what is happening to old threads?


Sep 4, 2005
What is happening to old threads like the recent"bucket list" thread? This included a secession game that I was lurking on.

There are other threads that I have followed that have disappeared. I was following one that proclaimed to be the mos followed thread (it was about a world domination game without corruption). My compuetr crashed and I lost all access to my saved websites.

The list of civ3 discussions is getting really short. Is the game almost dead?

I hope not!
I'm not entirely sure how the threads are managed, but i think it has something to do with a lot of traffic in other parts of the forums.

It's possible that with Civ5 being the newer game, a large amount of new threads are being opened and the mods may have removed some of the threads on the other parts of the forums to counter that. This is assuming that removing threads makes the website function better/faster, which may or may not be true.
To show the older ones go to the top of the forum to the display options and select the timetable you want to see.

Thank you for that Kirejara. I had also been wondering where all the old succession threads had gone and when I changed the timetable to 'from the beginning' they all reappeared. It is so obvious I feel :stupid:
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