Uk players


Jul 9, 2013
Hi there,
Haven't posted on here for a while,just wondered if there was anybody else from U.K. playing civ on multiplayer.
Not that i don't like playing against our cousins across the pond,or anyone else for that matter!
It would be nice to know if there are any just for my curiosity?
Also i play on continents plus on BNW and i just wondered if anyone else had noticed that all the CS are always on islands miles away?
Also i seem to be able to get great war bombers without oil,after unlocking flight!
Hey Macca

Yes indeed. Live in London and get online most weeks.

Haven't tried continents plus but will check it out tonight.
Hi Macca, long time lurker but will break cover for another Brit!!! Dabbled in mutliplayer but not too much experience.
Not much experience myself on multiplayer,were going to have to arrange a weekend to play,by the looks of it.
Any suggestions..
Yeah would enjoy a game. I'm easy on the set up. Don't mind map type, difficulty level etc. What level do you normally play in single player?
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