pre-TNESIV: Let The Bodies Hit The Four

I'm currently recovering from unexpected tonsilitis surgery which slowed me down a bit. At the LATEST, the NES will launch March 1, with the first turn orders due on March 6, though I seek to launch before then if possible.

I need to finish up parts of the underdeveloped world and South America, (ETA 1 week) then make a few quality edits to the rest of the world map. Then I have two main writeups before the NES itself can start - the stats and the TL overview. Hopefully that will take about 10 days.
Gosh, hope you feel better soon!
Have a speedy recovery Thayli!
Quick recovery.
I would like to claim the Lithuanian Empire; it doesn't appear to have been taken yet.

I enjoy Eastern European history/culture, and the position Lithuania is put in at the start of the game - that is, surrounded by enemies - presents a challenge for me that I would enjoy undertaking. The opportunity to play as an opportunistic and zealous warrior-prince also sounds pretty fun.
If possible, I'd like to play either Pomerania or Aden.
For the former, Pomerania is in an interesting place. It's wedged between massive empires and it's not going to live very long unless it attempts some diplomacy. However, Pomerania has often been the odd one out, so this could be very interesting. Of course there’s always the option that I fail miserably, but leading a neutral power could be quite interesting.

Aden is probably “harder” for me, because I know fairly little about Arabia or Yemen, but its position at the mouth of the red sea could mean that I have a very interesting time going about how I deal with the rest of the world. Chances are I’ll be puppeted really quickly, but even then, I can still influence quite a bit with control of the Red Sea, at least until someone builds a canal :p
I'd be happy to have you play either. Keep in mind that if you play Pomerania, you'll be largely influenced by Angst's foreign policy, as he's playing Denmark.

Pick whichever one you prefer!


While we're on the subject. The southern continent of the New World is a place of war, slavery, and lost expeditions marching into the interior to never return.

The native Tupan Empire was first contacted by Andalusian explorers rounding the southern straits in 1504. The Andalusians were uninterested in conquest, and provided the Tupans important examples of European technology and domesticated animals in return for trading and mineral concessions. Andalusian advisors soon became common in the empire, and about a quarter of the Empire's elites converted to Mozarabic Christianity.

When the first Norman army of conquest swept down from the Hesperian Basin in 1536, it was narrowly defeated by a Tupan army with Andalusian advisors, who were recovering from the first of several plagues. Their modernization notwithstanding, religious tensions grew throughout the 16th century, particularly between European missionaries and native "Christian" priests and shamans, until an explosion of religious violence resulted in a crackdown on Christianity by the Sapa Tupa in 1579.

The Knights of Alexandria also attempted an abortive expedition to avenge the deaths of many of their missionaries, but this too ultimately failed. Meanwhile, the Andalusians were happily colonizing the western coast of the continent, while Catholic missionaries led by various minor religious orders slowly penetrated the interior of the Penumbre (Rio de la Plata) basin.

Chartered trading companies have dominated much of the eastern coast; one such organization called the Ikhwan al-Safardiyya, a majority Jewish trading company registered out of Cordoba, has made excellent money in the sugar cane and slave trade for Andalusia.

Their Genoan rivals, cut out of the market, managed to establish a small trading post further to the south, but their power play would ultimately be political as well as economic. In 1604 Genoan and Imperial financiers formed a coalition of minor knightly groups and religious orders, chartering them as the Circadian Order. The new Order launched a crusade up the Penumbre, allying with Aymara and Guarani native allies, many of whom were Christianized and opposed to the Tupan crackdown on their faith.

They successfully seized much of the alpine, silver producing regions of the empire, and quickly set up an extractive operation to ship it down the Penumbre to the Atlantic, from whence Genoan treasure fleets would take the silver back to the Mediterranean - and the Imperial port of Venice. The operation was a major coup, but it remains extremely fragile due to Andalusian and Tupan opposition, as well as the expense of overland transport. Other major colonial powers may wish to seize control of the operation for themselves.

Spoiler :
Kel Tinariwen, because hey Muslimish Matriarchy sounds hilarious
8 words is definitely less than the 50-100 I recommended in the OP, but you did give me a fair bit of description on #nes, so I'll let it slide.

North America is pretty much done (there's just a few small trading colonies and some large native federations roughly analogous to the ones in OTL) and I'm working on Africa now.

The Onowa are a powerful and warlike tribal federation which has monopolized the fur trade with the Albians, who have in turn monopolized the fur trade with the rest of Europe, strategically snapping up two of the best harbors in what most colonial powers have written off as a frigid, unappealing region. Some of the tribes have begun to adopt more intensive agriculture practices, mirroring those taught to them by Albian missionaries. They have eagerly adopted firearms as well, to their neighbors' dismay.

The Algonquinian neighbors of the Onowa have mostly been belaguered and unable to resist their enemies' expansion, and have been fragmented into a series of small tribes. These mostly peaceful locals have failed to stop the implantation of a few settler villages, founded with Munster's sponsorship and staffed with a plethora of exiles from various nations whose metropolitans have not taken kindly to the heresy of Remonstrancy.

Further to the south, the Manasset confederacy mostly continues along as it always has, though its sachems consider the idea of marching north in support of their sister tribes who have been greatly threatened by Onowa expansion of late. Of course, the impulses of peace are always stronger, and hopefully things can continue on as they always have. They are not yet fully aware of European colonizers.

The Atatali formed after the dual insults of Knightly explorations accidentally causing the collapse of Mississippian civilization, and the subsequent Hesperidean slave raids up and down the Gulf Coast to utterly ruin what was left. Enraged tribes gathered in the interior, forming the Atatali, and swearing to go to war together to slay any foreign interlopers on their land. The first casualty of this policy was a small Norman colony that had attempted to set up some indigo plantations.

[Albia has forts at OTL Quebec, Brooklyn, and St. John; Munster has tiny but growing settler colonies at Rhode Island and Cape Cod. Vasconia has a passel of fishing villages near Nova Scotia and the Grand Banks. I expect you folks to name all your stuff.]
I may as well delurk to browse this thread and express my interest. To be honest, I kind of feel intimidated trying NES again after having a bad experience years prior. I'm kind of on the fence on which nation to chose from. I've skimmed through on which to pick:

Onowa both a warlike traders. With firearms that no other tribal nation has access to, which gives them an edge against other tribes that still has only stone and/or bone weapons.

Atatali strikes me as a tribal nation that rose from the ashes from the Mississippian civilization determined to never see that happen again with it's foreign policy.

Those are the ones, so far that I've seen, that are free and open that are of interest to me. Unless there's another open nation that's suggested that would captive my interest :).
Many NESes can be challenging because the players are competitive, and because we strive for a close(r) simulation of true history. I, personally, have had some embarrassing failures in high-level NESes.

But don't let the fear of failure make you afraid to try again. Indeed, failure is the crucible which helps to forge us into better players. Whether you succeed or fail, the most important thing is that you try, and you are very welcome here as long as you try.

The Onowa and Atatali are Iroquoisan and Siouxan language family speaking federations respectively. Take whichever one you prefer! I hope you'll do your best to recognize their sub-tribal complexities that I'm a little too busy to do myself. :p
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