[Religion and Revolution]: Overview, Project Organization

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In 3 hours I will package our Release 1.1 and then upload it.
(Deadline for all changes that should be part of Release 1.1)

Our new Founding Fathers are still missing some bios and the ones existing have not yet been translated.
(But I guess, that is no big problem since Release 1.1 is no major release.)
Bio's for all Founding Fathers are loaded and up to date.:)

They will be part of the next Release 1.2. :thumbsup:
(I have already uploaded Release 1.1, Sorry. :( )
I have made help requests to some old modding friends in the areas where we currently still have many todos and not enough (or no) active team members:
Python, Graphics, Translations, ...

Not really. :(
Almost all of them have already replied that they are busy or simply not interested to put work into our mod.
(Which I can also understand.)

What do you mean when you say we need to fix "python"? Is it still are player = -1 problem? :dunno:

I don't know, since I was not home yet to test. :)

Another thing is that I simply do not know if all of our events work. :dunno:
When I was playing recently (before orlanth had made his improvements) for almost 100 rounds, I had almost no Python events at all ...
(Might be a coincidence though.)

So we should check:

1. Our python events do all work.
2. Our python code (events / screens) does not cause unnecessary Asserts.

It is simply a matter of good testing / quality assurance.
Actually that's what I was about to check.

Great. :thumbsup:

Could you tell me what an Assert is?

Asserts are warnings that the Debug-DLL pops up (with stopping the process) if it "believes" that some code is trying to do incorrect things.

Basically it says
"This is not necessarily a serious bug.
But you are trying to do something that might be problematic and cause problems.
You better check that."

But they could also be coded to allow the developer to check that something is running correctly.
(Which should only be done in the first phases of developing a feature and later on removed again.)

Simply take a look at the sources and search for "FAssert".

We are heading for Release 1.2. :)
(Timeline I am thinking about is in about a month.)

These are the current todos, that should be included in that release.

Further improvement of English texts
-> colonialfan
-> Shoobs will probably support

Further translations (German and French)
-> raystuttgart for German translations
-> maybe supported by Akropolis
-> Robert Surcouf for French translations

Founding Fathers
-> raystuttgart and colonialfan
-> heavily supported by Isabelxxx, who creates all the great graphics


TESTING !!!! :)
-> complete team
-> heavily supported by our partners


Although it will not be part of Release 1.2, we should of course still continue working on the concept for Inventions.
-> colonialfan, orlanth and Robert

If anybody still has the time to work on another todo, please let me know. :thumbsup:


List is updated.

Since there are currently no real problems and all important work packages have been finished,
I see no issues with our time plan for Release 1.2. . :)

Deadline for any changes to be included into Release 1.2 is coming Friday night (CET).
Then I will do a last check.
After that our release will be packaged and it will be handed over to Infracta for our download.

Seems as if we have finished all planned workpackages for Release 1.3. :goodjob:
So let us have a few more days of testing and then finally bring it out.

For me the mod is currently running extremely good. :)
(There are a few tiny things I have noticed, but nothing important.)

Are we ready to publish Release 1.3 ? :think:
(Is there still a known bug to fix or is somebody still working on a topic ?)
Ok, tomorrow I will do a last test game and then ask the people at Infracta to upload our mod to their server.
So if I dont hear any objections anymore, Release 1.3 will be published tomorrow. :thumbsup:

Are we ready to publish Release 1.3 ? :think:
(Is there still a known bug to fix or is somebody still working on a topic ?)

I think we can publish Release 1.3.

I have no more to-do's on my list and a last test was very successful - I had a very smooth game with no CTD's or other problems on a "gigantic" map with resolution 1680x1050.
The Upload of Release 1.3 last night did not work out correctly.

Our contact at Infracta accidently zipped and uploaded the mod with the complete SVN information.
(Thus the ZIP was almost 800MB in size. Unpacked it was more than 2GB.)

We will give it another try today, once our contact at Infracta is available again. :thumbsup:
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