Hunters - too powerful?

Bad Player

Oct 31, 2005
I see the role of hunters as being for capturing animals. However I usually see human players just build hunters as an all purpose unit for the early-ish game. As a recon unit they have no anti-recon promotion and they are str 3 move 2 which is powerful for the early game anyway. They have access to first level anti-melee/mounted/archer promotions IIRC and also can get hill defence promotion which makes them very good defenders in cities (combined with being able to fortify and enemies have no anti-recon promotion).

IMHO Hunters should be str 2 move 2 (and of course +100% vs animals).

What do others think?
I think they just shouldn't be able to fortify. Maybe -40% city attack or something.
maybe... -40% on attack (hunters lay traps for animals, not go out and poke them with spears right away)
i dont mind their strength, i just think they should be moved to Tracking and have -50% city strength (i.e. on offense and defense). ive modded them that way before and it works out nicely, hunters are only usefl in the field that way.

I agree with the -50% city strength
i dont mind their strength, i just think they should be moved to Tracking and have -50% city strength (i.e. on offense and defense). ive modded them that way before and it works out nicely, hunters are only usefl in the field that way.

Totally the same as my opinion.
I am pretty sure Recon units already have a -50 City. I could see them not be able to fortify, that would make sense.
Forests already have a fairly good sized Def. bonus.
Hunters do seem to be pretty good early units.. but then , it also depends on how you go at the tech tree. Archers can be considerably able units also, with the right promotions.

i dont mind their strength, i just think they should be moved to Tracking and have -50% city strength (i.e. on offense and defense). ive modded them that way before and it works out nicely, hunters are only usefl in the field that way.

As is, there isn't much incentive to research Tracking unless you're working toward something further down the tech tree.

Still, Hunters strike me as appropriate as frontier city defenders. Is it possible to code them such that they don't receive the cultural defense bonus or the fortification bonus?
Still think they shouldn't be allowed to fortify.
Do you mean from a flavour (e.g. hunters don't build fortifications) or gameplay (e.g. people are fortifying hunters on their improvements and they are too powerful like that) perspective?

Why? Wouldn't hunters be better if defending a forest than if defending on a grassland?
Hunters would still get the forest defence bonus even without fortifying AFAIK.

I like the -50% city strength idea for hunters too.

BlazeRedSXT hunters only have -20% city attack but no defensive penalty for being in a city. Some other recon units have both an offensive AND a defensive penalty.
I really like the 3/1 idea. They can be good atacking (-30 or -40 to cities) but not that powerfull when defending, so their combat promotions won't make them superman.
I agree with the -50% city attack/defense idea. I hate going to attack a city early in the game and seeing stacks of hunters- doesn't seem realistic.
Hunters aren't too powerful. The only problem with them is that there isn't a promotion vs Recon. They don't require a resource so if the enemy has them you can have them too. They have a penalty to attack cities so they can't be unbalancing because a defending hunter will win an attacking hunter. Proposed solutions will only create unbalance:
1) hunters not being able to defend: this will give a chance to attacking hunters.
2) 3/1 and -50% to city attack. This will be 1.5 for the attacking hunter and 1 for the defending hunter. Again will create unbalance and help early attacks.
3) move them to Tracking: then I'd rather move to Bronze Working and have a unit with no penalties and that even has a chance to get strength 4. Plus, moving them so late gratly hinders their role of explorers / animal capture.
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