Art and Lore

Here is a slightly improved background for them, that I just added to the Bezeri Design Wave (Google Wave FTW!):

The lizards were originally a Mazatl splinter-group, from just before the Age of Ice, who lived in a coastal jungle/swamp village, making most of their living from fish already... Fortunately for them, several masters of Body/Water magic lived among them when the Age of Ice began. Seeing no other option to save themselves but abandon land entirely, they began modifying their own bodies.... Eventually, they discovered one of the last cities of the Tsaayiq'an, a dying race of Toad-men who had been nearly obliterated by the encroaching Ice. The Tsaayiq'an were dying out because they were Cold-blooded, and could not maintain a high enough rate of activity to hunt their food after the AoI began. The two races joined forces, using the magic of the Lizards to save them both (becoming Warm-blooded in the process), although the Tsaayiq'an remained the highest caste due to their more advanced society. Over the centuries since, the two cultures have merged, utilizing the best of both... The agility, adaptability, and numbers of the Lizards, and the tremendous arcane aptitude of the relatively rare Toad.

In order to survive the Age of Ice, they literally dwelt under the ice. Decades would go by without a single Bezeri emerging onto the surface.... Until the Ice finally began to retreat. They only emerge onto land if absolutely necessary, either for Trade (Many materials aren't available in the water, and they can't forge metals at all) or for War. Even now, some of them never see the surface at all, though that is rare.

They are opposed to both the White Hand, representing the death of their lands and many of their people, lost to the ice, and the Overlords, which they view as a spreading corruption in the Oceans. All other religions are open to them, barring the Ordo Machinarum... Rather than fire and steam, they use biological systems.

They are not evil, but ARE arrogant, viewing the 'lesser' races with disdain. They have a heavy focus on a caste system, and view most outsiders as Dyunil'een, or Caste-less. This does not mean they mistreat outsiders, per se, but that they view them as 'less than' themselves. The few exceptions to this would be the Mazatl, POSSIBLY the Cualli though I doubt it, and coreligionists... In the lore, this would be the Elves. I could see them as Lawful Neutral, rather than Good, but I think their opposition to the White Hand and a new Age of Ice COULD keep them Good.... So no Evil minor/emergent leaders, but a Good one fits.

Are the Bezeri related to the Aifons in any way?

Short answer, NO!

Longer answer: The Bezeri are essentially my answer to using an interesting mechanic, that of an aquatic civ, in a way that both does NOT revive the Aifons and is believable. Personally, I like my background here. ;) They are not the Aifons, they are not the lizards made from Aifons; In fact, they are descended from Green Lizardmen, not Blue (Who are actually grey, with a blue stripe on the chest), and hence the ancestors of the Lizards are actually Elven in origin. They have absolutely zero ties to the Aifons... other than the fact that the Tsaayiq'an would have traded with them, and likely know what actually happened to them. Nothing firm will ever be known, though... I won't change the Aifon story one way or the other. It's not really that I dislike the Aifons... I just didn't want to revive them. In my opinion, that either messes with the lore too much or utilizes a half-breed race... Which is fine, but I don't think they'd be FULLY aquatic, like I want.​
The bit about them being good, but more lawful neutral is outdated, now that we do indeed have lawful as an alignment. Other wise I like the concepts.

ps. On a side note - I know you have made it abundantly clear the Aifons are dead for good in RifE, but I was wondering, I think it would be interesting to have a couple events related to them or there artifacts. The Aifon Isle is just too bland in my opinion, maybe it could have major benefits/yeilds for a Bezeri City.
The bit about them being good, but more lawful neutral is outdated, now that we do indeed have lawful as an alignment. Other wise I like the concepts.

ps. On a side note - I know you have made it abundantly clear the Aifons are dead for good in RifE, but I was wondering, I think it would be interesting to have a couple events related to them or there artifacts. The Aifon Isle is just too bland in my opinion, maybe it could have major benefits/yeilds for a Bezeri City.

Yeah, neglected to update that. Using Google Wave to make the design document, and I've long since updated them as Lawful Neutral. Not truly good, but not Evil at all. ;)

Well, I wouldn't say dead for good in RifE. Dead for good in any project *I* work on, but Black_Imperator was working on an Aifon civ for a RifE modmodmod. ;)

A few more events could be interesting... Good place to add unique options for the Bezeri as well. ;)

Edit: Updated the post at the top of the page with the latest version. ;)
The Mobile Fortress.
Spoiler :
And now I come to one of the most feared weapons in the Mechanos arsenal. The Mobile Fortress. They are the size of cites and citadels. They are ringed with layers upon layers of defensive works and cannons of all sizes. They can inflict terrible damage at ranges thought unimaginable. To all Bannor Generals, I implore you to evade these terrible fortresses at all costs. This war will not be one by destroying the enemies armies. Their black powder and cannon ensure that. We will win by attacking their farmland, and their people. In an open battle against of their armies lead by such a terrible monstrosity, only death awaits. You will hear and smell the enemy long before you see him. Black smoke will fill the sky, just as the sound of ten thousand gears and crankshafts and hammers will fill the air. The only advantage you retain is speed. Such dreadful enemies as the fortress are slow, and easy to avoid. A city cannot escape however. We must bring the war to an end before are people are slowly decimated by these ten story tall giants.

-A page out of a manuscript entitled "The Mechanos: Their Armies, Equipment, and Tactics"
Valk, if you have not noticed yet, I reskinned several arcane line (Elohim, Infernal, Hippus, Sidar, Malakim, Lanun, Svartalfar, Illians and a model for Os-Gabella). You can check it here. Maybe something can pass to RiFe? :D

M'nitress Kassindra

The poison in your men is not arcane in nature, as you feared. The creatures summoned were mortal beings, and their bite, though deadly, is treatable. They should be recovering in do I know? I ssssshare their ancestry, Captain.

Rakelly Scytheclaw

The bite of our kind is never gentle...however careful the nip, lycanthropy is a curse that burns the body like moonfire, and even hardened warriors are not sure to survive its ravages. Our lovers, our children...we have spent centuries devoting our greatest minds to new methods to make the transition easier, and more certain.

Now you want me to cure these townsfolk? Instead, let me go to them in a shape their tortured souls will recognize...and emulate. I know you seek a weapon against the demons who hunt you, adept. I will give you your warriors, strong and fast and best of all, already cursed such that all the worst maledictions of the Veil will seem to them as nothing.

And you will give


I did not fall to let you die, my lord. There is no malady so terrible the strength of angels cannot resist it. I ask only that you take my hand, let me lead you through the curtain...the Mercurians are harsh masters, but at last, your pain is over.

Quaemiryl the Merciful

Poison and medicine are the same art. Your companions died screaming from the barest scratch of my live, because the second shot was coated with the cure to the first. But do not think of escape. The medicine contains within it a second poison, slower yet far more virulent then the first. Tell me what I wish to know, or I promise that the Hell your masters fear is coming will arrive all the sooner for you.


Sssssshhhhhh. Let it run its course through you - let it grow strong in you, then take its leave when it may travel on its own. The sickness will pass. To others, yes...but it will murder none who have seen the truth behind the Ashen Veil. I am here to make sure of that. We will feed it, nurture it, and like the mothers of any beautiful child, we will send it out to burrow into the bodies of our enemies, to find its place in the world and prosper.

Now sleep in peace...

Velmae Alakai

The water here is so pure even a sip can cure the body of infirmity. I highly recommend you bring the settlers here. .

...yes...there IS something living in the cave to the north, whose body gluts itself on toxins and discards healing reagents as waste. But it will not harm us, my lord, provided with its favored sustenance. Perhaps not ALL of the plagued colonists need be brought here to drink...perhaps some should be sent into the cave, where we tell them they will be closest to the source. It is not a lie.

It is a medical necessity.
What are all the pics/ sub text for (and almost as importantly, how did you make/get them)? They are epic. Cool icon Valk.
Naxus' 'pedia struck me as far too short, so I expanded it. The original 'pedia is worked in, naturally, since it was fine.
Spoiler Naxus 'pedia :
A swathe of the Amurite people had gathered, many half-heartedly, into the Council Chambers to witness the inauguration of a new Arch-Chancellor. A young and ambitious mage, Naxus, had been spreading discord and discontent, conniving his way into the rank. He was a war hero, one of the finest mages the Amurite people had ever produced, and unlike many war mages, he was just as capable of writing about the esoteric edges of the sphere of Death as he was calling forth its creatures to strike down the foes of the Amurite nation.

It certainly wasn't Naxus' skill with people that had got him there. His smile was convincing enough from a distance, on the rare occasion he forced one onto his lips, but it was easily seen as false upon close inspection, and Naxus much preferred his usual glower. That was the expression he wore now, though a slight smirk occasionally glimmered at the edge, as he accepted the ceremonial wand. He spoke: "Some people are afraid of progress. Like those fools we used to have for leaders, afraid of letting mages truly tap into certain kinds of mana for fear of it. Well, fear of progress will rule the Amurites no longer, because now I rule them instead."

The crowd murmured; his terse acceptance speech was nothing like the intricate, somewhat self-aggrandizing speeches his predecessors had given. It was almost a given that a new Arch-Chancellor would compare themselves to Kylorin and, like clockwork, the Amurites would roll their eyes upon hearing it... but Naxus had not. And it was expected that he would give nothing worse than back-handed compliments to his predecessors; calling them fools was unheard of. Seeing their confused reaction, Naxus said, "I prefer to let my actions speak. If you wish to know why I am worthy, read a history book. Or perhaps you would rather a demonstration?" A few halfhearted claps began as the Amurites gathered realized that not having to sit through three-hour speeches was probably a good thing, tradition be damned.

The demonstration was traditional, but it was normally woven into the speech. Naxus had left it separate; this wasn't unheard of, but only those with the most impressive of skills did so. Naxus said, "I'll need... volunteers. Adepts and apprentices; I can't work with old fools and their superstitions. Only those who feel themselves worthy, and do not fear the unknown, need stand." A handful of the most ambitious stood and went to Naxus. And for the first time off the battlefield, Naxus smiled a true smile; it was the first horror of the day, but hardly the last.

"Do not run. If you run, you will die. Do not panic. If you panic, you will die. This is your last chance to leave." A few of the youngest apprentices skittered back to their seats. Naxus waited, inspecting those that remained, then began waving his arms above his head, muttering a spell none had heard. The ambassador to the Scions noticed that his motions were similar to those of the necromancers of the Risen Emperor, though no words of veneration to that man passed through Naxus' lips, so he assumed, correctly, that Naxus was merely imitating the magical components of some Scions spell, no doubt extracted from one of them during their brief war. The rest were mystified.

A foul cloud appeared between his arms, and he whipped it into a whirlwind, consuming himself and the volunteers. Coughing and choking could be heard from within. A few ran out, half-decayed, attempting to scream with rotted throats before falling and dying. Naxus' chanting could still be heard, still utterly calm. A few within the whirlwind began to laugh, while others started ranting like madmen. "No, mother, please, mother, I'm sorry..." "It was an accident! An accident! An accident..." "Why? Why? Why..." One had begun to sing a nursery rhyme, another broke into sobbing. But these soon turned into manic laughter as well, until all within, save the still-chanting Naxus, were either laughing, silent, or decaying outside of the cloud.

At least the cloud began to rise, until it finally disappeared into the aether from which it had been called. The eyes of the surviving volunteers were cold and hollow, and they had a grotesque pallor to their skin, but they were otherwise unharmed. Another wave of Naxus' hand, and his political opponents found a sickly purple glow surrounding them. "Now," Naxus said, "we deal with the traitors..."
Very nice pedia entry.
Not really Civilization-oriented, but I've spent a few hours setting up RainMeter (took a while to figure it out :lol:) and thought I'd post a screenie of my current desktop... I like it. Rather minimalist.

To be clear, the little checkbox is the top icon for a notepad. Just haven't added anything yet. ;)
I like it as well, Valk

EDIT: btw, where did you get that background?

EDIT: btw, where did you get that background?

Busy working on reskinning the firefox theme in the pic so it's black/blue, instead of black/red... Art is done, just need to package the damn thing. :lol:

As for the background, it came with the skin I got the clock from. Didn't use anything else from it, though.
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