Border expansion tile choice


Aug 16, 2009
Is it just me or is the border expansion tile choice even dumber in BNW than in G&K?

One of my cities just expanded into a wheat field 4 tiles away, ignoring a second-ring jungled-mountain tile next to a river that it hasn't claimed yet.

Another city has been steadfastly ignoring a salt resource (which I don't have) that's 4 tiles away, instead opting to pick one non-coast sea tile after another. That same city did at some point expand onto a silk resource 4 tiles away -- but I already had a silk tile in that city. It looks like that city will soon get around to picking the salt tile (it's pink now), and there are still several radius-3 one-food sea tiles it could take instead, so it's not entirely stupid, just randomly stupid.
One of my cities just expanded into a wheat field 4 tiles away, ignoring a second-ring jungled-mountain tile next to a river that it hasn't claimed yet.

Wheat is a resource, it takes priority before a jungle mountain that have nothing special.

Another city has been steadfastly ignoring a salt resource (which I don't have) that's 4 tiles away

if you dont control a title bordering that salt the city is going to ignore its existence. The city only see what your border have close.

That same city did at some point expand onto a silk resource 4 tiles away

Most likely it got a terrain close to that silk, as silk is a resource it becomes a automatic top priority, no matter if you have 1 or 10 silks.
This is the same described behavior as G&K.
The silk and salt were both adjacent to the same tile the city already had, and it chose the silk over the salt.

But ok, if it's just as bad then I guess it didn't get worse, wwwIww.
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