Barbarian Camps shouldn't spawn near Trade Routes


Aug 22, 2012
I recently had a Trade Route pillaged by Barbarians who spawned on top of it in the fog of war, and I'd like to see a restriction that prevents this.

They should need to travel at least some distance to get to a trade route, in my opinion.
I recently had a Trade Route pillaged by Barbarians who spawned on top of it in the fog of war, and I'd like to see a restriction that prevents this.

They should need to travel at least some distance to get to a trade route, in my opinion.

Why? The trade route is what the barbarians are after!
Its just frustrating when a camp spawns on top of one: it feels like one spawning in my borders and pillaging a tile on the second turn.
You can always set some troops in Caravan route so you get line of sight, thus disabling barbarian appearance.

If you send a caravan unprotected it's even sort of historical that it get pillaged by some random goons at some point.
I can agree with not spawning "on" the trade route, but next to it is probably okay. And yeah, you can't always protect the entire route, but you should probably try to keep it at least a little safe for your caravans.
It would be nice if you could move a military unit to the trade route and have an order "protect route" or something like that and the military unit would sync its movement with the trade unit. Even back when they had trade routes like this in Call to Power, people requested the same feature - seems to be yet another gross oversight by Firaxis on Civ5.
It would be nice if you could move a military unit to the trade route and have an order "protect route" or something like that and the military unit would sync its movement with the trade unit. Even back when they had trade routes like this in Call to Power, people requested the same feature - seems to be yet another gross oversight by Firaxis on Civ5.

The problem is the 1UPT. If ai happens to station units along the trade route, your units cant cover the route. I think a simplified method is the addition of allowing the option of "insurance". If the player gives up say 20% profit of the trade route for "insurance", then the caravan becomes immune to barbarians (not enemy civs or city-state).
A more simple solution would be giving trade units actual line of sight. Limited line of sight, of course, just one tile around them, but it would both make sense and prevent encampments from spawning directly on top of trade units (of course, it wouldn't prevent camps spawning along lines the trade unit will go along, but that's beside the point).
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