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Enhanced User Interface v1.29i

1) WHoward's "UI - City Production Queue Enhancements" (can't find it anywhere, btw) is warned as not being compatible with EUI (on the first page)... is this the same as the other "UI - City Production" which simply does a quick summary popup invoqued from the (old) Diplo-List??
not the same, but not sure, best is to ask the author
2) Have you abandonned this feature?? ... or is it still part of your pending situation with City-View Queue and other issues hinted about in some earlier comments?
Version 1.22 (July 28th 2014)
  • Now featuring awesome diplo corner artwork by Zyxpsilon
  • Fixed some bugs
  • NotificationPanel: added Zyxpsilon's excellent artwork for diplo corner
  • CityBanners: when mousing over the city banner, show city max work limits
  • CityView: when inside city screen, show city max work limits and highlight plots used by your other cities
  • PlotHelp: when a settler is selected, plot mouse over shows potential city max work limits (dark) and highlight overlapping plots (orange)
  • UnitPanel: first version of unit ribbon, which lists player's units and status icons. When selecting a unit, units are sorted by distance to selected unit. Some mouse over actions are operational. Filtering / sort options are not yet implemented
I would like to ask if at least two minor (simple) improvements could be added to cityview:

- In CityView.lua, the following line

local g_workerHeadingOpen = OptionsManager.IsNoCitizenWarning()

essentially works as setting the g_workerHeadingOpen to false since this option originally present in the options menu is no longer active, as far as I can see. Could you replace this line by the following:

local g_workerHeadingOpen = true

- Would it be possible to adopt the much more handy FocusBox as shown in the attachment?


The original version takes away a lot of space for no reason. If you were interested, I can send you the short piece of code that has to be introduced in both CityView.xml and CityView_small.xml.

Meister Maggi
I would like to ask if at least two minor (simple) improvements could be added to cityview:

- In CityView.lua, the following line

local g_workerHeadingOpen = OptionsManager.IsNoCitizenWarning()

essentially works as setting the g_workerHeadingOpen to false since this option originally present in the options menu is no longer active, as far as I can see. Could you replace this line by the following:

local g_workerHeadingOpen = true

- Would it be possible to adopt the much more handy FocusBox as shown in the attachment?

View attachment 379897

The original version takes away a lot of space for no reason. If you were interested, I can send you the short piece of code that has to be introduced in both CityView.xml and CityView_small.xml.

Meister Maggi

Nice, both very good suggestions.
- Would it be possible to adopt the much more handy FocusBox as shown in the attachment?

View attachment 379897

The original version takes away a lot of space for no reason.
And there are still a few more features from your "Notepad" mod that could certainly be integrated into EUI general framework on the right side auto_Drop_Panel(s). If it is important for the overall design to simplify Users' access to multiple gameplay functions with Elevator-Ribbon Stacks left & right for example... then, it is just as much essential to have an open-mind to *OTHER* great solutions offered by people like you, Meister.

An optimal UI is clearly the goal here. Nothing should stand in the way of alternate components as long as such offers fit the deal - so to speak.
I've been having trouble lately trying to use this mod. I've done everything the instructions have said, there is no duplicate file, it is in the DLC folder. I've been trying for hours now to try to get this to work. If anyone can post this mod that is already set-up and all I would have to do was just put in the DLC folder that would be greatly appreciated. (I'm using a MAC btw):confused:
local g_workerHeadingOpen = true
Perhaps I do not understand. Does this affect the citizen management warning? If so it is already an available option.
- Would it be possible to adopt the much more handy FocusBox as shown in the attachment?
I like the focusbox idea.
Is there any way to disable unit list/portrait on the left hand side in 1.22?

The short answer is to delete the folder UnitPanel from the UI_bc1 folder.
For users of whoward69's mods with EUI.

As of EUI v1.22 The following no longer work with EUI:
  • UI - Promotion Tree
  • UI - Upgrade Tree
Changes to a mod's behavior.
  • UI - Trade Routes Enhancements
The Trade Routes Overview is no longer available from the diplocorner (since the icon is missing). However you may access it as usual by clicking on the top panel trade routes icon.​

There may be more that I have not discovered as yet. Please post what you find so the OP can be updated by bc1 on his return.
If you want the following whoward69 mods to work.
  • UI - Promotion Tree
  • UI - Upgrade Tree
  • UI - Trade Routes Enhancements
Remove the file DiploCorner.xml from the NotificationPanel folder.

This will allow the 3 mods to work again. However, you will lose all the beautiful artwork by Zyxpsilon and the new streamlined diplocorner by bc1.

Hopefully, bc1 will attempt a compatibility solution when he returns or implement something similar within the new unit panel :).
Great mod! I especially love the production queue improvements, and the coloring of worked tiles.

I just have one small issue:
As you can see from the screenshot, the writer's guild building is grouped under wonders instead of under specialist buildings. Is this intended, or a bug? Is there some way i can fix it without losing the other great improvements in CityView?

I have no other mods installed, and the only changes i've done is to this is to remove UnitPanel and NotificationPanel.
Is there some way i can fix it without losing the other great improvements in CityView?
I looked through the files and I see no way to change it by simple file or folder removal, although I could have missed something. It appears to me you will need bc1 to reply on this issue when he returns (unless he is still monitoring this thread during his hiatus from coding).
As to weather it is by design, intent, or code limitation - only bc1 can answer that question.
Two simple questions;

1) WHoward's "UI - City Production Queue Enhancements" (can't find it anywhere, btw) is warned as not being compatible with EUI (on the first page)... is this the same as the other "UI - City Production" which simply does a quick summary popup invoqued from the (old) Diplo-List??

They are not the same.

"UI - City Production Queue Enhancements" shows National Wonders as soon as the prereq tech is researched. This mod may not be available anymore but here is the old link at whoward69's site.
"UI - City Production" adds a popup showing production and focus for all cities in the empire and does work with EUI (at least for myself anyway :)).
"UI - City Production" adds a popup showing production and focus for all cities in the empire and does work with EUI (at least for myself anyway :)).

That's what i truly wanted most anyway... can't remember how or from where this was popping up. It's the nearest thingy out there to the oldish and not updated (to BNW) Anno's CivWillard (Aristo (sp?) might claim he has "fixed" it somehow but the framework was all borked up when i tried it last week - sadly).
But -- doesn't UI- City Production require some Mod-Component file as well? Or was i mis-reading WHoward's info on his site?

Oh - well - let's just try this. Thanks, buddy. ;)
If I remember right, aren't the guilds already categorized as Wonders in unmodded BNW?

Look at the first image from this article for comparison with unmodded bnw:

Sure, they are national wonders, but they still show up under specialist buildings, which makes it a bit easier to manage them manually. I usually close the building/wonder/great work tabs to save space in cities with many buildings.

It's not that big of a deal, the other great features of the mod makes up for the loss.
Perhaps I do not understand. Does this affect the citizen management warning? If so it is already an available option.

I like the focusbox idea.

Alright - I saw now that this option was indeed re-added. Thanks for pointing it out.
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