leaders. The leader of the Incan army, Vicaquirao was held in high esteem and was triumphantly welcomed in Cuzco upon his return. He had achieved to near god like popularity and respect. Morale soared throughout all of South America and around the world. If the Incans could pull off a victory such as that achieved in Sao Paulo, what could a nation such as Germany do? Or perhaps another nation ... Japan?

Using this wave of momentum that swept the nation, Japan launched its years-in-planning attack on Australia. Operation Firestorm had begun. The Empire of Greater Japan quickly seized Cairns and the northerly towns of British ruled Australia in January 1923. The British quickly established defensive positions in the rough terrain of Australia and held the Japanese back until 1926 when the Japanese captured Rockhampton. The namesack of the operation quickly became apparent to the British. The Japanese set fire to large swathes of the bush in well planned and timed strikes. Fortified positions had to be abandoned and entire platoons were burnt to death. While not entirely an honourable way to fight it allowed the Japanese to sustain little loses but with large gains.

The only other major military action successfully carried out in this peace time was the French seizure of Munich in 1928. The United European Coalition had planned a combined strike to quickly seize the city and fortify it before the Germans could counter-attack effectively. They managed to do so with a new technology that allowed common soldiers to use "parachutes" and jump from a plane to end up deep in enemy territory. English, French and Dutch troops landed behind the German lines and seized the city. A fierce fight erupted to retake the city but eventually the Germans retreated, licking their wounds and conceding the town to the enemy. This same tactic was employed elsewhere along the German lines, but Germany would not fall for the same tactic twice and employed new strategies to combat this with the UEC taking hard casualties in some areas when their troops would drop down into an open field only to be sliced apart by hidden machine guns and troops.

Another military breakthrough of a different kind occurred in the deserts of German-Arabia on the day of June 17th, 1926. The first nuclear bomb in the history of mankind was set off. The leading scientist behind it's creation is quoted as such after the explosion: "Mein Gott, mein Gott. Die erde zerbricht unter meine Hand und die Natur beugt sich mit einer Niederlage. Vergib mir meine Sünden." (My god, my god. The earth shatters beneath my hand and nature bows down in defeat. Forgive my sins.) Soon after he committed suicide, aghast at the utter destruction he had bought upon the world. The later piece of news was concealed from the public for a great many years.

PHEW. Mega update. I really liked this update actually, I think I might focus a tad more on the diplomacy side and add in things such as quotes. Let me know what you think please :) Oh and sorry for the (most likely) crappy translations :p
good job at the update
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