1000 Clues You Play Civilization V Too Much.

309. You denounce your friends for taking your truffles from under your nose, or your pig's nose
310: You think Cesar runs Italy because Italy does not exist. But you think they used some kind of mod to change the name.
311. When you hear of the civil war you say it never happened cause you cant be at war with yourself.
312. You then hear of the revolutionary war and say that part of a civ cant break off and from other in game civs (except in civ 4 colonization.)
313. When your neighbour builds a conservatory and a new shed in quick succession, you denounce him for expanding too aggressively.
314. When you try to get the navigation/maps app on your phone to display in hexes.
315. Whenever anyone loses in anything, a half-buried, half-excavated giant marble statue of a woman shows up in the middle of a desert, even if that person is not in a desert. If one person wins, then that statue shows up for everyone else.
316. You deny WWI ever happened. It is completely impossible that enough countries (most of which hated each other) could sign enough defensive pacts and protection pledges to have the events to play out.
317. You think the korean and mongol president sucks. How could he lose the lead with such an overpowering ability/ unit?!
318. You believe ancient greece, polynesia, maya, japan, and china where unified countries.
321. You wonder why America doesn't rule the world because they were the first to go to the moon.
321. You wonder why America doesn't rule the world because they were the first to go to the moon.

No, they just finish the appolo program, we haven't built the alpha cenauri parts yet.
322. You don't believe in plate tectonics (tiles moving?! Preposterous!)
323. You think their are only 11 religions (the rest are just pantheons)
324. You wonder how the celts only maneged a pantheon with druidic lore AND stonehenge.
325 - You wonder what difficulty Obama is playing on
327. You wonder why North Korea picked order instead of Autocracy.
Kiwi712: 321. You wonder why America doesn't rule the world because they were the first to go to the moon.
Wow just a few days before Neil's death LOL.

328: When you Obama denounces Syria you think of Washington in diplo screen denouncing Al Rishid
329: You throw a rock at yourself and say: HA! NUKED MY OWN CITY :DDDD:sniper:
330: You throw a rock on an Ants nest and say: HA! NUKED A BARBARIAN ENCAMPMENT!:ar15:
331: Moderator Action: *snip* yeah, qualifies sure also as having too much played, but is not appropriate for CFC.
332: 75% of the civs are now Mods or DLC:spear:
333: You go on civ And Say: "Were is my Dragonspyrian-Equestrian-Harkonnen whatever other fan-civ Civilization?" Then you face palm realizing you'll have to spend another week downloading Fictional civs.:smug:
334. You have you post deleted by a mod because you were to busy playing civ to read the rules
335; You wonder why China is trying to send a man on moon, the good destination is Alpha centaury
336: You decide to start your own civ and then try to capture every capital from every major country in the world and start sending money to the smaller ones to ally with them.
337. Because of 336 the FBI,MI5,KGB, Egyptian military, Indian national guard. GIGN, The peoples defense force of Beijing, and Japan want to arrest you for acts of terror (we are at war. of course i'm going to shoot at people and blow up buses.)
337:You think that people don't have to build ships to transport military units.They just appear when the units enter the water.
338. You can't go through a door because there is a unit there blocking the choke and you can't ask the owner of the unit to move it, and you are a civilian unit.
339. You wonder to yourself if the road you are travelling on is short enough to generate a profitable trade route.
340:You think that bigger nations can't trade with smaller nations.
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