SGOTM 15 - One Short Straw

Gah, I wasn't really prepared to be up. Oh well... we can consider what I wrote in Post #1313 to be the short-term PPP, or else we can wait until I have finished mapping out more Worker actions in the future, so that you can see where these Worker actions are leading... but that mapping-out might not happen for another day or two, depending upon how much time I can squeeze in.
I can play through the Oracle if you want.
Yeah, that would be nice. I still have to find some time to finish off the changes to the Worker actions... and, of course, you'd be free to change things if you preferred, but it'll be nice to see my whole approach (once I have completed figuring out exactly what it will be!) so that you can decide where you might change things.
Ok. Unless bbp comes back, I'll play the next two turns a scripted by Dhoomstriker in twelvish hours unless anyone has any issues. Then I'll put a plan together to complete the Oracle after that.
Okay, there are definitely some minor improvements that can be made, but here's a draft of what I have got so far:

56 1760BC

Nature's Candi workers both NW pasture
Delhi se worker e+e GHFor Deer
Warrior 1 (John) stay on the GRiv For
Warrior 2 (Jack) stay on the GH Riv
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) 1W GRiv

57 1720bc

Manually save the game
If Toku’s Archer did not move SW onto the GH Riv (2S of the GRiv Copper), then stop play and let the team know where Toku’s Archer went

pig workers finish pasture verify working pigs
Change delhi to barracks
1 sci corn fp bronze in delhi
Delhi se + e + e worker road the GHFor Deer
research pottery

Warrior 1 (John) if Toku’s Archer went SW, then move 1S GH Riv (2S of the GRiv Copper): SAY NO when you are asked if we want to declare war on Toku
Warrior 2 (Jack) It kind of depends upon what Toku’s Archer did, but if Toku’s Archer went SW, Warrior 1 (John) will let us know where the Barb Archer is… and if the Barb Archer is not going to put Warrior 2 (Jack) in danger, then Warrior 2 (Jack) can move 1SE onto the GH (2N of the Crab)… but if the Barb Archer is next to that square, then Warrior 2 (Jack) can just stay where he is
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) If the Barb Warrior is 1N on the GRiv For (1W of the Deer), then move 1E GRiv For (1S of the Deer). If the Barb Warrior is not there but is still visible, stay in place. If the Barb Warrior is not visible, move 1N GRiv For (1W of the Deer)

58 1680

Manually save the game
If we didn’t stop play last turn, we should this turn so that we can discuss what to do with our Warriors

pig workers to gems mine and STOP one of them from Mining (say, Worker 2)
gold e locks worker nw road
Gold e locks build oracle--actually, if the Barb Archer is dead and if we will settle on top of the Marble, we’ll get the Marble connected early and can start to build something else at this point, such as a Warrior that will later get completed as a Spearman
change delhi to settler
whip 2 pop
mm delhi 2 sci

Warrior 1 (John) ??? Need to know where the Barb Archer and Toku’s Archer are located
Warrior 2 (Jack) ??? Need to know where the Barb Archer and Toku’s Archer are located
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) ??? Need to know where the Barb Warrior is located

59 1640bc

Manually save the game
Pottery Fini
change to hunting
Gold e locks build Granary if the Barb Archer is dead and if we will settle on top of the Marble

Deer worker se GH (NW of the PH Gold) road
1 Gems Worker (say, Worker 2) move se + e to the GRiv (1W of the GRiv Corn) and Road and STOP building the Road
Settler to corn
delhi change to granary work corn 2 sci
tech slider to 0
Warrior 1 (John) ???
Warrior 2 (Jack) ???
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) ???

60 1600bc

Manually save the game
Gems se + e (Delhi sw + sw) worker SE GRiv For (1NW of the Marble) Chop and STOP Chopping
Gold 1NW (GH For Deer 1SE) Worker manually finishes the Road before the next Worker moves
Gold 1 N worker auto-moves to the G that is 1SW of the GH For Deer (1E of the GRiv Copper) and Road
If the Barb Archer is dead, Settler se + s onto the Marble, otherwise stop play to discuss
tech slider to 100
Warrior 1 (John) ???
Warrior 2 (Jack) ???
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) ???

61 1560bc
Dismiss the message about Sheep being connected, since we just connected Gems City to our capital
Manually save the game
In the ideal case, Settler should be able to settle a City on top of the Marble, but if not, we will need to figure out when it is safe to move the Settler
If we can settle Marble City, give it an appropriate name, then build a Granary and work the GRiv Copper
Gems Worker move NE to the PFor (1E of Nature’s Chandi) and Chop then STOP Chopping ***Note that this Worker could optionally be doing something else, but it seems like a good idea to Chop that Forest by Nature’s Chandi that we saved as soon as we learn Math***
Marble 1NW Worker move E + NE to the GRiv Copper and Road
Delhi SE + SE Worker (1E of the GRiv Copper) manually completes the Road
1NW PH Riv Gold (1SE GH For Deer) waits for the above Worker to complete its Road and then auto-moves to the GRiv Copper and completes the Copper’s Road--if we settled on top of the Marble, the Marble will now have been connected
Gold-E Locks builds The Oracle if we were previously building a Granary there, now that the Marble has been connected
tech slider to 0 (Hunting in 1 turn thanks to our Scientist Specialists)
Warrior 1 (John) ???
Warrior 2 (Jack) ???
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) ???

62 1520bc
Learned Hunting
Tech Metal Casting?
Zlatorog builds a Worker -> Granary (or an Axeman if we don’t think that we will grow past City Size 1 in the short term)
Nature’s Chandi builds a Warrior -> Granary
Dismiss the message about connecting Copper to our capital
Manually save the game
One GRiv Copper Worker auto-moves to the PRiv For 1NW of Gold-E Locks (1N of the Gold) and Chops and STOPS Chopping
Copper 1E (GH Riv For Deer 1SW) Worker auto-moves to the PRiv For 1NW of Gold-E Locks (1N of the Gold) and Chops and STOPS Chopping
The other GRiv Copper Worker moves 1S to the GRiv For 1NE of the Marble (1S of the Copper) and Chops and STOPS Chopping
1E Nature’s Chandi (SE + E of the GH Pig) Worker moves S + SE to the GRiv (1W of the GRiv Corn) and completes the Road
Zlatorog’s new Worker moves NW GRiv For Deer and Camps
Warrior 1 (John) ???
Warrior 2 (Jack) ???
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) ???
Warrior 4 (built in Nature’s Chandi) ???

63 1480bc
Manually save the game
1NE Marble (1S Copper) Worker Chops and STOPS Chopping the GRiv For
Two Workers NW of Gold-E Locks (1N of the Gold) move 1E to the GRiv For and Chop and STOP Chopping (make sure that both of them stop Chopping)
NW + NW of the Marble (1W of the GRiv Corn) Worker moves 1SE GRiv For (1NW of the Marble) and Chops and STOPS Chopping
Warrior 1 (John) ???
Warrior 2 (Jack) ???
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) ???
Warrior 4 (built in Nature’s Chandi) ???

64 1440bc
Manually save the game
Bulb Math
One 1N Gold-E Locks Worker waits for Math to be Lightbulbed and then Chops the GRiv For into The Oracle
The other 1N Gold-E Locks Worker moves 1W PRiv For (1N of the Gold) Chops the PRiv For into The Oracle
Gold-E Locks has a 3rd citizen that does who knows what
NW of the Marble (1S of the GRiv Corn) Chops into Marble City’s Granary
NE of the Marble (1S of the GRiv Copper) Chops into Marble City’s Granary--although we could actually get the Granary built in 2 turns without this Chop, so perhaps we should have sent this Warrior toward the north to Chop a Forest for Delhi’s Granary
Warrior 1 (John) ???
Warrior 2 (Jack) ???
Warrior 3 (near Zlatorog) ???
Warrior 4 (built in Nature’s Chandi) ???
Note that the expectation is that Mitchum (or bbp) will be playing... and I might not actually end up having time for a turnset after this Oracle run, as I will be preparing for an out-of-town trip.

So, for now, don't plan to have me playing a turnset anytime soon and whoever is after me should consider themselves as being up on deck.

:newyear: EDIT: Feel free to change the format of the PPP if doing so will make your turnset easier. Everyone has a style that will work best for them in terms of not having their eyes glaze over when reading the text, so make sure that it is laid out in a manner that works for you... and if it doesn't, change it.
I don't really see us holding off on fishing-sailing for long enough to bulb machinery, let alone engineering. Imagine capturing Kyoto and/or Babylon, and not being able to work their seafood (and we can expect they would have done a sheep-clam trade, if Toku didn't have any).
1. I highly doubt Kyoto has seafood, because he starts with Fishing but built a worker first and because his GNP graph doesn't vary much, though I haven't verified this precisely.
2. I don't think Toku and Hammy can trade resources yet. Toku is not connected to our water body yet.
3. We would bulb Machinery and Engineering on the same turn, I'm assuming, because we'll get the GSes faster than we can research those beakers.

4. As I said before, Proof of Concept first (or forget it) and it has to be really fast, which would probably be before we have time to capture Babylon, I'm assuming.
Food for thought, before you guys play on...

I haven't tested this, but if settling on the marble, then couldn't whip the settler later, thus accumulating more food-hammers to overflow into the granary? Could we possibly even delay it long enough to allow us to build the granary 1t instead of the barracks 1t? Could we possibly road the three road segments to the marble so the settler gets there in 1t? (Delhi-SE, 2SE, copper-S)

We could delay settling marble city, but doing so would delay the granary there. If we delay too long, the settler turns from a two-pop whip to a one-pop whip. I don't know if we care, but in general, I don't like to one-pop whip anything...

I'll play around with what happens if we delay enough such that we put hammers into a granary rather than the barracks. That would entail waiting two more turns. I'll see what that does.

How are we going to decide between settling on the marble and settling where we have been? One thing about settling on the marble is that it delays when we'd want Fishing. ;)

Finally, are we okay with putting the roads where Dhoom has us putting them in the next two turns (i.e. on the deer as opposed to deer-1S)? If we're okay with that, I could at least play them today. We're quickly approaching 31 cities, so it may be good to stop every couple of turns anyway just so that we can be prepared for when it happens...

EDIT: I'll wait for a positive response from at least two of LC, ZPV and mm before I play these two turns.
I'm not in love with any whipping before we have a granary. A 1whip speeds up when we can do our first post-granary 2whip. In the abstract, that is.

The two major problems with settling on the marble are loss of 5cpt and later exploring wbs.
LowtherCastle said:
I haven't tested this, but if settling on the marble, then couldn't whip the settler later, thus accumulating more food-hammers to overflow into the granary? Could we possibly even delay it long enough to allow us to build the granary 1t instead of the barracks 1t? Could we possibly road the three road segments to the marble so the settler gets there in 1t? (Delhi-SE, 2SE, copper-S)
Good thoughts. It's probably worth at least testing these ideas.

Although my plan doesn't show it, I was thinking of having 1 of the two Workers that Chop Marble City's Granary go north after Roading on the Copper, which would mean a partial Road along the diagonal path that you drew in white lines on your map between Gold-E Locks and Zlatorog, followed by a Forest Chop.

If we play around with that Forest Chop as well as which City out of Marble City and Delhi work the Copper versus the Corn or in Delhi perhaps work a GH Mine versus the Flood Plains after the Scientists are fired, we can probably get both Granaries being finished around the same time as each other near the "half full Foodbox" time... or probably just slightly more Food than half-full in both Cities.

So, technically, we wouldn't need to delay the Settler.

Delaying the Settler would mean less Hammers into a Granary in Gold-E Locks, since we would connect the Marble later and thus would have to put more non-Marble-enhanced Hammers into The Oracle. As it stands, we won't need to put any non-Marble-enhanced Hammers into The Oracle if we whip the Settler as scheduled and build Marble City on top of the Marble, assuming that the Barb Archer is dead and won't hinder our efforts.

As for Roading to the south... again, we'd delay connecting Marble to Gold-E Locks, but we'd also delay connecting the Gold-E Locks trade route and thereby lower the chance of Hinduism auto-spreading. What's more is that we can already get the Settler to the Marble in two turns without any Roads, but I'm not sure that we can get it there in 1 turn with Roads, since we have to cross a River (but I don't have the game or a map open in front of me, so I could be wrong on this point). It's only after we learn Construction that crossing a River won't cost us a full turn to cross a River via Roads.

The extra Road or Roads that might be required (since the current plan doesn't require a Road going right to Marble City, just to its River) could delay the time when we get Marble connected and may or may not delay the time that we can get Workers back to Gold-E Locks in order to Chop the Forests there.

The hope is that this plan should roughly work:
1. Marble City, using Copper plus a Forest Chop, can complete its Granary while at Size 1
2. Delhi, using a Forest Chop to the NE of the City, plus some base Hammers, can finish off its Granary while at Size 3
3. Gems City can get a Chop but will likely require a Whip in order to finish its Granary--we can either wait until we've grown to Size 3 (costing us more Food) or we can whip at Size 2, which would mean a few turns of not working the Gems Mine until we regrow to Size 2
4. Gold-E Locks can get a Chop from the Forest NW + N of the City, which will come into our CUltural Borders thanks to the Cultural output from The Oracle's completion, and we can whip the rest of the Granary once we hit a half-full foodbox at Size 3 (we grow to Size 3 right when we complete The Oracle)
5. Zlatorog can either just pump out military units while working the Gold Mine or can start on a Granary and then grow to Size 2 without having complete the Granary... we can put in 1 Forest Chop within our Cultural Borders and then either put in a non-Cultural-Border-enhanced Forest Chop (so that we can continue working the Gold once we grow to Size 2) or else we can whip away the citizen working the Gold

So, it shouldn't be too long after completing The Oracle that we have Granaries in each of our 5 Cities. Then we'll just need to balance the creation of new improvements (like GRiv Farms or GH Mines) with the citizen growth in respective Cities, and where we have extra Worker turns, we can Chop some Forests (assuming that they are within our Cultural Borders in most cases, with, like I said, the possible exception of a second Forest Chop for Zlatorog that is outside of our Cultural Borders just to allow us to work the Gold Mine for additional turns, which is probably a worthwhile trade off).
EDIT: I'll wait for a positive response from at least two of LC, ZPV and mm before I play these two turns.

Please dont delay on my account. While I have time to peak at whats going on I dont have time to analyze plans currently.

I'd like us to get over this Oracle hump :D
I'm not sure we want to spend that turn on the deer yet. I'm also doing some testing. :)

OK. We do lose one worker turn by roading the deer, but our roads are better placed long-term. If we feel that we can make this work regardless of where we settle the marble city and we're okay losing the one worker turn to climb the deer hill, then I can at least play two turns and we can find out what happens in the south with the barb.

What is it that you're trying to figure out? Whether settling on the marble gives us enough of an advantage to outweigh the lost commerce and a non-coastal city placement?

I'm fine waiting too since not playing keeps all options open.

I don't have a lot of time to test today as it turns out. I can play two turns though... :crazyeye:
If we settle on the marble, we can definitely delay the turn that we put hammers into a barracks for two turns and put those hammers into a granary instead. It's still a 2-pop whip with large overflow going into the granary.
Unlike a normal City that doesn't get to settle on top of a square that gives extra Hammers and normally doesn't start with improved squares, Marble City (when settled on the Marble) will actually be productive from the first turn that it is founded.

So, every turn that we delay settling that City (say, due to dragging out the time that we build its Settler in Delhi), we will lose:
2 Food + 3 Hammers + 1 Commerce (City Centre)
2 Food + 4 Hammers + 1 Commerce (GRiv Copper)
-2 Food (1 citizen)
1 Commerce (trade Route)
-4 Commerce in Maintenance (it's probably actually somewhere between 2 and 3 but I'm being overly pessimistic here, just in case it really is -4)

Net result:
2 Food, 7 Hammers, -1 Commerce per turn that we delay settling this City

So, getting the Hammers in Delhi comes with a hefty opportunity cost.

Of course, if the Barb Archer doesn't die, then the equation changes, as we might have to delay settling Marble City entirely and thus would not be able to benefit from the Settler coming out earlier rather than later--that is, depending upon where the Barb Archer is standing at the time.

But, if the Barb Archer dies, I still think that we'll be better off just Chopping 1 Forest into Delhi's Granary and balancing which of the squares get worked when we're manually building the Granary (i.e. the Mines versus the Food squares).

I see what LC is saying, in that later, we may want Commerce squares (such as working the Marble square instead of settling on top of it) to cover our Maintenance Costs, but we have plenty of Riverside Grassland squares that could get Cottages, should the need arise. Then, there's the opportunity cost of having to work a Marble square that produces 0 Food in a City with only one Food Resource (the Crab).

EDIT: Okay, fine, there is the Banana Resource, but it doesn't sound like we're going to be researching Calendar anytime soon, which means that we probably won't work the Banana (that can't even be Farmed pre-Civil Service).

Overall, I'm not concerned by the loss of this potential Commerce as I imagine that we wouldn't be working the Quarried Marble square all that much (or that if we did, we'd simply be stunting the City's growth for lack of a better square to work).
I played a quick test game to 500 BC. Here is what I observed. Note that my game play was far from optimal:

1. It took a long time to march around Osaka to get to Kyoto, especially if Osaka has a border pop.
2. By the time I took Kyoto and got back to Osaka, there were 4 archers there already.
3. I have one GS and I'm 17 turns away from the second one but I already have MC, IW, Aesthetics and Alphabet. We should be able to get many of these in trade after we take Kyoto, depending on which AI are in the game. If we can speed up this second GS, we speed up the Engineering bulb.
4. On the turn I declared on Toku, Hammy declared on me even though he never sent a unit my way. There was a barb city between us though.
5. I built libraries in Zlatorog and Nature's Chandi. It took too long, which is why I'm waiting forever for my next GS.
6. There were only 4 archers in Kyoto and it took 5 cats and 6 axes to take the city. I think 6 cats and 8 axes is the right number just in case there are five archers there.
7. The Pyramids in Kyoto will come way too late. Kyoto just recently came out of revolt.

Overall, it just felt slow. It took until 750 BC for me to have all of the units completed and into position. Unit maintenance started to become an issue too. I wonder what happens if we put the 'Mids in Delhi... We can still run scientists and either a GS or GE is good and should speed up the date of the second GP slightly.
I settled the marble city on the marble in my test and it worked well. Sharing tiles with Delhi was quite nice and I was able to work the copper square non-stop while also taking advantage of Delhi's mines, which it shared with Nature's Candhi.
Here's one stab at it. A few minor corrections possible.

I settled Marble City T62. This sacrifices a few hammers but works nicely with the roading and connecting up all our cities. I ended up not using the roads from Chandi to the front so that's changeable, although getting hindu spread would be really helpful. At T75 I have just about the entire army ready at GEL. So they probably arrive at Kyoto around 800BC, maybe a turn or two earlier.

Tings depend on what happens in Osaka. If it only has one archer and no culture, then we could sacrifice an axe to capture it and leave it unguarded to possibly draw out archers from Kyoto. If it has a lot of hammers in a build (e.g., library) then this would destroy those hammers and prevent culture from accumulating.

Chandi is about to complete a library. It could be complete already if we start building a library now, instead of the warrior. This would get a GS around 625BC. Then one possibility would be to beeline Literature next and build the Great Library in Delhi after the Kyoto mobilization. The second GS would then probably pop around 400BC.

One key notion that's driving my desire to bulb Mach+Eng is that we will need to research quite a lot more, imo, to play this game successfully. We'll need Currency to build wealth, Code of Laws for courthouses. With horses, Guilds would speed up conquest significantly and that means a bunch of prereq techs. Furthermore, xbows would be nice against Hammy's bowmen and axes.

Finally, with Literature in our pockets, we'll be able to build the HE as soon as we get a 10XP unit and we can use NE to create 1000g in failed gold, if we so choose.


  • OSS Test BC-1000 T75 .CivBeyondSwordSave
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Notes for further testing:

1. Only one Chandi worker is need to mine the gems in time. The other worker is free to help road from Delhi to Marble and chop the Oracle.
2. By roading Delhi-SE->Delhi-2SE->Copper-S, the settler lands on the marble tile in 1 turn. This means the copper mine is worked 1 turn more. It's possible to finish these three road segments for a settler completed on T60 or T61. (My test above was for a T61 settler.)
3. We might as well test assuming we get the corn from Osaka, only to make all our tests comparable.
4. Let's not chop any forest growth.
5. I think we can wrap up this testing in 1 or 2 days max.
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